View Full Version : Need help asap

11-16-2011, 03:18 PM
Yea ok little,help needed alright I have,my lv 37 talon bear atm but I jst seem to die so much lol.. So I actually wanna tank now ive had one,but jst it sucked cuz,i was,poor so if some 1 can give,me sum stat points tips and sum full 1 handed sword sets I could buy would be alot kf help. P.s,i have,money now,lmao. I have a total of 180 stat points if sum 1 can tell me how,much to put,on str and dex also thanks guys

11-16-2011, 04:33 PM
At your level, I would propably go for the Frozen Nightmare gear. For tanking purposes: Iceberg plate + Hatchet + Shield. You could also consider buying an Iceberg longsword, for higher damage output (but would sacrifice survivability and tanking abilities)

You should have just enough Str to equip your items, all other attribute points should go to Dex to get your hit% up.

Can't give much advice on how to tank properly since I don't play much on bears.
But there are some very good guides on how to tank properly, so take some time to read through them ;)

Crowd control guide by Ellyidol:

03-08-2012, 04:45 AM
Advice on tanking bears would be go into a pack and use taunt. Then go to a wall and use beckon and once they all smash into the wall use stomp then use hellscream to stun them for longer so your team can kill them. Or use beckon at a wall followed up by hellscream and stomp. When that is complete use crushing blow and your slashes. By then your team should have already killed them or close to.

Hope this helps and remember, beckon needs to be on 4 or higher i think would be alright but best to be 6.

Good luck in tanking! :)