View Full Version : Will Never Date You - A guild for female characters only!

11-15-2011, 10:07 PM
(This thread will get updated as time goes on, probably with a nice banner and other cool stuff)

Do you play a female character?
Are you maybe a girl in real life?
Do you prefer to just play the game instead of get asked out all the time?
Wanna tell all those hormonal teenage boys or creepy old men you're not interested?

Well have I got the guild for you! Join Will Never Date You, and tell all those guys looking for dates in an online game to get a clue!

We have a Tier 3 guild hall!

Now that the advertising portion is over, let me tell you about myself, how I got this idea, and what I hope to accomplish with this guild.

I'm a guy in real life. I don't hide it. I play female characters almost exclusively, because I dislike looking at a male behind while playing. I don't intentionally trick people with my character. I am honest and nice to everyone. Generally people I play with know I'm a guy. I like helping people and, naturally, my main is an Engineer. I get asked out or flirted with at least three times a week. I'm not kidding. Really.

I got the idea for this guild from a Supergroup in Champions Online called "Is Never Going To Date You, So Don't Ask" with the same premise. It's a cool idea. A guild for female characters only, who prefer to avoid getting flirted with while playing. Naturally, SL has a character limit and a word limit, so I shortened it. It's not foolproof, and games allow you to turn off seeing guild names entirely.

What do I hope to accomplish with this guild? First of all this guild is meant to be casual. My Guild Master character, Karai, is not my main, and I'm still very much devoted to Rage of Mages. But she will be my second main, and as such I will be playing both a lot.

This guild is more of a status symbol than anything. The point of joining is to have your character name and the guild name form a sentence, and send a clear message. Ex: Karai Will Never Date You.

Ground rules:
1. There will be NO male characters in the guild! Player gender doesn't matter, but all characters in the guild must be female. I may change this rule later, but not at first.
2. Respect other members.
3. Officer rank must be earned, and will not just be handed out. Recruiters will be made eventually.
4. If you don't plan to talk in /g, please don't ask to join. I like a talkative guild chat.
5. Causing drama will lead to being kicked out.

Interested parties should contact Karaai or Karai ingame, or send me a PM on the forum.

Lastly, I would like to thank Ric (Cyric/Dooric/Neeric, not sure if he has a forum account) and Thequickone for loans of 4k a piece, without whom this guild would not have been possible.

11-15-2011, 10:34 PM
*rolls on floor, laughing* Bron, I really love the idea of this guild. :D Sadly, some guys will see it as a challenge, but I really do love it. And yes, later you may want to let the guys in--some of my friends have been hounded on their male chars, too. Sadly, silliness (and not taking "no" as an answer) knows no gender. :(

11-15-2011, 10:42 PM
*rolls on floor, laughing* Bron, I really love the idea of this guild. :D Sadly, some guys will see it as a challenge, but I really do love it. And yes, later you may want to let the guys in--some of my friends have been hounded on their male chars, too. Sadly, silliness (and not taking "no" as an answer) knows no gender. :(


Seriously tho, I get flirted with a lot! Lol I find it amusing. :rolleyes:

11-15-2011, 10:50 PM
Hubbahubba baby. I love a challenge, playing hard to get are you? You know you love me. Because I'm sexy and I know it Lmfao.
The guild is a good idea but I do believe it might introduce that playing hard to get idea. But its your idea and I support it. Personally I'm not into the pixel ladys.

11-15-2011, 11:04 PM
Hubbahubba baby. I love a challenge, playing hard to get are you? You know you love me. Because I'm sexy and I know it Lmfao.
The guild is a good idea but I do believe it might introduce that playing hard to get idea. But its your idea and I support it. Personally I'm not into the pixel ladys.

Lmao wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yea! Lol love that song. Totally agree with you, I'm not into pixel ladies. Lol

11-15-2011, 11:05 PM
Thanks for the support people! I hope it's successful.

Don't worry, male characters will be allowed in eventually, and I will make a new thread at that point. Exceptions will be made, too. I'm hoping to get at least ten to fifteen members (not counting myself) before I do that, and I maintain that this guild is meant to have more female characters than male ones because female characters get flirted with more often online. But yea don't worry, it's on the agenda.

11-15-2011, 11:08 PM
Thanks for the support people! I home it's successful.

Don't worry, male characters will be allowed in eventually, and I will make a new thread at that point. Exceptions will be made, too. I'm hoping to get at least ten to fifteen members (not counting myself) before I do that, and I maintain that this guild is meant to have more female characters than male ones because female characters get flirted with more often online. But yea don't worry, it's on the agenda.


11-16-2011, 11:07 AM

Seriously tho, I get flirted with a lot! Lol I find it amusing. :rolleyes:

Hee! Love the graphic, Javier! :D Flirting is great as long as all involved parties are okay with it and it's tons of fun. It's the ones that will not take, "Really. Not. Interested." as your final answer or, worse by far, pester you with increasingly demanding PMs in the middle of a run after you've told them no. If it's just annoying, I hit mute. If it's over the top, I hit Report (and some of it was stuff that would've earned them a punch in the nose had they said it to me in RL) and then I hit mute and move on. My only fear is that the ones that don't "hear" no when you say it, aren't going to believe it if they see it as a guild name. sigh.

11-16-2011, 11:09 AM
Congrats, Bron! I love the premise behind the guild, and agree that it is entirely needed. I am also happy to see you finally got your idea up and running! :) You've been wanting to do this for a long time.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help with the cause. I do occasionally see other characters getting hit on in general chat. The next time I do, I will send them your way! ;) Best of luck with your new venture! :D

11-16-2011, 11:22 AM
I got a few female chars too like the way they disappear from dunjons once you report em lol

11-16-2011, 11:32 AM
I still have yet to report even one person. Am I too nice?

Guild feels so lonely ingame. I had a person ask to join like five minutes after I set it up, but then when I told her I'm not really a girl she called me a perv and quit. I explained myself and we added each other to friends, but she won't come back cause she says she's in an all girls guild already. Probably on another char since that one was guild-less after quitting WNDY. I wonder if they get lonely on cold nights?

I plan to buy a Tier 3 guild hall once I get at least one permanent member.

11-16-2011, 12:00 PM
I wish you the best of luck in this venture. I think it is quite needed.

I'm male, but my toon is female (Just because I took the default option when setting up the account initially, and didn't really care one way or the other, as I had no clue if I would stay & play long)

Playing a female character has given me an entirely new perspective on things. I never realized just how many pervs are out there, nor how annoying it must be for women to dive into a mostly male dominated arena (video games) and try and just have fun without worring about crap like this. I probably get hit on at least a few times a week, and when I tell them I'm a male, I get all kinds of responses, most of which are not fit to print here. I also get chatted up by girls that are looking for other girls to game with, and I when I inform them I am a dude, some of them get all wierd in their responses also.

I have never tried to hit on anyone in the game, I try and tell anyone I have more than a passing conversation with that I'm a guy, and most find it funny that i'm playing the opposite gender. All I want to do here is play a game and have fun. (and besides, my toon is much cuter to look at if i'm the one staring at it all day!)

It's unfortunate that some of the people that sign up here are just running around trying to use it as a dating, or social networking site. I do believe there are apps, programs & websites MUCH more suited to that type of behavior. This is a GAME, and it has no age restrictions, so it is highly unappropriate to use it for anything beyond that.

I also know several female players that chose male toons just to keep this sort of thing happening to them as well, so there's a lot of crossing the lines happening here in SL.

Anyhow, I hope this gets off the ground. I'm already in a good guild, and friends with quite a few other top guilds, so I doubt I'll be joining up, but if there's any help needed, or you guys need "drama free" runs to join, feel free to look me or anyone in our guild up. We are all mature adults, and anything close to this type of behavior is completely against our guidelines, and can result in an insta-boot if reported. None of our members should ever hassle anyone in this manner, so consider us a safe haven as well.

11-16-2011, 12:59 PM
Karrai, love it, and yes i have my personal guild called "Ghosts" i wish you luck :) my friend.

11-16-2011, 01:22 PM
I am still amazed by the flirting in STS games. How does one get to blasting vulars or shooting arrows with a bird to "will you be mine?". How can this game make anyone behave like it's an eHarmony website? Is there even 1 success story of these weird flirting in-game???

11-16-2011, 02:14 PM
I'm wondering why it took this long for someone to come up with this idea.

Anyways, good luck with all the pubescent and hormonal teenage boys coming your way! :D

11-16-2011, 02:14 PM
I know right, Stomp?

I have no idea why it took so long Pro. I just thought of it one day. :) I hope to create a safe haven from such people.

Guild news! We now have a T3 guild hall like the "adult" guilds. I would also like to welcome my friend Commandmagician on his alt Drkcreator, who is our first Officer.

11-16-2011, 02:59 PM
LOL! Love the idea, find it a bit creepy that it's run by a guy...
reminds me of one of my guy friends who well...likes other guys. I can just picture him going "no no no girl, mm mmm"...he's very...very feminine.

NOT SAYING THATS WHAT YOU ARE! Don't take that offensively, I'm just saying, this is the kind of thing a girl should run...and it should be girls only. /end feminism

11-16-2011, 03:36 PM
What's wrong with a guy running this guild? And no, I'm not into guys. That's my standard answer to pickup lines, actually. :)

At least a girl can say she's not interested. Me? I have to answer awkward questions. Seriously it's more stressful for guys playing girl characters.

That, and there's plenty of 100% girl guilds out there, which is a different demographic. I'm targeting people who get hit on. That means both male and female. It's not just girls this happens to. I'd just like to get a good amount of female characters first before I open it up to males, but that doesn't mean they're not welcome. They're not welcome yet.

Either way thanks for the support.

11-19-2011, 05:42 AM
Good idea, I get asked on my bird by a bear/Mage I pretend ima girl IRL -.-

11-19-2011, 07:36 AM
Woah you a guy making all female guild for yourself and not let guys joins? ^^"

Good luck to guild and have fun =D

11-19-2011, 07:42 AM
(This thread will get updated as time goes on, probably with a nice banner and other cool stuff)

Do you play a female character?
Are you maybe a girl in real life?
Do you prefer to just play the game instead of get asked out all the time?
Wanna tell all those hormonal teenage boys or creepy old men you're not interested?

Well have I got the guild for you! I just made it and it's brand new! Join Will Never Date You, and tell all those guys looking for dates in an online game to get a clue!

We have a Tier 3 guild hall!

Now that the advertising portion is over, let me tell you about myself, how I got this idea, and what I hope to accomplish with this guild.

I'm a guy in real life. I don't hide it. I play female characters almost exclusively, because I dislike looking at a male behind while playing. I don't intentionally trick people with my character. I am honest and nice to everyone. Generally people I play with know I'm a guy. I like helping people and, naturally, my main is an Engineer. I get asked out or flirted with at least three times a week. I'm not kidding. Really.

I got the idea for this guild from a Supergroup in Champions Online called "Is Never Going To Date You, So Don't Ask" with the same premise. It's a cool idea. A guild for female characters only, who prefer to avoid getting flirted with while playing. Naturally, SL has a character limit and a word limit, so I shortened it. It's not foolproof, and games allow you to turn off seeing guild names entirely.

What do I hope to accomplish with this guild? First of all this guild is meant to be casual. My Guild Master character, Karai, is not my main, and I'm still very much devoted to Rage of Mages. But she will be my second main, and as such I will be playing both a lot.

This guild is more of a status symbol than anything. The point of joining is to have your character name and the guild name form a sentence, and send a clear message. Ex: Karai Will Never Date You.

Ground rules:
1. There will be NO male characters in the guild! Player gender doesn't matter, but all characters in the guild must be female. I may change this rule later, but not at first.
2. Respect other members.
3. Officer rank must be earned, and will not just be handed out. Recruiters will be made eventually.
4. If you don't plan to talk in /g, please don't ask to join. I like a talkative guild chat.
5. Causing drama will lead to being kicked out.

Interested parties should contact Karaai or Karai ingame, or send me a PM on the forum.

Lastly, I would like to thank Ric (Cyric/Dooric/Neeric, not sure if he has a forum account) and Thequickone for loans of 4k a piece, without whom this guild would not have been possible.@what i bolded, dont know bron i have been asked out in Star legends by poeple wont know if it would make a difference :O

08-14-2012, 02:29 PM
I don't think the last couple of people replying even read the discussion. Point is, it's for female CHARACTERS who get hit on. Players can be either, and it tends to bother us male players a lot more because we have to answer awkward questions. Then some people get the wrong idea. So I'm trying to save the female characters out there some grief. Players can be either, but it's more awkward for male players.

Anyway been having trouble recruiting lately. I thought I had found a good recruitment officer but she quit recently, even after we added each other to friends on my main.

Maybe recruiting for a guild where the GM character isn't played much is a bad idea? Makes the guild look inactive I think. Whenever I'm in town I do my recruiting message, so it's not like I don't try to recruit.

Anybody got advice? What am I doing wrong?

08-14-2012, 04:20 PM

That is a good idea of a guild.

08-14-2012, 07:43 PM
I don't think the last couple of people replying even read the discussion. Point is, it's for female CHARACTERS who get hit on. Players can be either, and it tends to bother us male players a lot more because we have to answer awkward questions. Then some people get the wrong idea. So I'm trying to save the female characters out there some grief. Players can be either, but it's more awkward for male players.

Anyway been having trouble recruiting lately. I thought I had found a good recruitment officer but she quit recently, even after we added each other to friends on my main.

Maybe recruiting for a guild where the GM character isn't played much is a bad idea? Makes the guild look inactive I think. Whenever I'm in town I do my recruiting message, so it's not like I don't try to recruit.

Anybody got advice? What am I doing wrong?

Necro Much? :o

Anyhow, Find a friend who you trust the most and promote him/her (or Them).

You could just disband the guild and make a new Name for it if it's totally dead.

There's tons of ways to get Members.. Add a new perspective why to join the guild!

eg. Changing name of the Guild : "Is Married" or "Is Already Taken" (Something that can be used By Male or Female toons)

With these kinds of names, of course you can change the rules :)

eg. When You changed the guild name into "Is Married"

The first thing that comes to someone's mind is they are not Open!

Thus reducing these accounts of these inappropriate flirting.

Rules would be changed too like, Male or Female toon can be added.

Because when people read it, Its "[Name]_Is Married"

And your toon's gender won't matter!

But, you can still achieve your goal with this tactic! (if im correct its just a status symbol so that you can't be harassed right?)

That's all i can suggest for now, but im pretty sure there are some sick ideas out there that could bring a guild back to life :eagerness:

08-14-2012, 07:55 PM
Necro Much? :o

Anyhow, Find a friend who you trust the most and promote him/her (or Them).

You could just disband the guild and make a new Name for it if it's totally dead.

There's tons of ways to get Members.. Add a new perspective why to join the guild!

eg. Changing name of the Guild : "Is Married" or "Is Already Taken" (Something that can be used By Male or Female toons)

With these kinds of names, of course you can change the rules :)

eg. When You changed the guild name into "Is Married"

The first thing that comes to someone's mind is they are not Open!

Thus reducing these accounts of these inappropriate flirting.

Rules would be changed too like, Male or Female toon can be added.

Because when people read it, Its "[Name]_Is Married"

And your toon's gender won't matter!

But, you can still achieve your goal with this tactic! (if im correct its just a status symbol so that you can't be harassed right?)

That's all i can suggest for now, but im pretty sure there are some sick ideas out there that could bring a guild back to life :eagerness:

Yes, he necro'd his own thread, which means it's still in use.

08-14-2012, 08:19 PM
ya know, if i were a girl and some stranger flirted with me, id kick em :/

08-15-2012, 12:13 AM
Right. The thread is still in use. I don't see a reason to make a new thread about the same exact thing. That is unless it starts allowing male characters, at which point I'll make a new thread and opener since that's a drastic change.

So remake the guild? Really don't wanna lose the investment on it. I'm not made of credits. The name Will Never Date You is not gender specific really, so I don't see a reason to remake under a new name. It's primarily for people to wear on top of their character's head to deter being hit on. Status symbol.

I'm just wondering if I'm doing something wrong with my recruiting methods. I have a good and descriptive thread on the forums and a recruiting message for when I'm in Blackstar. I'm on a lot and add members to friends on my main (Keep them even after they quit) so people don't think I'm an inactive GM cause my main doesn't head the guild.

What am I doing wrong guys? Is there something I'm missing?

08-15-2012, 02:57 AM
First you gotta think for yourself;

Why would i join this guild?

Okay so i decided to joined in

Should i stay in it or not?

It's been pretty boring here, isn't there anything new to do?

for example, Mini Games with mini rewards such as guess the number in my head and it shall be in your possession!

Okay.. so this guild had some gigs.

Can I help this guild to grow Because were still struggling in keeping up the Recruits and People that is in it,

And if the purpose of this guild is just to be a symbol to deter being hit on right, But why can't I be a recruiter if I know I would be a good one?

If the only to be a recruiter is to be loyal to the guild, then.. I have to be here for a long time?

But how can I be loyal to this guild if I don't even have friends in it? :'(

Bottom Line, be more interactive with your members!

Have a connection! Give them reasons why to stay in the guild, Motivate Them!

Make them feel at home, give them someone to talk to.

I see that your'e in a striving guild in PL, I'm assuming you should have know the ingredients to a successful guild.

Use your'e experience, try to do the same thing that made your Guild in PL a good one..

08-15-2012, 09:22 AM
@OP -- ONLY three times a week?! XD

08-15-2012, 11:22 AM
Actually I make everybody who joins a recruiter to add people in easier. I make sure to tell them we are looking for female characters who get hit on too much, but friends of said characters are fine too i guess. It hasn't worked to keep people or induct more for some reason. I try to do stuff with the members but they quit after a couple of days so. It's been really hard and I dunno what to do.

ROM is pretty inactive in PL. This is a SL guiild. Ghost is mostly in SL and DL nowadays. We have a lot of members in PL but I don't see them often. I'm not on PL that much.

Yea Piano, it's honestly usually more but 3 is the bare minimum I get hit on per week usually.

08-15-2012, 03:31 PM
Maybe there`s just not enough female toons getting hit on nowadays..

Maybe no one wants to join because they know they are just joining for the symbol.

TBH, if you really did do what you are saying, IDK what`s the problem.

Hope you find your answers soon. Good luck :o

08-15-2012, 05:52 PM
Thanks everybody. I'll keep trying then. I just don't know what's going on. Any other suggestions are welcome.

08-15-2012, 08:12 PM
goodluck with ur guild broni :crushed:

08-16-2012, 10:57 AM
It's Bron, but thanks for the support!

08-16-2012, 01:34 PM
What if I play a male character and yet I'm a girl in rl? & what if people don't believe that I'm a girl in rl? But my friends know ima girl.. o.o i can't join the guild?

I'm known to play male characters more than female ones and even if I'm playing a male character I still get hit on by "girls" asking me out and stuff o.O

08-16-2012, 01:36 PM

08-17-2012, 11:29 AM
I am in agreement with Stomp. Funny.

But to answer your question it has zero to do with IRL genders even if you are a girl,but is about characters genders. if you get hit on a lot and your character is male you're eligible. I would prefer to have minimal male characters though, unless it's really happening to you a lot and you need to put out a message of "No" badly enough. There is a severe imbalance ingame, where it happens more to female characters than male ones so I'm aiming the guild at the female ones first.

08-17-2012, 11:40 AM
lol so if a rl guy plays a girl character, he can join the guild? sounds funny if you think about it xD.

08-17-2012, 09:52 PM
I've already said RL genders don't matter. Ingame gender being female who hates getting hit on is preferred, but I will take males is they're getting harassed way too much. Also friends of existing members are welcome too.

08-20-2012, 02:35 AM
So what iffffff the person who was doing all the flirting and harassment makes a female character and join your guild? lolol (I have a lot of "what if" questions xD)

08-20-2012, 07:13 AM
What if I play a male character and yet I'm a girl in rl? & what if people don't believe that I'm a girl in rl? But my friends know ima girl.. o.o i can't join the guild?

I'm known to play male characters more than female ones and even if I'm playing a male character I still get hit on by "girls" asking me out and stuff o.O

lol so if a rl guy plays a girl character, he can join the guild? sounds funny if you think about it xD.

So what iffffff the person who was doing all the flirting and harassment makes a female character and join your guild? lolol (I have a lot of "what if" questions xD)

Lololololol! They're good questions and statements though.

08-20-2012, 02:07 PM
Lololololol! They're good questions and statements though.

I'm a very curious person :p and I need to know my information IF I ever want to join ;) AND I'm pretty sure there are people who are wondering the same thing :p. I'm not trying to make this as a joke, I'm being serious xD. ("xD" didn't make it so serious BUT you know what I mean ;))