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View Full Version : Time to tell the truth regarding para gems

07-20-2018, 07:09 PM
Sts developers have ignored almost all correspondence from me regarding this matter. I started playing this game around 2013. In 2014 there was a Halloween event where you could obtain the undead vanity, blinky and the para gem. I obtained the para gem and unlike the majority I had the foresight to keep this gem in my stash where it remained until the beginning of this year when I realised it had disappeared.

This is the email I received back when I first brought this to sts attention -

Chad replied:


The items you request have been recovered and should now be available in your characters inventory! Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any further issues and I hope you have a wonderful day!



Well, the problem with this is that the item was never recovered. What sts gave me was a gem of each type not the original para gem.

Their response acknowledges that my item needed to be recovered and informed me not to hesitate to contact them again. Yet ever since every correspondence has been ignored.

I know developers are active on this site so please respond and tell the truth. Did you get rid of para gems? I read somewhere else that in hindsight you think the gems were a mistake. I shouldn't be punished for having the foresight to keep one. That gem was my retirement plan. It's worth a lot now as any item should be that has been hoarded for 4 years. My hypothesis is that you liquidated all para gems without their owners consent in the hopes that most accounts were inactive.

You can check all my account history. My account has never been compromised and I never crafted the para gem. So where did it go? Time to tell the truth.

07-21-2018, 12:38 AM
SS or it didnt happen/10

07-21-2018, 01:04 AM
They do this with many items. I think they run a program to delete old and unused items to optimize servers. Like they did with forged energy

07-21-2018, 02:37 AM
I saved some of those XP things, you know the ones, 300, 1,000, 2,000. They went missing along with some items of furniture. I emailed STS and got the same reply as you. When I looked in my inventory only one cheap tavern window was replaced. The items went missing after an update and was fairly recent.

07-21-2018, 02:44 AM
Doesn't seem right if you legitimately had 1 in stash it shouldn't disappear no matter what. That being said you should get it back I would assume they are able to figure out if you owned 1 and where did it go but then again its a lot of work for 1 gem your best chance is to provide them evidence of its existence..

07-22-2018, 09:25 PM
You guys realise STS can track everything you do in this game. Why would I lie about this? I started playing this game months before signing up to the forums. I signed up here in 2014. I remember the event like yesterday, you got a blinky egg the para gem and a title [deaths hand]. I have (had) all these.

I sat back and watched as everyone put these gems into their lvl 41 weapons. I was trying to save for a good weapon before taking a break so never used mine.

All I am asking is for Justg or another developer to admit unused paras no longer exist in this game. I think I deserve that much having played the game for 5 years.
I would appreciate all your support in this matter to try and expedite this complaint and find out what really happened. The only reason i am bringing this to the forums is because they refuse to answer further correspondence after claiming my item would be returned. How would you all feel if this happened to you?

If STS says, yes we got rid of unused para gems as they were all supposed to be used once earned then I will be mad but I will forgive them. It's the deceit I don't like.

07-24-2018, 10:03 PM
What if 2014 is too far away for their log to keep?

07-24-2018, 10:08 PM
They only need to check back to the beginning of this year. One day it was there the next it wasn't. Then when they said they had returned it they replaced it with normal gems which leads me to believe they got rid of them. I should be compensated for my loss though. 25m sounds about right.

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07-24-2018, 11:01 PM
I would think they would at least give you what was offered to everyone who had one. It defidently wasnt a standard type of each jewel lol, much higher tier jewel.

07-25-2018, 12:01 PM
OMG YOU have made multiple threads on this. Get over it. I'm pretty damn sure most of the ppl that look at this section of forums doesn't like seeing you complain and complain and complain about you're super duper precious "PARA" THAT you're sooooo obsessed with. Can you not get over the fact that you're not gonna get your para back. Stop bugging the devs about it and Stop posting pointless threads of you ranting about it.

Just take this L

07-25-2018, 12:11 PM
I believe they announced game-wide para gem removal awhile ago. Para gems were a game-breaker at the time. Sorry for you loss.

07-25-2018, 12:23 PM
Pooball imagine you had an item that you worked your socks off for. An item that literally took your blood , sweat and tears to earn. An item that you cherished and that was so dear to your heart that you couldn't bear to see it placed in just any old weapon, so instead tucked it away in your stash for 4 years while you grinded day and night to save enough gold for a weapon worthy enough.

Now imagine one day you log on to see your precious gone! How would you feel?
It's very easy to say I am a whinger, but this time there is a legitimate grievance. This was not just any old item that vanished. This was an extremely rare gem. I remember back in 2014 thinking how stupid people were being by crafting the gem in legendary weapons.

I had bigger plans for my para and those plans have been stolen from me. Imagine if STS got rid of the medusa head for rogues?

Please STS give it back! I earned it.

07-25-2018, 12:25 PM
I believe they announced game-wide para gem removal awhile ago. Para gems were a game-breaker at the time. Sorry for you loss.

It couldn't have been that long ago as i remember it being in my stash. If it was a game breaker then fair enough, but that is their mistake not mine. If you're going to steal my "game breaking" para, at least compensate me for it. I spent plat during that event on energy tokens to get that gem.

They should have replaced unused paras with a gold nekro or something. Do the developers honestly think I hoarded this thing for 4 years to see it turned into a few normal gems? I knew the true value of it. If you gave me that back now it would be worth 50m easy in an arcane item. A gold nekro is the least you should give me in compensation.

Also please try find this notification as it's the first I'm hearing about it. Thanks.

07-25-2018, 01:52 PM
They were not removed completely from the game. Well not that I know of. I still have some. Here's pic proof. In regards to your situation, that's a question for support.169804

07-25-2018, 02:07 PM
They were not removed completely from the game. Well not that I know of. I still have some. Here's pic proof. In regards to your situation, that's a question for support.169804Thank you for the ss.

So what happened to my one? If I was talking nonsense then chad would never have replied to my original email saying it had been restored. I was given gems back but not the para. If they still exist in game then can you please give it back?

07-25-2018, 04:00 PM
OMG YOU have made multiple threads on this. Get over it. I'm pretty damn sure most of the ppl that look at this section of forums doesn't like seeing you complain and complain and complain about you're super duper precious "PARA" THAT you're sooooo obsessed with. Can you not get over the fact that you're not gonna get your para back. Stop bugging the devs about it and Stop posting pointless threads of you ranting about it.

Just take this L

Bless up, para gems aren’t even that good or expensive and considering you can’t use them over 46 there pretty pointless other than for low level twinking. You would be lucky to get like 9mil out of one lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-25-2018, 04:08 PM
Bless up, para gems aren’t even that good or expensive and considering you can’t use them over 46 there pretty pointless other than for low level twinking. You would be lucky to get like 9mil out of one lol.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkI don't understand you new players hating who weren't even around in 2014 or if you were are salty because you crafted your gem into a legendary weapon.

Saying an unspent para gem today is worth nothing is ridiculous. Again, if it was your gem that went missing after 4 years you would want answers as well.

07-25-2018, 04:10 PM
I don't understand you new players hating who weren't even around in 2014 or if you were are salty because you crafted your gem into a legendary weapon.

Saying an unspent para gem today is worth nothing is ridiculous.

I’ve been around longer than 2014 bud. I have the 2013 best mmo banner and that wasn’t even when I started playing lol. check the market forum someone is trying to sell one rn. They are like 8mil if ur lucky.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-25-2018, 04:13 PM
You can't sell or trade para gems so you are talking nonsense. Only items with the para in. So what item are you referring to?

07-25-2018, 04:15 PM
You can't sell or trade para gems so you are talking nonsense. Only items with the para in. So what item are you referring to?

LOL just got to the traders market and look at lamiy post. He is selling. LOL if you weren’t expecting to sell your para gem on a item what’s the point of even wanting it back if ur gonna let it set for no reason

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-25-2018, 04:18 PM
LOL just got to the traders market and look at lamiy post. He is selling. LOL if you weren’t expecting to sell your para gem on a item what’s the point of even wanting it back if ur gonna let it set for no reason

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkI was planning on selling it but was waiting for better items to come out. I am not talking about a para gem that I crafted on to a weapon. I am talking about one that was unused ready to craft. You don't see the difference?

A para in a legendary 41 weapon is going to be worth a lot less than a para in an arcane artifact.

07-25-2018, 04:25 PM
Also when I made my first thread regarding this someone was quick to show a screenshot showing their para still in stash. Same thing with this thread. Now I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but why have these active users not crafted these para gems yet? Can you tell me what you are waiting for? I am not saying these accounts are shills I'm just generally curious.


I'm sorry for bringing this to the forums. But what choice do we have when emails are answered and solutions offered that do nothing to remedy your original grievance and all further emails ignored?

This will be my last post on the matter as admittedly it is a selfish use of public space. I'm just annoyed at being ignored.

Sorry guys.

STS we deserve better player support.

07-25-2018, 10:53 PM
Retracted whole statement due to delusional posts after this

07-25-2018, 11:28 PM
#stopcomplaining and play as normal human being who just want to have fun in game..

Sent from my SM-A910F using Tapatalk

07-26-2018, 04:08 AM
Give me 25m compensation and I'll shut up. Or a gold Nekro. These shill accounts are not pulling the wool over my eyes.

STS give me my gem back!

07-26-2018, 04:52 AM
Give me 25m compensation and I'll shut up. Or a gold Nekro. These shill accounts are not pulling the wool over my eyes.

STS give me my gem back!You got a compensation, noble jewels. Why still complain. Sometimes we lose sometimes we win. I lost 20m when the lvl 10 arc/rare spooky artifact came out and all i got back were 25 untradeable awake gems. I didnt make a thread on forums bc you can rather have fun ingame. Just mail support and they will take the actions they think are the right choice.
Its their game, their rules.

07-26-2018, 05:07 AM
You got a compensation, noble jewels. Why still complain. Sometimes we lose sometimes we win. I lost 20m when the lvl 10 arc/rare spooky artifact came out and all i got back were 25 untradeable awake gems. I didnt make a thread on forums bc you can rather have fun ingame. Just mail support and they will take the actions they think are the right choice.
Its their game, their rules.Noble jewels? Lmao . Nobody in their right mind would ever liquidise a para gem for that.

"Why still complain" - because I had kept a hold of that gem for four years only to see it vanish. I spent plat on that event as well.

Of course I'm going to complain about a valuable item I earned disappearing. If you woke up tomorrow and all your items were gone you would complain as well.

Give me back my para gem STS!

Do not insult my intelligence with your shill accounts posting screenshots of "your para gems." That's twice you've done it now. It's so bait it's embarrassing.

Ravager gave the game away when he said he still, "had some left".

You only get ONE para gem.

Stop faking screenshots and give me my gem back!

*Ravager is a developers alt account. So is *intruders. You think I'm an idiot? What are you both keeping that gem for? Ravager has 2k posts on this forum....BAIT Developer account!

Devs are super quick to lock threads complaining about excessively long guild names but their silence speaks volumes when it comes to this.

@Justg you know I'm not lying. You stole my para gem! Give it back or tell the truth!!!

07-26-2018, 05:36 AM
:') I love you

07-26-2018, 05:56 AM
:') I love youI love you bro.

Can we all hold a moments silence for Ravager and intruder please.

An account from 2013 with 2k+ forum posts that they're trying to pass off as a legitimate player. Unfortunately they tried the same trick in a previous thread of mine.

I'm disgusted that that they even tried the same cheap trick again - continuity error - cringe! And posting that phony screen shot ....smh.

"Here's pic proof. In regards to your situation, that's a question for support."

Very good. Except nobody asked you to post "proof" and support doesnt respond.

But you know that already Ravager. You're not fooling anybody. It's embarrassing.

07-26-2018, 06:22 AM
I love you bro.

Can we all hold a moments silence for Ravager and intruder please.

An account from 2013 with 2k+ forum posts that they're trying to pass off as a legitimate player. Unfortunately they tried the same trick in a previous thread of mine.

I'm disgusted that that they even tried the same cheap trick again - continuity error - cringe! And posting that phony screen shot ....smh.

"Here's pic proof. In regards to your situation, that's a question for support."

Very good. Except nobody asked you to post "proof" and support doesnt respond.

But you know that already Ravager. You're not fooling anybody. It's embarrassing.

I can guarantee you they are legit players sir. And 2k posts is nothing. Go check out Zeus.

Understandably your upset but to call out player(s) who are 100% legit isnt cool man.

07-26-2018, 06:22 AM
Legit shills.

Both threads of mine regarding this issue conveniently has someone willing to provide screenshots. These guys just happen to be hoarding a para gem for no apparent reason except to try make me out as a liar.

Open your eyes dude.

STS could have shut this whole topic down by saying, "we did not get rid of para gems".

You don't think it's strange no developer has posted in any topic regarding this yet?

Those accounts are phonies.

07-26-2018, 07:05 AM
Ravager is legit player. And was top lb player for loooong time in 2014-2015.
At first I found your posts and comments funny. Not anymore.
I don’t think that a dev has time to post a screen instead of looking in your case or give an answer. And they give many answer like “you will be fine” “shifty eyes” etc that take even less time.
The only thing you can say about them this time is that they don’t care. As I do from now on.
My last comment on whatever post/reply of yours.
Enjoy game.

07-26-2018, 07:21 AM
I posted a screenshot in hopes that you would go in the right direction of getting your issue resolved. I thought it was something that I could easily help with (not be attacked). I have alts that I have and play with specifically for events (and who are holding my other para gems). Sometimes events are easier at low levels, sometimes not. When the Halloween event came out with paras, I knew people who farmed a lot more than I did. Part of the reason I have my paras still is because I took time off from this game and now I debate what I should put it in. A good amount of users swapped para gems for nobles during the 46 cap because the total noble jewels you got from breaking it down was higher than the price of the para gem. Of course, the idea of breaking down a para gem now would be such a bad idea since nobles are 400k-800k?

I'm just a normal player. I borrowed gold from friends ingame to return to this game after being gone for close to 2 years. I post to help when I can. I submit bug reports. I ask questions when I don't know the answers to them. I play nearly everyday trying to catch up to the game. So I have the struggles of any user on this forum and game.

Imagine if your focus was "para gems were removed from everyone's inventory" instead of the focus it should be which is "why was the para gem replaced with the incorrect item?"

07-26-2018, 07:23 AM
If I was lying then these threads would have been locked long ago

I care not if you like my posts. I just want to know what happened to my para gem.

Also, you're deluded if you think devs don't have alts. Nobody asked for screen shots on this thread yet Ravager was super quick to provide one and also state the get out clause - "contact support ". Knowing fine well they dont respond. Same thing happened with my previous thread with a guy called intruders, I posted the screenshot.

You expect me to believe these "active" guys just have a para randomly sitting around.....for no reason at all?

I don't care for your opinion. I just want STS to tell me where my gem is.

07-26-2018, 07:33 AM
Please tell me how you know a "good amount of users" swapped their para for noble gems?


This is nonsense. Nobody would ever liquidise that gem. You are talking absolute rubbish. In 2014 everyone was putting it in their weapons. I'm sorry but you sound like a shill. Trying to make me believe I got a good deal by STS stealing my para and swapping with gems. How many paras do you have? And what are you keeping them for exactly?

07-26-2018, 07:39 AM
If I was lying then these threads would have been locked long ago

I care not if you like my posts. I just want to know what happened to my para gem.

Also, you're deluded if you think devs don't have alts. Nobody asked for screen shots on this thread yet Ravager was super quick to provide one and also state the get out clause - "contact support ". Knowing fine well they dont respond. Same thing happened with my previous thread with a guy called intruders, I posted the screenshot.

You expect me to believe these "active" guys just have a para randomly sitting around.....for no reason at all?

I don't care for your opinion. I just want STS to tell me where my gem is.

Well at least this thread can get locked because of your "deluded" drama. You know not of what you speak of, you really dont. Now im going to take in all your posts and such and make an assumtion that your about a 18y.o(with the maturity of a 16y.o.). the developers have MUCH BETTER things to do then mess with your head kid.

Rav was trying to help(what he does when he can, BELIEVE it or not) and then you go off the rocker? Why did they save them? Why did you!??Pretty sure u also asked for SS's before so. THAT be why you got them -_-. To think your so important to draw all this attention from developers is sad.

Your either on drugs or need medication in my opinion. Sucks we are in the same guild.

Ill stop before i get banned here..

Now this thread can be locked up.

07-26-2018, 07:51 AM
Well at least this thread can get locked because of your "deluded" drama. You know not of what you speak of, you really dont. Now im going to take in all your posts and such and make an assumtion that your about a 18y.o(with the maturity of a 16y.o.). the developers have MUCH BETTER things to do then mess with your head kid.

Rav was trying to help(what he does when he can, BELIEVE it or not) and then you go off the rocker? Why did they save them? Why did you!??Pretty sure u also asked for SS's before so. THAT be why you got them -_-. To think your so important to draw all this attention from developers is sad.

Your either on drugs or need medication in my opinion. Sucks we are in the same guild.

Ill stop before i get banned here..

Now this thread can be locked up.Were you playing this game in 2014? Did you ever own a para gem?

I earned that gem. I put it in my stash and it disappeared. I honestly don't know how anyone can try argue that I don't deserve an explanation as to where it went

I tried to go through the relevant channels but STS did not respond. As far as the guild goes, ask your GM crossways. 2 years ago I was asking him what I should do with my para. I'm not making this up.

STS need to give me my gem back or provide an explanation as to where it went.

Chad said he gave it back. Chad lied.

07-26-2018, 07:58 AM
Chad didnt lie, you got your answers. They replaced the para in jewel(s) form. The only answer you may get is a locked thread and a temporary ban if you continue ranting.

Go enjoy the game (:

07-26-2018, 07:59 AM
So do paras exist or not in this game? It's a simple question.

People are saying they still own one. If that's the case then why was mine taken from me?

Why would I be banned? The forums are for asking questions.

And Chad did lie. He said my item was returned when it wasn't.

07-26-2018, 08:13 AM
Lol .......


07-26-2018, 08:51 AM
Thanks for clearing that up @Rav! STS should replace a Para with a Para if it had been removed by their system. "If" being the operative word here...

@Macgreaze You probably got the jewels as a courtesy since you didn't have proof - they are meeting you halfway. That's good customer service except that Chad didn't explain why you got jewels and not a para. Unless you have hard proof that you yourself can produce, then you are entirely relying on STS' inventory logs related to your character. If their logs have been purged (which they probably were since it was awhile ago) then no proof exists. You could be wrong in your recollection, there's no way for anyone else to know for sure what happened.

07-26-2018, 09:37 AM
I don’t know why any of you would waste time explaining yourself to this dude!

07-26-2018, 09:42 AM
May I ask if you’re constantly sending them email after email?

07-26-2018, 10:29 AM
*Ravager is a developers alt account. So is *intruders. You think I'm an idiot? What are you both keeping that gem for? Ravager has 2k posts on this forum....BAIT Developer account!

You crazy. Take a break.