View Full Version : -_- angry -_-

11-14-2011, 09:16 PM
Hey STS. I am sort of mad...
Why am I mad? Because on the shipyard levels, you get about two exp for four kills! I do not think that this is fair, at ALL. Because, some of us (me) Cannot afford platinum! (no, I'm not poor) So, no platinum, no elixirs for me! Or anyone else that cannot buy platinum! My only hope at the moment is what you guys did for PL: a Loco exp time period. And about that, btw, I have 4.5k/7k to lvl 58, and suddenly I have only 1.2k/2k! Just let us keep the old amount of exp we had collected for that next lvl, pls. ;-| I am actually thinkin about quitting, because it seems to me, (no offence) that you guys in STS are getting a little greedy for platinum money! Please don't take this as a possible rage quit, but my busy schedule and the poor amount of exp we get is realy, REALLY ticking me off.


11-14-2011, 09:39 PM
Platinum is getting ridiculous. XP is getting ridiculous. I just quit. I advise you to do the same. When STS finally wakes up and realizes that they are losing customers, they'll fix things. I trust the devs. You should too ;) just my $.02

11-14-2011, 09:53 PM
Hey STS. I am sort of mad...
Why am I mad? Because on the shipyard levels, you get about two exp for four kills! I do not think that this is fair, at ALL. Because, some of us (me) Cannot afford platinum! (no, I'm not poor) So, no platinum, no elixirs for me! Or anyone else that cannot buy platinum! My only hope at the moment is what you guys did for PL: a Loco exp time period. And about that, btw, I have 4.5k/7k to lvl 58, and suddenly I have only 1.2k/2k! Just let us keep the old amount of exp we had collected for that next lvl, pls. ;-| I am actually thinkin about quitting, because it seems to me, (no offence) that you guys in STS are getting a little greedy for platinum money! Please don't take this as a possible rage quit, but my busy schedule and the poor amount of exp we get is realy, REALLY ticking me off.


You might be doing the easy levels. Levels 4,5 give a tad more xp.

Also every time level cap raises, our xp bars stay in the same place. It won't lower or or go up. It says in the same spot(although it tells you that you have less xp). I have to explain this countless times throughout every cap raise. It will stay in the same place, so don't be mad. It was the same last cap, and it will be the same the next.

Platinum is getting ridiculous. XP is getting ridiculous. I just quit. I advise you to do the same. When STS finally wakes up and realizes that they are losing customers, they'll fix things. I trust the devs. You should too ;) just my $.02

Fist off if you quit, that's fine. Just don't encourage other players to do the same. All I have to say to that.

11-14-2011, 11:36 PM
LoL I would consider myself poor. (took the summer off less then 10k earnings this year) I still purchase plat when I can because I Choose to & want to help further development in STS games. The games are free to play and reaching the level cap as is without plat is very achievable with determination. The time it took you to post this rant could have been spent grinding xp trying to achieve your goals & been much more productive. All comes down to Choices my friend :)

11-15-2011, 12:43 AM
@javier thanks but no thanks man. If sts never sees how people feel, no progress will be made...

11-15-2011, 02:45 AM
I don't see what you want STS to do about this. They can't make everyone happy. If you can't find the time to play the game or purchase plat, then it sounds like a problem on your end. This game is free by the way so what's the rush on leveling? It's not like you have a membership that is running out soon. Go at your own pace and enjoy the game! :)

*I deal with tons of school work and I don't have a job (I'm 15) to pay for platinum so I know how stressful it can be when the XP count moves up slowly with the limited time that you have to play the game. This is a friendly post. I hope you believe me when I say that.*

11-15-2011, 02:58 AM
Hey STS. I am sort of mad...
Why am I mad? Because on the shipyard levels, you get about two exp for four kills! I do not think that this is fair, at ALL. Because, some of us (me) Cannot afford platinum! (no, I'm not poor) So, no platinum, no elixirs for me! Or anyone else that cannot buy platinum! My only hope at the moment is what you guys did for PL: a Loco exp time period. And about that, btw, I have 4.5k/7k to lvl 58, and suddenly I have only 1.2k/2k! Just let us keep the old amount of exp we had collected for that next lvl, pls. ;-| I am actually thinkin about quitting, because it seems to me, (no offence) that you guys in STS are getting a little greedy for platinum money! Please don't take this as a possible rage quit, but my busy schedule and the poor amount of exp we get is realy, REALLY ticking me off.


Isnt star legends the hardcore version of pocket legends? Just put a little more effort into it man, you will soon achieve and be very pleased once you accomplish.

@Mightymicah why are you still here on the forums if you quit? No one wants the discouragement.

11-15-2011, 04:46 AM
lol there will always be people who balk and quit, dont be intimidated by the numbers, its not much even with casual play and about 2 hours of gaming a day, there is time to get one alt to 36 before the level cap and without elixers, if you find so many things to complain about, it will be the same with every game you play and not just this one

11-15-2011, 04:52 AM
You might be doing the easy levels. Levels 4,5 give a tad more xp.

Since someone might get a wrong picture from that., I think I should mention that while levels 4 and 5 yield more xp, they do so over a lot more time.

The level 2 is by far the most efficient one. It's possible to average 1500-1800 exp an hour. It's quite common to do the long run yielding 51 exp in 1:40 (including remake), with a good crew that can be averaged although there will be deviations (inv fulls, getting stims, chatting and all that). A partial run up to the first greenhouse is even more efficient, but the margin is small and I find it a little short and silly and it's harder to get going well in a pug where people come and go.

11-15-2011, 05:02 AM
I agree, in all levels, we get around 1exp per 2 kills. That's not cool. And platinum items like credits, is too expensive. And the rivet too, 500 platinums for a pet, whoaa...

- Cat

11-15-2011, 05:14 AM
I think I got misunderstood...Im not just someone who "balks and quits." If anyone is dedicated its me, I've been playing Pl since it first came out. Same with SL. Im just trying to voice my opinions. Why? Because if all Sts hears is good news, they'll never change the bad aspects of the game. Currently those bad aspects are xp and platinum. Please don't flame me again O.o it burns...

11-15-2011, 05:17 AM
Isnt star legends the hardcore version of pocket legends?

meh, i would consider it to be PL started over with balance in mind right from the start.

11-15-2011, 06:08 AM
I have a friend who use no enhancer and got all 3 Character to lvl 36. Thats amazing.

I believe it takes time but it takes determination.

11-15-2011, 06:17 AM
I have a friend who use no enhancer and got all 3 Character to lvl 36. Thats amazing.

I believe it takes time but it takes determination.

Agreed.. +1

- Cat

11-15-2011, 06:26 AM
meh, i would consider it to be PL started over with balance in mind right from the start.

Agreed much mor balanced and there arent a thousand pinks floating around :)
This game is more of a challenge than it's predecessor me thinks

11-15-2011, 06:52 AM
^ what he said

11-15-2011, 08:33 AM
Im sorry MightyMicah wasnt flaming, wasnt even directed specifically at anyone, more at people who "balk and quit" and seen that happen quite a bit in the game as well, there are a lot of people playing the game without using enhancers, even if they have the plat to get it, for some of us at least the enhancers are not too beneficial in the long run, so if someone is getting 10000 xp a day using enhancers, you can get 10000 xp a day without using enhancers as well, there are few things in the game that really need plat, at least so far,
feel enhancers are more for people who cannot take too much time out, and get the same expirience of playing the game for like 3 hours for every hour they play... for working people, this is necessary to keep up with the game at all

11-15-2011, 08:36 AM
@javier thanks but no thanks man. If sts never sees how people feel, no progress will be made...

That's fine, I get that you just want to make the game better. Although telling someone to quit like you did isn't a good thing to say. Why tell them to quit, just because you weren't satisfied with the game? No, it'd be better for you just to make some threads in Suggestions and Feedback.

Since someone might get a wrong picture from that., I think I should mention that while levels 4 and 5 yield more xp, they do so over a lot more time.

The level 2 is by far the most efficient one. It's possible to average 1500-1800 exp an hour. It's quite common to do the long run yielding 51 exp in 1:40 (including remake), with a good crew that can be averaged although there will be deviations (inv fulls, getting stims, chatting and all that). A partial run up to the first greenhouse is even more efficient, but the margin is small and I find it a little short and silly and it's harder to get going well in a pug where people come and go.

I know the xp runs, and how they are more efficient. He's talking about xp per kill, not xp runs. There are tons of ways to get xp faster, many styles to use. That being said, although 4 and 5 give morrow xp per kill, I wouldn't recommend it for xp runs.

11-15-2011, 08:54 AM
Well in guild hall you can buy 5 minute enhanchers for 1250 credits. I used about 6 and was at level 36 in a couple of days.

11-15-2011, 09:01 AM
also look at the other side, those who want to buy something with plat, should have something to buy lol, if not for elixers, there is nothing in the store that is actually worth anything because the in game weapons and in game gear is the best gear in the games the only exception so far is the level 35 shields... the plat gear is not good at all compared to the in game gear, basically at this point, there is absolutely nothing in the plat store that gives you any real advantage over other players, or players who dont use plat... i mean come on we want to pay plat for stuff but there is no stuff lol... if anything having plat is frustrating because there is nothing you can spend it on and so these are the people who should be complaining more... so its not like STS is not looking after those who play the game for free, in fact, it is looking as if they are working hard to keep the game free to play

maybe an option to buy 30 minute enhancers for like 20000 credits or something? that might even out things a bit

11-15-2011, 02:17 PM
... basically at this point, there is absolutely nothing in the plat store that gives you any real advantage over other players, or players who dont use plat... i mean come on we want to pay plat for stuff but there is no stuff lol...

Oh, you just wait until Muffins learns all her attack commands. Then, you'll sing a different tune! (Still working on, "I choose *you*, Chairman Meow! Fireball!!!!" Not quite there. Yet.) Muffins: "Rawr!"

As far as quitting because you don't like X or Y about the game, I'm sure everyone remembers the Great GCD Event in PL. I know of a lot of people that quit because it was "ruining the game". And admittedly, its first iteration was pretty terrible. Most of the ones that I knew personally came back, adapted and are still playing. If the game isn't fun or offends you somehow, then leaving would be the right thing to do, but I wouldn't expect it to have any impact on how things are done in the game. Your mileage may, of course, vary.

11-16-2011, 06:48 PM
When I have barely anytime and too little to buy plat, I just train one alt to max level. Makes it still a good game/hobby.