View Full Version : weapon nerfs

07-01-2018, 02:39 PM
im curious... what will happen with weapons like flame staff, glint aegis, immo staff. We recently had a nerf on the dragon staff, because it was doin to much damage compared to its lvl. Im not sure if the immo bow is nerfed aswell at this point, but it prolly is. But why am i not hearing anything about the immo staff / glint aegis / flame staff nerfs. These weapons are also doin to much damage for their lvls, and are top weapons for the newest expansion. According to their lvls this should not be possible.. So my question is do they get a nerf aswell? and if so why did you not nerf all weapons at once?

07-02-2018, 11:56 AM
wildfire is not op.

07-02-2018, 12:05 PM
Glintstone aegis has been around since 46 expansion and has a faster clear speed than a well geared mage. I think it’s time to retire the shield now, since it has dominated almost every map.

07-02-2018, 12:15 PM
A tank can be more useful with TB, I don't get the hate for aegis.
Not because X class weapons are nerfed means that all class weapons should be nerfed lol stop thinking like that.
I personally want to keep on jewel farming normally on tank and not end up like mages jewel farm after hex nerf.