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View Full Version : Suggestion: Collections!

11-16-2011, 02:19 PM
For the completionists in all of us, I'd like to see more "things" to achieve.

I would like to see a new class of "items" called "Collections". Think Zelda Twilight Princess. Or for more benefits, think of a Zynga game that lets you convert a completed set into a usable item - like an elixer.

These would be items we can loot, buy, give, trade OR just show off.

- a group of items that when all collected would make a complete "set".
- items can be looted off of mobs/bosses with similar although not so "difficult" rarity as Vanities or Legendary items.
- some items in a set are harder to obtain than others. Lucky elixers work for improving chance of a better item of this type.
- items can be traded, sold, given just like any other regular combat item. Ideally each would have a 3D model view-able in-game. But even if it was just a 2D picture on a menu screen would be a sufficient
- items have a base liquidation value >0
- a way is provided to display your collection as a set to others - as partial or complete set, or even or individual items
- nice to have: complete sets can be "turned in" for a unique usable item like an elixer, stim packs, special vanity or special combat item

Example Collections could be (feel free to pilfer examples from any number of Zynga games :-P): Space ores, precious gems, space bugs, robot parts, art, consumable liquids, preserved space food rations, ancient weapons, alien "clothing", etc..

11-16-2011, 02:30 PM
lol i was talking about this earlier in chatbox.

i'm surprised it hasn't really been put to use yet. the closest was the easter event ears "collection" in PL. a bunch of essentially useless items to collect that did nothing but clog up your inventory until you got all of them and got the ears which laid eggs. lol

zynga-fying PL / SL wouldn't be that difficult.

you don't actually need to make a new classification of items. the collection will already be defined by how many different parts to the collection you have.

such collections would increase playability for those who don't really feel like leveling/grinding/farming but would like to get something somewhat unique.

it would also most definitely encourage people to upgrade inventory slots quite a bit, depending on how crazy sts goes with offering different collections.

we already know a lot of players are ocd about collecting stuff. might as well feed that need to hoarde!