View Full Version : Sanguine set isn't showing any set bonus

11-15-2011, 08:24 PM
I've gone out and compaired with the other sets. And noticed that the Sanguine set doesn't have a set bonus. Asked all my friends with lilith set and orlok set at lv 61, 63 and 65, and they all had set bonus for their sets. When set is fully equiped(ex: helm, armor and xbow), I get the smoke from the set but I don't get any set bonus for it. and the set i have is a lvl 63. so if it is possible please correct this issue so its fair to dex users like me plz. also i think either dmg or speed of the xbow should be adjusted, at least the speed, from 1.1 to 1.0. compaired to sets from the past, I kinda feel low balled w the new set. Also the bow's distance should be increased a lil bit as well. with the new bosses it becomes a death sentence almost especially when fighting emma!

11-15-2011, 08:36 PM
I have a L63 sang set and i got set bonus. Cant give u exact numbers now but I did check. Also I had no problem with Emma using this set, although I did have 4x elixir.

Also I'm using longbow instead of xbow.

Set Bonus i figured was: 9 dam, 6 h/s, 4 crit, 3 hit

11-15-2011, 08:45 PM
Lvl 61 and 63 both have set bonusses. The difference I noticed is that the set bonus is already calculated and shown in your stats window, as soon as you select the last piece (without actually equipping it). I checked for a lv60 charmin set too, and that seems to hold true for these as well. So knowing the exact set bonus has become a bit more complicated, but it's definitely there. It just seems devs have changed to way how the bonus is displayed... Before you had to equip all items, while now bonus is already calculated by merely selecting the last piece of your set. Hope this makes sense :)

11-15-2011, 08:53 PM
i stand corrected thanks jay... but the rest of the stuff still holds a valid point reguarding xbow and bow that it needs to be adjusted. xbow for speed or dmg produced and bow's distance needs to be increased!

11-15-2011, 08:59 PM
I agree I liked the range of the glyph bow and almost want to switch back.

11-15-2011, 09:08 PM
Scaled gear getting set bonuses :O

11-15-2011, 09:18 PM
Scaled gear getting set bonuses :O

This has been since the last lvl cap. Lv 56, 58, 60 sets all came with set bonusses, so no difference here.

@the birds, I agree with the range of the longbow. Also, the only improvement over demonic seems to be some armor. Everything else (dmg, h/s, m/s..) is even a little bit inferior as compared to demonic (except for same crit). Personally the dex set is a total let down for me at the moment. But who knows, a Lv 65 set might perform better. On the other hand, a Lv 63 int set easily outperforms a demonic set. Doesn't all make sense to me, but devs must have their reasons I guess :/