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View Full Version : *Your Pocket Legends Life*

11-15-2011, 12:14 PM
There are many people who absolutely love this game, and many others who love to talk about it. What i wanted is to hear your guys' stories about your Pocket Legends life. What made you star playing? What did you do to level? The normal stuff. I am quite interested in hearing about your stories. I think it would be fun. :)

11-15-2011, 06:51 PM
I started about 5 months ago just on a whim. To be honest, I really didn't care much for these types of games. Today, I'm a level 60 str bear and I'm on almost every night! Kudos to the devs for creating such a wonderfully addicting game!


11-15-2011, 11:32 PM
I started playing because I was kinda interested in finding an mmo to play. I haven't really played one before. But they seemed like my kinda thing I would get into. So I typed mmo in the apple store browser and the first one to pop up with the highest rating was Pocket Legends. & in the first half hour of playing I was hooked. I wanted to learn more things about the game. So I asked a million questions haha. Not many replied... but the people who did I still play with to this day. I love this game. I annoy the boyfriend with it... but oh well! I have fun. I've met some people I would call my friends.

Now I enjoy helping people learn how to play this game because I'd like them to enjoy it as much as I still do :)


11-15-2011, 11:42 PM
Started because I was just looking down store list. I never really played at first and stayed level 5 and unregistered for a long time. I actually started playing when game came out because I found it on the new list. But I didn't get founders helm because I was unregistered. :( Well anyway. One day I just opened the app and started playing and leveled a mage to level 18. Then I played every night but didn't earn xp because I had no plat. So then one night I got 10 plat from tapjoy and got balefort. So I hunted down plat offers and got new campaigns. THEN THE GAME TURNED FREE! No more plat offers for ME! So I played and leveled up to 55 which I got in the summer of 2011. Then I tried 56 and got 30k xp but stopped trying. And all these updates came out! This game is the fastest updating game I've ever played! There is another story to how I got to forums... but that is also long like this and I don't remember so... that's my story.

11-15-2011, 11:49 PM
I started because I was a cheapskate looking for good free games ;) I actually didn't even know PL was an MMO (I didn't read the description haha) because after I finished the entry level there was no one in Forest Haven...I waddled on as my mage and kept on waddling until I made some friends (it was a shock seeing other people the first time!) and made some accomplishments :) I keep waddling to this day :cupcake: After I leveled my mage without the then-all gold elixirs (I was so poor I wouldn't even buy potions), I made some gold and invested it in a bear, a bird...and the fun never ends :)

11-16-2011, 12:09 AM
I looked at the adventure part of app store and there I found my new addiction

11-16-2011, 01:37 AM
Been playin since december of 2010. I was at a pasta party for my high school swim team and one of my buddies came up and asked if he could see my phone, he took it for about 5 minutes and gave it back telling me "try out this game". So I hopped in and I was instantly hooked, I got my dad into the game so much that he bought us both plat so we could buy all the campaigns and start our long trek to 50. I ended up making it to 50 about a day and half before he did but when he hit fifty he had better gear waiting for him, I wasn't very cautious with my money along the way.

04-05-2012, 10:50 PM
I started about 1.5 years ago and I was just looking for good RPGs. Tried pocket legends out and got hooked