View Full Version : Spacetime Blogs and Samhayne's Crazy Dreams

11-15-2011, 06:50 PM
When Steve Jobs passed away, I had a number of tribute links circulating on my Facebook & Twitter feeds. One of them led to this blog post:


which includes this TEDtalk by Simon Sinek titled: How great leaders inspire action



Reading that article and especially watching that talk by Mr. Sinek really touched me. It sparked me thinking about why exactly I am doing what I'm doing; why I'm working here at Spacetime Studios. At first blush I said to myself, "To be involved in making great MMO games." ...but it's more that that.

Making great games is just that outer circle of "the What" We make great games, want to buy one? Blah; that just doesn't encapsulate the enthusiasm that I feel for Spacetime and where we are going.

Going back to Mr. Sinek's TEDtalk, he asks:

What's your purpose?

What's your cause?

Why do you get out of bed in the morning?

Why should anyone care?

It is a cause, a purpose, a belief... Make better games, sure. But again, it is beyond that. Not to throw stones to the many fine game developers out there in the world, but so many of them seem to fall into the camp that Mr. Sinek puts down in his presentation, "They're only doing it for the paycheck." Of course, STS needs to make money to fund the talent and tech to bring it's collective dreams to life, but what we're here doing feels so much more than just an angle to a paycheck.

It's those dreams. A connected gaming environment playing a fun MMO with friends. Not so different from other game developer dreams, I'm sure. However, sitting here in this big room, surrounded by these people and working as I do, I can't help but feel there is something real coming from these dreams.

So, that's my story.

What about you? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? We've added the BLOG section (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/blog.php) here to the Spacetime website and I invite you to use it to talk about your gaming, your hobbies, your friends, your life - whatever you want to talk about (within reason, of course!) Connect with the rest of us under the common theme of Spacetime Games.

11-15-2011, 06:56 PM
Love the story :) (makes me sad though)

11-15-2011, 07:00 PM
:,) that's very inspiring

11-15-2011, 07:01 PM
Brings a tear to my eye *rubs eye*
I'm jus sweating through my eyes

11-15-2011, 07:03 PM
Cool story and thats why we have blogs :O

11-15-2011, 07:04 PM
That's very sweet :')

11-15-2011, 07:25 PM
Awwwww .. :')

11-15-2011, 07:45 PM
Thank you Samhayne.

11-16-2011, 08:35 PM
I get out of bed to get one day, one step closer to doing what I really want to with my days. I enjoy my job more than any other available that pays enough to live but I want more from my life. Clawing my way there is the only way it will happen.

What do I want to do with my days? Not much, just change the world. :02.47-tranquillity:

11-18-2011, 06:18 PM
That sounds really heart felt ;) awwwwwww

You can tell with just how much work u guys put in that you arnt in it for cash. So many mmos are ruined by devs getting greedy but your games make people WANT to help you out by buying some funny vanities :) not because they have to which makes the games so much better