View Full Version : Applying Empathy In Group

11-16-2011, 12:37 AM
Anyone else notice that when you are in a group and running...you can apply Protection (12m range) to all in the group. While running, Empathy (8m range) only applies to you and the people behind you....no matter how close the person in front of you is. I've had people like right on top of me, but just a bit a head of me...and Empathy still didn't work while running, but did for someone much farther behind me.

11-16-2011, 01:00 AM
Actually, I haven't had that problem. o_O
Maybe you should try uninstalling the client and reinatalling. Make sure you clear cache and data saved. Hopefully that'll work?

11-16-2011, 09:35 AM
The problem what you describe sounds like the effect you have when you turn on your shield. When you run while shielded you run in the front spot, not the middle.
I dont know how the area is calculated but i just see a simularity here ;)

11-16-2011, 11:25 AM
Where was this happening, Glauk? I just tried it in Biosphere running down a hall and the guy 8'-10' or so ahead of me got the Empathy effects--sparkles around his waist and health went up. Could it be happening only in a particular level or two?

ETA: Arrrgh! Should've also asked what you're playing on: Android, IOS or Chrome?

12-07-2011, 04:23 AM
i finally have my engie up and running and i noticed the same bug, i was in delta7. I tried to stop for a few times which seems to work, but you're going to fall behind and risk missing the head of the pack.

playing on ipad2.

12-07-2011, 08:39 AM
What is your latency, i.e. how high are your pings?

SL (like most online multiplayers ever since QuakeWorld) use timeshift and client side prediction to hide the lag from the user feel of the game. The result is that some features of the game occur counter intuitively especially when the latency creeps up. (i.e. you could be blown to bits half a second later by a rocket that you barely managed to evade)

I dunno how exactly it's done in SL, but it's there. And in quake terms this observer mispositioning of empathy would mean that the skill firing code regarding empathy fails to (or isn't even designed to) mediate correct time/location from the client to the server. (or the server performs the range check at a lagging location for some other reason)

12-07-2011, 12:51 PM
Another possibility is that your teamate that is right near you is actually just around the corner of a wall. Ping can also contribute to this, where you think the toon is right in front of you but has already turned the corner (so in reality, there is a wall between you and your target). I'm no expert on this type of stuff and cannot follow all of hull's last post (lol sorry, i am very tech inept), but I have tested that skills don't go through walls (neither AoE nor single target) even if you 1 foot away from the target. if this helps, great, if not, i'll consider it another newt fail.