View Full Version : Sooooooooo annoyed!!! >:(

11-15-2011, 08:10 PM
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! *RaWr!!!!*

So, this happened over 5x now... mid run on shipyard any map it will randomly d/c me and re/c. me into exact spot i was (midmob or middisarm) and i DIE.
Sometimes i see the revive, sometimes i don't even realize i die till i check my stats??????? Wth
And sometimes i d/c and r/c and somehow have 5 extra death counts yet i am still where i was and never even hit respawn or revive or witness my own deaths!

ok, im not trying for lb for k/d or anything, but i still really don't want a LOT of deaths either..
the thing is, i never see the deaths!!! Its frustrating!!

This time just now I didn't even d/c and my health bar is half full and i have 400 stims and an engi in group... so i have no idea what happened, not even ping spike or lag, but i am laying face up with a revive option plastered on my screen???? i go and check my stats...so that ONE death i witnessed equated to 2 death counts on my stats?!?!?! wth. omg. am i missing something?!?!?! I give up, i am not playing for the rest of the week. irritating. argh >:0

:end rant: kicks a rock, scuffs up cowgirl boots: rawr:

11-15-2011, 08:20 PM
Deep breath. No, really. Take another. As far as the double death thing, there's been quite a lot of discussion about it in the Bugs section. Here's (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?41752-Double-death-count...) a link to one of the threads. To make a long story short, even if you don't lag out, say you're near a mine when it goes off and your health goes down to where you can't even see it, but you don't fall over dead. You actually died, but didn't go through the regular motions of "death", so you think you grabbed stims in time. Next time, you're not so lucky and you hit the floor. You look at your stats and see 2 deaths recorded when it looked like you only died once. You died twice, but didn't wind up on the floor with a "You have died" message hanging in the middle of your screen on the first one, but it counts, nonetheless.

ETA: And yeah, I'll agree it's annoying as heck. Then I think about it: whether or not I hit the floor, I still died, so....meh. As a wise forumite once put it, "If you ain't dying, you ain't trying." ;)

11-15-2011, 08:27 PM
I got my first 3 deaths on my operative from this in the past few days :(
One time I just got a death for no reason. Cleared a map, returned to base...checked stats...had another death. Died a little inside.

11-15-2011, 08:33 PM
Server is going crazy punishing the players for killing MF and taking his valuables!! Lol Sorry to hear that, I have yet to experience this bug. Lucky me huh I guess I'm just Mr. Lucky:cool:

11-15-2011, 08:37 PM
Deep breath. No, really. Take another. As far as the double death thing, there's been quite a lot of discussion about it in the Bugs section. Here's (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?41752-Double-death-count...) a link to one of the threads. To make a long story short, even if you don't lag out, say you're near a mine when it goes off and your health goes down to where you can't even see it, but you don't fall over dead. You actually died, but didn't go through the regular motions of "death", so you think you grabbed stims in time. Next time, you're not so lucky and you hit the floor. You look at your stats and see 2 deaths recorded when it looked like you only died once. You died twice, but didn't wind up on the floor with a "You have died" message hanging in the middle of your screen on the first one, but it counts, nonetheless.

ETA: And yeah, I'll agree it's annoying as heck. Then I think about it: whether or not I hit the floor, I still died, so....meh. As a wise forumite once put it, "If you ain't dying, you ain't trying." ;)

oooh, that makes sense. lol *blush* i really just needed to vent :P tyty! but, the thing is that i didnt even see myself die once? i get d/c and r/c in same spot. so i dont even see any revive at all yet i 5deaths added... so how come im still standing there and never even revived or respawned and my healths still full? *blinks

I got my first 3 deaths on my operative from this in the past few days
One time I just got a death for no reason. Cleared a map, returned to base...checked stats...had another death. Died a little inside.

awwwies! *space hugs*

Server is going crazy punishing the players for killing MF and taking his valuables!! Lol Sorry to hear that, I have yet to experience this bug. Lucky me huh I guess I'm just Mr. Lucky

hush Javi xP pssssh rub it in lol

11-15-2011, 08:39 PM
I guess my z kill character is just hopless then lol.

I feel ya CowGirl! :rodeo rage:

11-15-2011, 08:40 PM
Lol *gives Kahlua and Space my lucky clovers*

11-15-2011, 11:09 PM
I guess my z kill character is just hopless then lol.

I feel ya CowGirl! :rodeo rage:

omgomg i do NOT have rodeo rage >:0 *pinches u!* take it back! 0:\

11-16-2011, 01:24 AM
Yes darlin' you have rodeo rage of doom and I too am experiencing everything you said above. Its rather annoying at times.

11-16-2011, 12:05 PM
:rubs arm vigorously:




11-16-2011, 12:16 PM
*backs rapidly out of pinching range* Nope! No rodeo rage! Not at all! *runs* :D

I hear you about the venting. Last time that phantom death bit me I was on my then-34 Comm with 1 death. Then suddenly I had 3... *snarls*

11-16-2011, 12:22 PM
Y'know, I think this might be happening in PL also. I remember a few times in Mt. Fang where I was mashing pots and it sure looked like I died but didn't ever get the popup box, etc. I never pay attention to my stats so there's no way I would've noticed if I got two deaths (or even one).

11-16-2011, 12:55 PM
Y'know, I think this might be happening in PL also. I remember a few times in Mt. Fang where I was mashing pots and it sure looked like I died but didn't ever get the popup box, etc. I never pay attention to my stats so there's no way I would've noticed if I got two deaths (or even one).

It did, Drew. I first noticed it happening in Sewers--don't remember it happening before that. :/

11-16-2011, 01:02 PM
Oh well.

Stats are overrated anyhow.

Every first lag death I get on a toon tells me that.

11-16-2011, 01:07 PM
Yup, yup. The numbers don't really matter unless you have a burning desire for the leader boards ETA: or are trying an "Immortal" char as a personal challenge. I've gotten a ton of deaths just experimenting with things and that's okay. People are free to tease/sneer/giggle at my stats all they like. :)

11-16-2011, 05:57 PM
Lol *gives Kahlua and Space my lucky clovers*

*takes away from javier* sorry bro I need them for pinks :D

11-17-2011, 08:11 PM
I am so tired of lag deaths. I don't know exactly how many of mine are because of lag, but I know it's a sizeable portion.

11-18-2011, 12:56 AM
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! *RaWr!!!!*

So, this happened over 5x now... mid run on shipyard any map it will randomly d/c me and re/c. me into exact spot i was (midmob or middisarm) and i DIE.
Sometimes i see the revive, sometimes i don't even realize i die till i check my stats??????? Wth
And sometimes i d/c and r/c and somehow have 5 extra death counts yet i am still where i was and never even hit respawn or revive or witness my own deaths!

ok, im not trying for lb for k/d or anything, but i still really don't want a LOT of deaths either..
the thing is, i never see the deaths!!! Its frustrating!!

This time just now I didn't even d/c and my health bar is half full and i have 400 stims and an engi in group... so i have no idea what happened, not even ping spike or lag, but i am laying face up with a revive option plastered on my screen???? i go and check my stats...so that ONE death i witnessed equated to 2 death counts on my stats?!?!?! wth. omg. am i missing something?!?!?! I give up, i am not playing for the rest of the week. irritating. argh >:0

:end rant: kicks a rock, scuffs up cowgirl boots: rawr:

Awe poor bby, *Le hugs<3*
That sounds frustrating D:

11-18-2011, 01:41 AM
Lol *gives Kahlua and Space my lucky clovers*

*takes away from javier* sorry bro I need them for pinks :D
