View Full Version : Enchanting system 2.0

Mine AGK
07-09-2018, 12:38 PM
I know we just recently had a enchanting event where gold tier cost us only 1k gold and 1 plat per reroll. Though it seemed barely anyone got good enchants for pvp or the tourney from it.

A friend and i spent atleast 8-9m enchanting an armor and amulet. 5.4m of it going to an armor. Thats 1080 rolls and not a single armor enchant above 150. People having armor enchants at 210-240 from this and very few have them. This isnt a fun way to spend gold nor is it in anyway gonna make people pvp. Next event should be gold tier "lockable" enchanting slots. All 3 at gold tier. 2 at silver and 1 at bronze. This would make people more inlcined to spend the gold/plat to be able to build their ideal set up for pvp and be able to match everyone else in pvp to bring back skill based pvp.

Please consider this even style along with add a gold farming map as that would also make people interested in grinding out for gold tier.

07-09-2018, 12:59 PM
Not sure how this would be implemented... I believe judging by the quick reactions to implement player ideas displayed recently, if Cinco could give us locked slots, he probably would have by now. We have gotten everything from commas in our gold to being able to see when our friends and guildies were last online.

While I achieved bronze tier last event, I had to choose between getting access to the vendor with my main, or getting discounted rolls with the toon I use for enchanting. (Character "luck" makes a huge difference) So another event where I would have to make the same choice is guaranteed to barely sink gold from my account, let alone any Platinum.

I do believe a way that could help fix the enchanting problem, is to do away with the portions of the possible rolls that players just don't want or need.

For example all classes and sets have 100% crit or more... Thus the crit enchantments are rather useless and could be scrapped from endgame items.

Next would be Dodge, all classes and sets have plenty of Dodge at 105, scrap all those enchantments.

The more possible useless enchantments we get rid of, the greater possibility of rolling the ones we want.

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Mine AGK
07-09-2018, 01:30 PM
Not sure how this would be implemented... I believe judging by the quick reactions to implement player ideas displayed recently, if Cinco could give us locked slots, he probably would have by now. We have gotten everything from commas in our gold to being able to see when our friends and guildies were last online.

While I achieved bronze tier last event, I had to choose between getting access to the vendor with my main, or getting discounted rolls with the toon I use for enchanting. (Character "luck" makes a huge difference) So another event where I would have to make the same choice is guaranteed to barely sink gold from my account, let alone any Platinum.

I do believe a way that could help fix the enchanting problem, is to do away with the portions of the possible rolls that players just don't want or need.

For example all classes and sets have 100% crit or more... Thus the crit enchantments are rather useless and could be scrapped from endgame items.

Next would be Dodge, all classes and sets have plenty of Dodge at 105, scrap all those enchantments.

The more possible useless enchantments we get rid of, the greater possibility of rolling the ones we want.

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Ive also thought about them doing away with certain enchantments aswell.

Such as
Random base stats of all types (str/dex/int)

Most people dont care for those, nor are those really needed in pvp. Although i did see that AL has gold drop enchants. Like 20% and 50% more gold that you can get on armor/shields i think. I dont know what other pieces you can get it on.

Though if this isnt gonna be implimented as something to keep people interested, then it should be a "slot lock" event.

Gold tier (3 slots lockable and gold tier gold farming)
Silver tier (2 slots lockable and silver tier farming)
Bronze tier (1 lockable slot and bronze tier farming)

All of course with reasonable point thresholds for a basic player to reach. Id recommend 5k bronze, 10k silver and 20k gold.

07-09-2018, 01:33 PM
With all due respect to the numerous forum requests on the matter, I am not considering any form of 'slot locking' for the Enchantment system.

07-09-2018, 01:35 PM
I compare the enchantment system to casino slot machines. In many ways it is a form of gambling because 1. You must pay to play using something of value (plat rerolls qualify for sure), 2. it's a game of chance, and 3. you get something of value in return, in this case, better stats for the game (this makes the game more of a game of chance than a game of skill, that's a key factor), plus, the item value increases as well with better stats.

That being said, it's definitely the biggest black hole I've ever seen for sinking gold and plat. But I'm sure that's exactly what it was designed to do.



07-09-2018, 01:38 PM
With all due respect to the numerous forum requests on the matter, I am not considering any form of 'slot locking' for the Enchantment system.Yeah, you have given the community almost everything they asked for recently, except this. Thanks for that, all the new vanities, and long requested features such as commas in our gold, and last online info has been amazing!

Would you consider removing unwanted enchantments to give players a better chance at getting the wanted enchantments with big numbers on them?

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Mine AGK
07-09-2018, 01:45 PM
With all due respect to the numerous forum requests on the matter, I am not considering any form of 'slot locking' for the Enchantment system.

Im not requesting it be permanent. Im thinking it would be of better interest of both players and STS as a business, would consider doing this as an event and not permanent.

Without the proper gateways for people to enter pvp, pvp will die. Which is what you yourself said was what you based this cap around. As i said, this isnt a fun way for players trying to adventure to pvp and learn. This is instead pushing them away as most dont enjoy just throwing gold/plat into a black hole.

I enjoy the hard work you do for this game and with the events that just keep bringing stuff people have wanted for a while. Im not saying youre doing a bad job, but as with almost every game on the planet, there is always room for improvement. The way this "casino" type system is working, its gonna kill pvp faster then any class being overpower ever has.

I appreciate the response and hope you continue to do good work on PL. Keep the events coming.

07-09-2018, 02:14 PM
Would you consider removing unwanted enchantments to give players a better chance at getting the wanted enchantments with big numbers on them?

That would be the best approach. But would it be counter to the designs of the system in the first place? If there could be a better balance, more people would probably take their gambles more often. Hopefully the less desirable rolls are considered for removal.

07-09-2018, 02:58 PM
Is there a problem with enchanting? We really don’t need another enchant event. It’s basically useless to some. It’s costing players large amount of plats to receive little improvements. There are plenty of wand and armor with good enchants in cs. Buy those...

Have u spent the time working out the math? 1 plat price adjustment will improve a little because the odds of receiving high stats are low.

If u spent sometime studying the enchant system, u might find a weakness to increase your odds.

No more enchant event plsssss.

07-09-2018, 03:01 PM
Says someone with either perfect or nearly perfect enchantments... You're just enjoying your advantage over others and don't want to lose it...
Is there a problem with enchanting? We really don’t need another enchant event. It’s basically useless to some. It’s costing players large amount of plats to receive little improvements. There are plenty of wand and armor with good enchants in cs. Buy those...

Have u spent the time working out the math? 1 plat price adjustment will improve a little because the odds of receiving high stats are low. Number of slots makes it a little difficult to receive good stats. What makes it extremely difficault to receive high stat is the values in the enchant list. The increment of armor and dmg is by 10 and not by 5. Non elites increment is by 5.

If u spent sometime studying the enchant system, u might find a weakness to increase your odds.

No more enchant event plsssss.

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07-09-2018, 03:09 PM
Says someone with either perfect or nearly perfect enchantments... You're just enjoying your advantage over others and don't want to lose it...

Sent from my XT1710-02 using Tapatalk

Nearly perfect enchantments? Don't assume based on seeing. It all based on luck with enchant. My luck is horrible :P. What is there to have an advantage? PVP at endgame is more of team sports. I do not use my int set with good stats. Most of the team PVP is with decent enchanted dex set. Why continue to invest in a set when a replacement set is approaching someday...

Mine AGK
07-09-2018, 03:12 PM
Is there a problem with enchanting? We really don’t need another enchant event. It’s basically useless to some. It’s costing players large amount of plats to receive little improvements. There are plenty of wand and armor with good enchants in cs. Buy those...

Have u spent the time working out the math? 1 plat price adjustment will improve a little because the odds of receiving high stats are low. Number of slots makes it a little difficult to receive good stats. What makes it extremely difficault to receive high stat is the values in the enchant list. The increment of armor and dmg is by 10 and not by 5. Non elites increment is by 5.

If u spent sometime studying the enchant system, u might find a weakness to increase your odds.

No more enchant event plsssss.

I just did the math for ALL enchantable L105 elite gear.

All these combinations include groups of enchants that include the same ones.

Example 123 and 321 and any combination in between are included in this total amount of enchants.

1h weapons: 26,235
2h weapons: 171,700
Armors: 50,115
Shields: 45,759
Amulets: 32,509

The formula that was used is as follows

nCr= n!÷r!(n-r)!

Feel free to correct the math if you would like.

07-09-2018, 03:25 PM
I made the mistake with the armor and dmg increment. Its the same for elite and non elite. Ill take look at your calculation. :P

07-09-2018, 03:39 PM
I just did the math for ALL enchantable L105 elite gear.

All these combinations include groups of enchants that include the same ones.

Example 123 and 321 and any combination in between are included in this total amount of enchants.

1h weapons: 26,235
2h weapons: 171,700
Armors: 50,115
Shields: 45,759
Amulets: 32,509

The formula that was used is as follows

nCr= n!÷r!(n-r)!

Feel free to correct the math if you would like.

Armors: 50,116 <----------:P I don't have time to calculate the others. It's a probability day.