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View Full Version : Just wanted to say...

07-02-2018, 05:04 AM
That AL is the best mobile game and I'm not creeping. There have been times when I have quit but I always came back. I've seen others do the same and why? I'll tell you why, the game is brilliant. Some of you will disagree but come on here and name a mobile game better than this. Also, if you're so convinced this game is lacking, why are you still playing or even reading this..hmmm? I have my rants in-game but usually that's down to me having a bad day or other players getting on my wires. I've tried other games and uninstalled ( usually after waiting hours for the download). Where can you get a game that has so many aspects and runs so smoothly? ( in some places I realise high ping is an issue ) Ok..I admit that I'm not keen on the new map but some like it and I can always find something to do in-game when I'm online. I can't play as much as I did due to committments but it's here when I have time to spare like now. Just one more thing before I finish my ramblings, marry in haste, repent in leisure and don't come moaning to me after one day of marrying your in-game gf saying you changed your mind. I'm married in real life and that's quite enough. You know who you are. 😑 P.S. warriors would look better clean shaven when wearing a wedding dress. Oh and a signpost to the crocman would be useful even though players have been helpful in directing.

07-02-2018, 07:41 AM
It *was the best game(nearly anyway, if anybody ever played Ace of Arenas). Right now I would say it's decent. The new expansion is just no fun. Sure there are some new mechanics introduced. But now that we have this super XP grind based expansion I am already bored after running 2 hours. Wasn't really online for 4 days, never happened before with other expansion. Missing Nordr/ Kraken style expanions.

07-02-2018, 09:09 AM
Susie is awesome thanks for that huni :3

07-02-2018, 09:13 AM
AL is worse puzzle game I’ve ever played!!!!!!!

07-02-2018, 10:12 AM
Lol kayak...
Truthfully, I agree with you Susie <3 I tried marrying in game one time to see what it was like, and I ended it because there’s no benefit to it. I still have guys try to date me ig and it highly gets on my nerves. They even assume I want to be in a relationship with them. First off, y would u want to date me if we don’t even know each other irl? Tbh this is a dangerous step for AL. The guy I married wanted my information, and I told him I didn’t feel comfortable with that. His excuse: “but we’re married.” It’s stupid to marry in a game ... plus they will just divorce you and bam! Millions upon millions of gold r lost. Ppl would marry others behind ur back n cheat off u. Save marriage for irl. This is just my opinion tho :p
AL is truly an amazing game but some of the features sts r adding I don’t agree with ...

07-02-2018, 10:47 AM
Lol kayak...
Truthfully, I agree with you Susie <3 I tried marrying in game one time to see what it was like, and I ended it because there’s no benefit to it. I still have guys try to date me ig and it highly gets on my nerves. They even assume I want to be in a relationship with them. First off, y would u want to date me if we don’t even know each other irl? Tbh this is a dangerous step for AL. The guy I married wanted my information, and I told him I didn’t feel comfortable with that. His excuse: “but we’re married.” It’s stupid to marry in a game ... plus they will just divorce you and bam! Millions upon millions of gold r lost. Ppl would marry others behind ur back n cheat off u. Save marriage for irl. This is just my opinion tho :p
AL is truly an amazing game but some of the features sts r adding I don’t agree with ...

if ya don't like the feature don't get married, simple.

07-02-2018, 11:07 AM
I know it's gonna be more drama with marriage sistem XD Im thinking it's gonna be.. Choose him or me, choose me I'll give you officer power and we can merge our guild. Choose him, well.. He Is a pro but a lame guild manager XD guild politics! I think I'm thinking too far :/
Or.. I'll let my sister marry you if you lend me that 30m.. Lol I can't stop XD

07-02-2018, 11:49 AM
if ya don't like the feature don't get married, simple.
I just said I’m not married anymore :p doesn’t stop the guys though. Sometimes being this attractive is a pain ;)

07-02-2018, 12:45 PM
Lol kayak...
Truthfully, I agree with you Susie <3 I tried marrying in game one time to see what it was like, and I ended it because there’s no benefit to it. I still have guys try to date me ig and it highly gets on my nerves. They even assume I want to be in a relationship with them. First off, y would u want to date me if we don’t even know each other irl? Tbh this is a dangerous step for AL. The guy I married wanted my information, and I told him I didn’t feel comfortable with that. His excuse: “but we’re married.” It’s stupid to marry in a game ... plus they will just divorce you and bam! Millions upon millions of gold r lost. Ppl would marry others behind ur back n cheat off u. Save marriage for irl. This is just my opinion tho :p
AL is truly an amazing game but some of the features sts r adding I don’t agree with ...

Like I mentioned on Slekki's yt channel. An extreme case of marriage going wrong be a child predator taking advantage of that system

07-02-2018, 02:54 PM
Proposals should probably be off as a default, as that makes more sense for new players.

07-02-2018, 03:01 PM
I just said I’m not married anymore :p doesn’t stop the guys though. Sometimes being this attractive is a pain ;)

Lol Tipper. I know how you feel, I often ask my reflection in the mirror, why wasn't I born rich and incredibly intelligent instead of drop dead gorgeous? 🤔

07-02-2018, 04:47 PM
Indeed, i agree susie 100%. This game is so simple and chill and the developers actually listen to all the players feedback and try there best to please us.

Sometimes when you judge something. You open your eyes later and think about it in a more in depth and understandable thought process of whats up.

Just my opinion on how we learn and view things in a different perspective.

Also, this game doesn't spam you with ad's. Which is an other huge plus!

07-02-2018, 05:12 PM
They should have focused on this game only.I don't see this game get this much attention for a long time.They used to be more active ingame and on forum.They are also too many things that is basically a recolour or redesign.Heroic pet for example or the newest map.We got boring quick because of these stuff.I also see they somehow push us to pay for the event now.5 days for level cap is impossible for f2p player who got job and work.
Sure they know how to make us back but for how long will you stay after you back before you take another break?Pretty sure most people just want to check what's new and when they found nothing interesting,it's time for another break.