View Full Version : Suggestion for the Devs

11-16-2011, 11:54 AM
How about a beta testing team of the active players in PL to test out new content for 1-2 weeks before a new expansion is released?
Select a number of players, say 100-250 active players, to test out the expansions. Either have a sign up thread or select the top players who would be willing to participate.
Example: Mt. Fang, give 250 players new, temporary accounts, lvl 60 glyph or demonic gear, and put them all at lvl 60. Have them run the aforementioned zone, reporting bugs and feedback.
Implementing a STRICT, don't ask don't tell, T.O.S. When beta testing is over, the temporary accounts are removed.
There are so many players, that I doubt using this system would really effect the endgame out come. I was a beta tester several times on Everquest II in this manner and it seems to really weed out bugs and controversy. Not 100% but majority.

11-16-2011, 12:00 PM
That would be a great idea! Nice one. :)

11-16-2011, 12:28 PM
It would be great, but Apple's TOS means that STS can't beta anything on the iPlatform :/

11-16-2011, 12:31 PM
It would be great, but apples TOS means that STS can't beta anything on the iPlatform :/

We've talked about a test server before. As Necroreaper outlines, it would have to be Android (or perhaps Chrome client) only. It does also add not-insignificant infrastructure to our build and deploy process, which is why we haven't done such up to this point. But good suggestion, thanks!

11-16-2011, 12:32 PM
It would be great, but apples TOS means that STS can't beta anything on the iPlatform :/

True, so it would have to be all android beta testing, which in itself, would cause some controversy. But in the long run, over all, I think beta testers are a good answer to 90% of the games controversy.

11-16-2011, 01:01 PM
It would be great, but apples TOS means that STS can't beta anything on the iPlatform :/

We've talked about a test server before. As Necroreaper outlines, it would have to be Android (or perhaps Chrome client) only. It does also add not-insignificant infrastructure to our build and deploy process, which is why we haven't done such up to this point. But good suggestion, thanks!
NP. I just debate heavily on ways to end controversy upon the launch of new content as well as bettering the old. I do enjoy the STS content but the negative seems to be outweighing the positive as of late. I do wish I had completed my game develop career in computer sciences, gaming and graphics, but I leaned towards telecommunications instead, which is still not completed as well.
Thanks for the prompt reply Sam.

11-16-2011, 01:06 PM
I like this idea