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View Full Version : Paladin in the “Arena of Honor”

07-27-2018, 02:23 PM
I personally can say that rhino is my favorite class to use, and in order to get gold tier in this event you need to get a total of 300 kills this weekend in AOH. Rhinos cannot kill anything in honor. That is, 1v1 or FFA, makes no difference either way it can not kill. What I’m asking for is either the “Redemption” nerf in the past to be revoked, or a damage buff on the Paladin honor set. I can see the way it is now if I grinder all weekend I still wouldn’t achieve gold tier, doesn’t need to be a huge buff or anything done but something definitely needs to be done about this, and I know Cinco can find a way to make it balanced so I can kill like every other class for this event to get the unique vanities! :)

Mine AGK
07-27-2018, 02:48 PM
I personally can say that rhino is my favorite class to use, and in order to get gold tier in this event you need to get a total of 300 kills this weekend in AOH. Rhinos cannot kill anything in honor. That is, 1v1 or FFA, makes no difference either way it can not kill. What I’m asking for is either the “Redemption” nerf in the past to be revoked, or a damage buff on the Paladin honor set. I can see the way it is now if I grinder all weekend I still wouldn’t achieve gold tier, doesn’t need to be a huge buff or anything done but something definitely needs to be done about this, and I know Cinco can find a way to make it balanced so I can kill like every other class for this event to get the unique vanities! :)

Lol? Now that rhino isntcOP with certain gear, now you come and complain?

The rhino has always been trash without certain gear since it started. It got better with 85 cap since it was just blaster all over. Now that you have no 205 dagger or bow, youre gonna complain that arena isnt balance?

07-27-2018, 02:50 PM
Lol? Now that rhino isntcOP with certain gear, now you come and complain?

The rhino has always been trash without certain gear since it started. It got better with 85 cap since it was just blaster all over. Now that you have no 205 dagger or bow, youre gonna complain that arena isnt balance?

Yeah when it’s completely useless and can’t be used to kill under any circumstances, I’m going to complain. Shouldn’t you still be banned why’re you even here? I’m going back to str I was FORCED to use dex sets for the tournament, I’m so over you coming on the forum with your toxicity 24/7. It’s unbalanced, I can’t kill and I WONT meet the requirements at the end of the weekend. Therefore, needs to be fixed. :)

Mine AGK
07-27-2018, 03:07 PM
Yeah when it’s completely useless and can’t be used to kill under any circumstances, I’m going to complain. Shouldn’t you still be banned why’re you even here? I’m going back to str I was FORCED to use dex sets for the tournament, I’m so over you coming on the forum with your toxicity 24/7. It’s unbalanced, I can’t kill and I WONT meet the requirements at the end of the weekend. Therefore, needs to be fixed. :)

rhino has NEVER been good without OP gear. If youre gonna make a case about arena not being balanced, then do it for all classes. Mage is super weak, bear is too tanky. Birds when str still output rediculous damage and foxes are terrible as usual. The rhino ONLY ever became op with certain gear from 100 and 105 cap. Not to mention how messed up ranges are in honor arena.

07-27-2018, 03:10 PM
That rhino has NEVER been good without OP gear. If youre gonna make a case about arena not being balanced, then do it for all classes. Mage is super weak, bear is too tanky. Birds when str still output rediculous damage and foxes are terrible as usual.

All classes aren’t my case. Mages do high dmg but are squishy of course, that’s how it always is. Mages have no problem getting kills in honor, and that is my concern at this point. And yes I agree, bears honor sets (sets only!) do need a nerf in honor, considering bear is a bad class at 105 cap, the class itself does not need to be messed with, unless it’s a buff. As for foxes and rhinos, yes thank you for admitting they’re bad after complaining how OP rhino is :) class needs a skill dmg buff considering how useless it is in honor, can lose 10-0 to any class.

Mine AGK
07-27-2018, 03:22 PM
Ive never complained about rhino being op. Ive said from the beginning that rhinos with specific gear require no skill to use. Not to mention when 100 cap came around, rhinos no longer had to give up buffs for damage and vice versa. With 20 extra points, they can simply max out all skills which makes them unbelievably tanky when using 105 sets dex or str.

07-27-2018, 04:35 PM
Tankyness is the point of the class. Hence the reason it has the buffs it does, tanky support. However, it should still be useable for pvp events like this, it should be able to kill like all other classes. No complaints in 105 pvp with str, just honor it’s 100% useless.

07-27-2018, 04:56 PM
Tankyness is the point of the class. Hence the reason it has the buffs it does, tanky support. However, it should still be useable for pvp events like this, it should be able to kill like all other classes. No complaints in 105 pvp with str, just honor it’s 100% useless.

Yeah, I just think the point system for the PvP events needs to be enhanced. For instance, points for kills, winning the match, or just finishing the entire match (even if you lose).

07-27-2018, 04:56 PM
Yeah, I just think the point system for the PvP events needs to be enhanced. For instance, points for kills, winning the match, or just finishing the entire match (even if you lose).

That’s something I wouldn’t mind.

07-27-2018, 06:03 PM
With all due respect, Paladin is busted af. I think you are just used to winning easier in non-honor arena because you can use dex set there.

07-27-2018, 06:24 PM
With all due respect, Paladin is busted af. I think you are just used to winning easier in non-honor arena because you can use dex set there.

Dude, you haven’t used rhino in years nor have you seen it in honor. Stop trying to degrade me as a rhino because I’m using dex. Number one, I was the first ever rhino to cap 105, and use a dex set at 105. Everyone else followed me because they seen how it played. Matter of a fact, if it wasn’t for the tourney (no offense to will’s rules) I wouldn’t have ever went dex, I love str rhino. I did all that not caring if STR or DEX rhino was good or not. Why? Because im known for that class and I love that class. But, turns out it is good with the dex set. The rhino class is bad base stat wise and honor proves that because honor relies on skill dmg strictly. No matter how good I am at the class, in 1v1 anything will 10-0 me, because it does nothing. You can’t voice your opinion on something you know nothing about, as previously stated, rhino has always been trash. And some help in honor wouldn’t hurt anything, I want to be able to kill like everyone else, considering rhino WILL NOT KILL. Stop being biased, you’ve always had something against me or my class since it started being useable. I know what my class needs before anyone. It’s not busted, no skill dmg on a class is a BAD class, and rhino has trash skill dmg.

07-27-2018, 07:43 PM
Dude, you haven’t used rhino in years nor have you seen it in honor. Stop trying to degrade me as a rhino because I’m using dex. Number one, I was the first ever rhino to cap 105, and use a dex set at 105. Everyone else followed me because they seen how it played. Matter of a fact, if it wasn’t for the tourney (no offense to will’s rules) I wouldn’t have ever went dex, I love str rhino. I did all that not caring if STR or DEX rhino was good or not. Why? Because im known for that class and I love that class. But, turns out it is good with the dex set. The rhino class is bad base stat wise and honor proves that because honor relies on skill dmg strictly. No matter how good I am at the class, in 1v1 anything will 10-0 me, because it does nothing. You can’t voice your opinion on something you know nothing about, as previously stated, rhino has always been trash. And some help in honor wouldn’t hurt anything, I want to be able to kill like everyone else, considering rhino WILL NOT KILL. Stop being biased, you’ve always had something against me or my class since it started being useable. I know what my class needs before anyone. It’s not busted, no skill dmg on a class is a BAD class, and rhino has trash skill dmg.

You took what I said way too personally.

07-27-2018, 10:11 PM
Ghost has got the best point here, sometime, something help with tanking healing etc and that doesn't count,

Having a good rhino in my team at honor is most luxurious thing i found,

07-28-2018, 03:58 PM
Yeah, I just think the point system for the PvP events needs to be enhanced. For instance, points for kills, winning the match, or just finishing the entire match (even if you lose).

Well since ya'll are on the subject, I will leave my input. Currently many players, (Rhinos, foxes, etc) are complementing on how hard it is to gain points, my idea is to add in a 'Assisting Kill' point. For example if you helped someone kill an enemy player it'd be +1 point for assist, although it isn't much it would still help people grind for the higher tiers during the PL pvp Events and so on.Also leaving more satisfaction for the players.

07-28-2018, 04:19 PM
Well since ya'll are on the subject, I will leave my input. Currently many players, (Rhinos, foxes, etc) are complementing on how hard it is to gain points, my idea is to add in a 'Assisting Kill' point. For example if you helped someone kill an enemy player it'd be +1 point for assist, although it isn't much it would still help people grind for the higher tiers during the PL pvp Events and so on.Also leaving more satisfaction for the players.

Yeah, I actually wanted to suggest a point system for assists, but I really have no idea if PL's current client could handle something like that. Would be really neat, though.

07-28-2018, 05:29 PM
Yeah, I actually wanted to suggest a point system for assists, but I really have no idea if PL's current client could handle something like that. Would be really neat, though.

It was a great suggestion. The ability to track individual event scores is already in place on the client. Adding points from other situations such as assists, staying until the end and losing ("A" for effort) or winning, would be server side :)

07-28-2018, 07:52 PM
I don’t see a problem for bears, foxes, birds, or mages getting kills. Which is why this thread came about. I want to make it on my rhino but just doesn’t seem possible, unless the “assist” was added, or possibly just for finishing a game.

07-29-2018, 07:24 PM
Lol? Now that rhino isntcOP with certain gear, now you come and complain?

The rhino has always been trash without certain gear since it started. It got better with 85 cap since it was just blaster all over. Now that you have no 205 dagger or bow, youre gonna complain that arena isnt balance?

Rhino always been trash because not a single bit of effort was put into the classes stats. Don't come on this thread starting drama like you do in the others.

Rhino stats are pathetic which is the reason why it sucks in Honor. Pay attention to Honor. Look at all the classes that are getting kills. Now look at rhino which NOT A SINGLE PLAYER MADE 3K REQUIREMENT FROM MY KNOWLEDGE while others classes made 3k in just the first day. I'm at 900 points and this is the last day. Complete waste of time.

07-29-2018, 07:30 PM
With all due respect, Paladin is busted af. I think you are just used to winning easier in non-honor arena because you can use dex set there.

Winning easier? Without the OP stats and procs on Dex/Int/STR sets rhino wouldn't even be killing in Endgame. I had better fights against 56 bears when rhino was complete crap than this honor Crap. This convo wouldn't have happened if StS didn't nerf the rhino class over others flawed and quite stupid arguments which only made the matter worse for the class.

Power to the players who used rhino in this event because I know you didn't make it to 3k and if you did even greater props.

07-29-2018, 07:40 PM
I don’t see a problem for bears, foxes, birds, or mages getting kills. Which is why this thread came about. I want to make it on my rhino but just doesn’t seem possible, unless the “assist” was added, or possibly just for finishing a game.

StS should not nerf the class until the community who's even calling for a nerf tries it for themselves. It's quite easy for me to go in and say mages is OP because of Heal and MS but that is the flaw of my argument, it's the classes skills. Yet what we see is invalid arguments that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CLASS STATS Which in turn is blamed on the class. Like really "Rhino is OP because dagger set kills" then have StS Nerf dagger not the class because it has a friggin charge ability.

I'm obviously annoyed by this. I gave up on this event because it's quite damn impossible to make 3k when I can't even kill 1 player in a 3v1. Added on to the fact that I'm buffing my teammates. It's just pathetic.

07-30-2018, 12:33 PM
I guess we can ruin Honor Arena with buffing Rhino even though majority are happy with the state of the Honer Arena. Rhino I thought was very helpful when they were on my team. They could heal, tank and chase the opponent.

07-30-2018, 01:51 PM
I guess we can ruin Honor Arena with buffing Rhino even though majority are happy with the state of the Honer Arena. Rhino I thought was very helpful when they were on my team. They could heal, tank and chase the opponent.

That benefits you but how does this benefit the players who are using the Rhino? Rhinos cannot kill and their "tanking" ability Isn't that great. While we have mages who slaughter majority of the classes in the game and Lord knows that 3 bears stomps EVERY TEAM AND CLASS IN THE GAME.

It's quite easy to see your flawed assumption that Rhinos would ruin PvP in Honor if they are buffed but as Waug's same assumption it's biased.

07-31-2018, 06:31 AM
That benefits you but how does this benefit the players who are using the Rhino? Rhinos cannot kill and their "tanking" ability Isn't that great. While we have mages who slaughter majority of the classes in the game and Lord knows that 3 bears stomps EVERY TEAM AND CLASS IN THE GAME.

It's quite easy to see your flawed assumption that Rhinos would ruin PvP in Honor if they are buffed but as Waug's same assumption it's biased.

Brother, Pl pvp is team based, no class have all the advantages rather classes have their particular roles, IF YOU wanna be fast killer but squishy class choose bird, if you wan to heal rev and also support team, get mage and to tank mostly u get bear.

About bear, I brought the fact that how it's over-strong in my earlier post at announcement section. As a rhino, the huge advantage is the party buff, it matter highly in the low stat honor gear. Along with heal and quick dash.

Now let me ask a very critical question.
Let's say we get a class to class (1v1) arena, where every class fight with same class (balanced because its same class). WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO PLAY rhino vs rhino? I bet no, because as a rhino, you want to kill other squishy classes sitting behind a tank.

My friend what is biased? Think about it.

07-31-2018, 06:58 PM
Brother, Pl pvp is team based, no class have all the advantages rather classes have their particular roles, IF YOU wanna be fast killer but squishy class choose bird, if you wan to heal rev and also support team, get mage and to tank mostly u get bear.

About bear, I brought the fact that how it's over-strong in my earlier post at announcement section. As a rhino, the huge advantage is the party buff, it matter highly in the low stat honor gear. Along with heal and quick dash.

Now let me ask a very critical question.
Let's say we get a class to class (1v1) arena, where every class fight with same class (balanced because its same class). WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO PLAY rhino vs rhino? I bet no, because as a rhino, you want to kill other squishy classes sitting behind a tank.

My friend what is biased? Think about it.

Let’s not talk about that considering you and Jen cry about 1vs1 on this forum on a daily basis. YOU’RE being biased if anything, every class should be able to kill under any conditions, so why don’t you stop being biased. :)

07-31-2018, 07:58 PM
Brother, Pl pvp is team based, no class have all the advantages rather classes have their particular roles, IF YOU wanna be fast killer but squishy class choose bird, if you wan to heal rev and also support team, get mage and to tank mostly u get bear.

About bear, I brought the fact that how it's over-strong in my earlier post at announcement section. As a rhino, the huge advantage is the party buff, it matter highly in the low stat honor gear. Along with heal and quick dash.

Now let me ask a very critical question.
Let's say we get a class to class (1v1) arena, where every class fight with same class (balanced because its same class). WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO PLAY rhino vs rhino? I bet no, because as a rhino, you want to kill other squishy classes sitting behind a tank.

My friend what is biased? Think about it.

Kill other squishy classes because I'm sitting behind a tank? EVERY CLASS CAN 10-0 RHINO IN HONOR! Legit me and hook can 2v1 a mage and still lose. So how am i going to get a single kill then?

You got 3k points in just the first day as a bird, as that's the only class you play. Archer as a class has dominated every cap so far with and without the nerf. Mage dominates EVERY CAP SINCE 66 and hey no complaints there "let's make mage class, throw on heal and the damage to rival a assault class and call it balanced" is what mages are. Yet no complaining. Barely any when lust/Magor/Intex/Derex mages was a thing. Yet here we have the Paladin class that has lower base health than a mage. Lower damage than a bear and combos that barely if not ever do what they were meant to do.

Come in honor and the first thing you see is how pathetic rhino is. Once guard is gone it's a fair meal for anyone and any class. 9 damage on Juiced ( that's charge and Redemtions combo because I'm guessing that you didn't know) and barely 20 on Holy Tempest, holy hell. That's like break and cruel blast only doing 30 dmg on a critical while everyone else hits 100-200 on basic attacks.

How about you play the class before you even dare to make judgement it. Only reason rhino even dominated in 100 was thanks to the 150+ damage boost it had over bears very own STR set. If I'm to be honest I think it'll be a lot better if the Devs worked on Rhino stats and skills then the Set they will use.

08-03-2018, 10:58 AM
I happen to have a level 105 paladin as well and entirely agree that it is truly difficult to kill anything in the Arena of Honor.

While the Paladin does its job well by buffing, tanking and supporting its teammates with heals and revives like a typical Paladin should, it produces very weak skill dmg. In order to fix this, either the Paladin needs more skill dmg added to skills like Charge and Redemption or the Arena of Honor Paladin set needs more dmg.

Another possibility is that we go in an entirely new direction and allow Paladins to gain points not just by kills, but by assists, winning games, and so forth as other community members have stated.

However, if the changes to Paladin Honor set or skills happen, the Paladin Arena of Honor set might also need an armor nerf because they are quite tanky. As stated previously, the problem with Paladins is that they just cannot kill anything. If individual pvp events are to continue, Paladins will need to be toned up in some fashion in order to compete with their mage, bird, fox, and bear bretherens, all of which classes can easily get 300 kills in a single event.