View Full Version : Proposed Final Gear

07-05-2018, 10:15 AM
As the Mireguard Ring & Amulet haven't been released yet, I'm not sure how they will be compared to the Arcane Ring & Amulet.

Which gear set will likely be better to use eventually?

1: Spirit Weapon, Mireguard 3/5 (Helm, Armour, Belt) and Arcane Ring & Amulet

2: Spirit Weapon, Mireguard 5/5 Set

I see the procs on the arcane ring and amulet, but will it be worth it considering the bonuses for a full Mireguard set?


07-05-2018, 10:25 AM
I'm pretty sure STS also said that there will be new arcane gears besides new ring amulet. So I'd count for weapon at least and even helm + armor