View Full Version : Some bugs with expansion / Suggestions / thank you

im jeff
06-30-2018, 08:50 PM
Devs, Move this to the bugs thread if you want, I posted this here because more people will look at the post here and leave comments about other bugs for you guys to fix when you have the time to. Small bugs can stay there or be fixed doesnt matter. Medium bugs are annoying. Large bugs need fixed first. Oh and some suggestions to add to :) . Just take your time on fixing the bugs, no rush to have them fixed, well prob the big bugs might need to be rushed lol.

1. The 30 plat chest in the store says it contains mythic items when it doesn't- small bug.

2 App keeps reupdating packages when opened after being closed for a few hours- Med bug.

3 (Suggestion) OPTION to turn on or off the message that is sent when someone marries someone else.

4 (Suggestion) Auction in Guild Hall, I constantly have 3000+ ping and putting an auction in guild hall will help me have less lag.

5 (Suggestion) Make an option to list x amount of a certain item in the auc for a certain price per item listed. Say if i have 400 awake gems and i want to list 45x for 28500 each then ill put the price to 28500 and the amount to list for 45 and the tax will show up for all 45 items which the math to that is 45000 * 28500= 1282500 then 1282500 * 0.05= 64125 which is the tax. Then you can put it for 24 hrs 1 day 3 days which adds like 200 gold or so.

6 nvm time is in one zone for a reason lol.

7 Expansion items need to be stronger tbh, the spirit gear is worse than my lvl 61 legend gear :/ (Suggestion)

8 When i press the blue i on an item in any of the locked crates the items information does not pop up (small bug/med)

9 (Suggestion) Make the wedding vanities liquidateable for 900k each because they will soon drop below 500k each in the auc and the vendor will be useless.

10, BIG BUG: Skill bug, when attacking the second skill will automatically charge up causing you to be forced to use it or die because you wont be able to use any other skill as its charged, a way to cancel it is to open chat then close it.

11 (Needed) Make it where /report <Player> prompts you to an email to send ticket to sts because when a scammer leaves trade they leave the map faster than you can press report on their profile. /report is useless atm :/ . I do take screenshots when ppl try to scam me lol so i can inform u guys.

Thank you guys for adding the Claim/cancel all button to auc, this made it possible for me to use auc in a faster way/ Seeing the last time your friends logged on/ Bigger guild hall/ Placeable gh items/ ADDING TUXEDOS :))) / chat is in 4 different columns lol i had so many people on ignore for spamming. Lots to list.

Leave your opinions below and list some suggestions/bugs etc.

06-30-2018, 10:35 PM
I believe having an auction in guild hall will use up a lot of bandwidth, which is why they may not do it for the same reason the leash range on mobs is so short.

Suggestion: increase leash range on mobs in new map. Also, even if a tank goes to attract mobs first they still run past tank and towards the damage dealers, please fix this. It becomes harder to pull.

Maxed spirit weapon is only slightly less than 66 arcanes, which makes sense, since maxed spirit weapon=mythic.

The time is not a bug. That is the current server time and is there for convenience since players around the word play this game, it can be used to coordinate a specific time.

im jeff
06-30-2018, 11:05 PM
The time is not a bug. That is the current server time and is there for convenience since players around the word play this game, it can be used to coordinate a specific time.
Lol now i see y its one time zone for everyone, now everyone can tell their friends what time they will be online using the al time zone.

07-01-2018, 03:17 AM
Auction in gh.. as been told in previous..previous thread.. dev clarified that they want us to minggle around with others.. [emoji4] and that was brilliant idea.
For the time zone in al.. it is great since we dont have to convert maintenance time for event update.. and it was requested long2 time ago.. i glad sts hear us out.. good job!

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07-02-2018, 11:53 AM
in auc it would be nice to have an option to hide duplicate listings

07-05-2018, 05:20 AM
My suggestion is on ultimate skills i think there must be an energy bar or something around the ultimate skill that will fills up by killing mobs or making damage and that may have 2 or 3 level so when fills it up we can use the ultimate skill 2 or 3 times or fighing boss you can only have one ultimate skill i think this have to be improvmore.whene.