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08-02-2018, 02:43 AM
PvP was so big all the way from level 1 to 61. Then it died.


Sure we all know there were people that dummy farmed. Oh well. What did it give them? Some kills and a banner? The leaderboard helped motivate people to keep playing and be noticed for their achievment in kills. It’s what kept PVP alive. Now there is no leaderboard and people just aren’t motivated to play. You used to be able to go into a room and it would be full. Now? Nothing. We have to set up clashes and beg people to play. We need a reason and a purpose to play. After grinding for gold hours on end and buying the most Op gear, we want to put it to use!


Twinks were a majority of the game. After the awakening gems were released it was destroyed. The armor is way too high. I recently made a level 14 to test out how the pvp was. After spending 50m or so for an OP eye set with 4 paras, pushing nearly 220 damage, I couldn’t kill anyone. Why you may ask? Due to everyone having 1800+ armor. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Clashing for 2 hours ended with no kills. You have to clash with no heals just to be able to rack up a few kills here and there.

This games population is slowly dying off everyday as people have nothing to do anymore. Nobody wants to sit there and farm the same boss over and over and over again. People want to be able to show off what they bought with their gold through pvp, and to be able to be noticed for their accomplishments. STS needs to find a way to fix this. My suggestion?

Bring back the leaderboards for pvp! It’s what kept it alive!
Remove those useless pvp maps like the TDM Forest and Rogues Nightmare, and make a map for twinks that doesn’t allow for awakens to be used. Make it fair for everyone, just like the old days.

We need our PVP population back. Agree or disagree, this is just my opinion. Thank you for your time to read this.

08-02-2018, 02:48 AM
+1, Awakens shouldn't work on PvP.

Vestel_5530 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

08-02-2018, 03:08 AM
Its +1 from me

08-02-2018, 03:50 AM
Yes bring back pvp!!

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08-02-2018, 03:57 AM
+1, I want PvP back

08-02-2018, 04:02 AM
Personally I don't PvP for my own reasons but I fully. Support this idea iam all for the community this is awesome make it happen STS listen to your player base community :)

08-02-2018, 04:21 AM
PvP was so big all the way from level 1 to 61. Then it died. The developers put out updates without thinking of consequences that they would produce.


Sure we all know there were people that dummy farmed. Oh well. What did it give them? Some kills and a banner? The leaderboard helped motivate people to keep playing and be noticed for their achievment in kills. It’s what kept PVP alive. Now there is no leaderboard and people just aren’t motivated to play. You used to be able to go into a room and it would be full. Now? Nothing. We have to set up clashes and beg people to play. We need a reason and a purpose to play. After grinding for gold hours on end and buying the most Op gear, we want to put it to use!


Twinks were a majority of the game. After the awakening gems were released it was destroyed. The armor is way too high. I recently made a level 14 to test out how the pvp was. After spending 50m or so for an OP eye set with 4 paras, pushing nearly 220 damage, I couldn’t kill anyone. Why you may ask? Due to everyone having 1800+ armor. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Clashing for 2 hours ended with no kills. You have to clash with no heals just to be able to rack up a few kills here and there.

This games population is slowly dying off everyday as people have nothing to do anymore. Nobody wants to sit there and farm the same boss over and over and over again. People want to be able to show off what they bought with their gold through pvp, and to be able to be noticed for their accomplishments. STS needs to find a way to fix this. My suggestion?

Bring back the leaderboards for pvp! It’s what kept it alive!
Remove those useless pvp maps like the TDM Forest and Rogues Nightmare, and make a map for twinks that doesn’t allow for awakens to be used. Make it fair for everyone, just like the old days.

We need our PVP population back. Agree or disagree, this is just my opinion. Thank you for your time to read this.Most interesting thread i have ever seen, Bring back our old pvp pls [emoji22]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180802/0ea749b6432ee5754c9f40f0337bacd4.jpg

Sent from my Lenovo TAB 2 A7-30HC using Tapatalk

08-02-2018, 04:24 AM
Removing awakens in all levels would lead to max gear only costing half of the price... I'm sure this would lead to more people trying it out, since a few million gold would already be enough to get sufficient gear to have fun and kill people that normally just would have tanked entire combos.
At least testing this out before max 71 gear is released and everybody max awakened it would be beneficial imo.

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08-02-2018, 04:31 AM
+1 I need the aps but maps are empty always
Also buff tanks dmg in pvp please :D

08-02-2018, 04:33 AM
+1 forgot to add xD

Sent from my Lenovo TAB 2 A7-30HC using Tapatalk

08-02-2018, 04:42 AM
+666 to this idea

Gesendet von meinem BLA-L29 mit Tapatalk

08-02-2018, 04:48 AM
Many old players login to check out the expansion and what they say is they don’t find the will to play this game! Even random pve dungeons gets boring after a while.., I have friends who said they will never ever go to festerfang swamp again after capping.

Pvp is the backbone of Mmorpg!
Look at fortnite as an example, many players have deviated to fortnite which is lit pvp 24/7..

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08-02-2018, 05:00 AM
If they disable awakenings in pvp and balance all classes I would gladly start playing again

08-02-2018, 06:11 AM
They intentionally added these, to both push them to pve at endgame and still earn more plat revenue.

Hence the awakens, and only lv71s can open chests with the better loots and bosses. And they stopped releasing good pvp gears for twinks.

Seems too late now, billions of gold that people had spent on pvp awakens will go to waste. People will sure rage, some threaten to quit. But if pve is only there is to al, then thats boring asf.

I suggest introducing overpowered gears that are meant for pvp, gears that will outperform gears with awakens and such
It wouldn't be a 1 shot kill scenario, as the stat is scaled to a higher but balanced level.

These gears can be looted in chests. The idea is the gears will be balanced in pvp, that armor to damage ratio should be similar to same, catch is at pve content, the gear is weak.


Rouges at lv71 pvp have got 3.5-5k dmg, 9k hp and 7-8k armor.

With the overpowered gear, rogs get 6k damage, 25-30k hp and 15-20k armor. Not sure if its balanced enough to avoid 1 shot kills or 1hr clashes. But you get my point, should be balanced as lv41 pvp and such.

It should be overpowered, so that other gears with awakes cant be used.

At Pve/towns, these gears will be weakened and cant be awakened.

Loot chance of these should not be rare. Id say a common to legendary rarity so atleast decent people could afford and buy and try.

What will it do? Well, it will make pvp not so much of a pay to win situation and such. As gears will be fairly cheap.

Pve gears wouldn't drop, cause like I said, these gears weaken at pve/towns and cant be awakened. Meaning these gears are weak in maps and no goldloot.

At the end, same old pve gears are still the best to use in farming.

Things that will be affected:

- The people who had already spent their own networth into pvp. But, if you think about it, more people will be favoured and will sure stay longer in the game.

- prices of pets/houses and locations. It will sure make some pets extinct as the sudden demand wouldnt be enough for its supplies. Thus releasing more pets for plat or eggzavier and such.

- vanities, people at pvp like to show of their richness. If they cant show it within their gears/awakes/pets. Then vanities will do.

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08-02-2018, 08:35 AM
Im fully on board with this whole thread. sts needs to fix pvp start listening to us
for example how many times people cried about insta kill to be removed it got removed too late like 3-4month after.. its just frustrating i enjoy this game alot the pvp is amazing but it isnt active because it seems devs are too careless when it comes to pvp maybe ive lost my mind maybe im making assumptions maybe im wrong its just how the pvp community feels like yes im speaking as a whole now ik many old players have told me sts is careless about pvp.
And Tbh countless of thread were made about how pvp should be fixed sts just ignores
No comments are ever made they made a thread couple month back about balancing classes its been 2/3 months
Where are the changes?

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08-02-2018, 08:36 AM
PvP was so big all the way from level 1 to 61. Then it died. The developers put out updates without thinking of consequences that they would produce.


Sure we all know there were people that dummy farmed. Oh well. What did it give them? Some kills and a banner? The leaderboard helped motivate people to keep playing and be noticed for their achievment in kills. It’s what kept PVP alive. Now there is no leaderboard and people just aren’t motivated to play.


Twinks were a majority of the game. After the awakening gems were released it was destroyed. The armor is way too high.

Well it's hard to not agree with that. As for someone who was actively playing pvp since it got released I can tell it started dying after 41 cap (probably best pvp cap ever in AL history, could say #1 41 #2 61).
Anyway mostly because of dummyfarmers PvP died. Talking about motivation yes, Leaderboard was probably the only thing that kept it going. Sadly Devs didn't really bother about monitoring the state of it. I believe it could've been easily managed to see who is actually killing same targets 10-20k times lol. Just like it happened night before season 8 ended where 70% of leaderboard did free kills. Year later exactly same thing in Season 9 (Id like to remind a rogue with 72k kills and 500 deaths).

GLOBAL KDR RESET AND LB MONITORING would probably sort out that thing if there ever was an idea of bringing LB back. Probably will never happen but oh well.

Awakenings, I'd say it was all good until it came out of control where you can awake every item you got. It was balanced on the level of having weapon and belt with awakening. Either disable them in pvp so people can fight with equal gears or somehow fix the armor for every bracket. Twink levels were so much fun to play, I don't understand why playerbase has been basically forced to hit the endgame, it was alive without all those twinks being forced to play on the bracket where they didnt want to.


08-02-2018, 08:39 AM
And make a leaderboard for timed runs that don't use awakenings, so we can bring back some of the skill that was once needed (season 3 era), instead of just hundreds of millions spent on getting max speed awakenings and easily taking most maps. Ty. And Make timed run leaderboard for solo, duo, etc.

08-02-2018, 08:54 AM
Sts will not get rid of awakening gem kits because they provide profit to them, but what they can do is what screenshots have said if they disable awakenings in pvp that would revive pvp because now it would be fair for all players.

08-02-2018, 10:04 AM
Nothing new that hasn't been said 1000 times before. Good support from the community as per the last 1000 times but in the end, what matters is whether STS actually want to do anything.

Don't get your hopes up, just wait, but know some us have been waiting a LONG time.

A endgame only tdm pvp Leaderboard that resets monthly is an easy solve for dummy farming. The reward can be a red skull badge or a banner.

A PvP tournament now and then could satisfy us somewhat.

As for the awakenings issue, seeing as how Arcane Legends is, I don't see an easy fix for this issue that wouldn't lower the company income in some way. The most they can do is probably class specific awakenings e.g. the highest amount of armor a rogue can get from awakening gear is lower than that a warrior can get. That would help balance somewhat. Sadly, removing awakenings doesn't look like an option.

Again, like I said earlier. All you can do is wait.

08-02-2018, 10:20 AM
+ 1 to this
Pvp is dead for almost 2 season
An mmo without pvp is just so me.....
Mayb its time for devoloper to listen to the community...make al great again...

08-02-2018, 11:41 AM
Balance class damage and armor 1st, then we will spend money on gear and awakes.
Balance means every class able to go against each other 1on1, then we will talk about clash.

08-02-2018, 11:45 AM
Guys this idea is fine but just think about the consequences. If u disable awakenings some item fall in price and other rise up, that is a market manipulation (op awakend fall. Closed slot para or eye rise ). Just apply a reduction of armor in pvp. So if u are in a pvp zone total armor will be reduced by some % that make it playable again. At 41 is playable still today but as someone post, problem is in twink lv below 41. Maybe it is better to have a % armor reduction higher in lower zones and less effective in near endgame zones. That even help people approach to pvp because high armor players will lose the higher amaout of armor.
People spend millions me included to pvp gears so : here is the deal

Create 3 different level in pvp:
First rookie one :
Kill and deaths don't affect kdr. And awakes are disabled. Just play for fun
Second expert one:
Kill and death affect kdr awakens disabled probably most of people will be here to reach achiewe and have some fun.
Third pro one :
kill and death in this zone count in kdr and count for lb pvp awaken are enabled.
Only pro zone kills count for lb.
maybe a Stat check in pro zone will be great to avoid dummy farm expecially in low lv (too low armored are considered dummy and can't enter).
Also is needed a little balance to classes, expecially to mages.
I think that's it, sorry for bad English, If I forgot something I hope someone reply to this, not in a dramatic way.

08-02-2018, 12:07 PM
Oh yeah btw please don't remove trulles forest. Trulle is bae

08-02-2018, 12:38 PM
+1111 I want pvp back :'(

08-04-2018, 12:23 AM
Are any of you twink players at 49-63 (whatever level you play at) planning on going to 71 now that instakill is gone? Tdm is empty all day everyday.

08-04-2018, 09:27 AM
Are any of you twink players at 49-63 (whatever level you play at) planning on going to 71 now that instakill is gone? Tdm is empty all day everyday.

Insta kill is gone

Purge is around pm us for clash will gladly clash anyone

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08-04-2018, 11:30 AM
Insta kill is gone

Purge is around pm us for clash will gladly clash anyone

Sent from my LM-Q710(FGN) using Tapatalk

No team i just play with whoever joins xD

08-04-2018, 11:36 AM
Lol what skill? Didn't know using macros was a skill..

08-19-2018, 10:29 AM
+1 Definitely need PVP bored out of my mind these days, would be awesome if there were separate leaderboards for each class if they dont balance the classes themselves. And PVP leaderboards should only account for players lvl 71 or 66+ imo because it would be less likely someone would dummy farm them because level 71 actually takes lots of work to get to, and if pvp actually does become more active at 66+ people will be unable to actually dummy farm because there are so many other players in the room~

08-19-2018, 02:18 PM
I typed a whole essay on why endgamers are bored even with events and need some competitive PvP but I just deleted it all because I thought "what's the point?". Yes, what's the point. It seems the developers are anti-anything-arcane-legends-pvp-related. If they weren't, they would've done more than just adding a new game mode to a already dead PvP. They could've added 50 new game modes but they'll all still be dead today for the same reason. To put this reason into perspective, I want to ask a few questions. What happens if the developers decided to remove the banner rewards from timed runs leaderboards, remove the banner rewards from the top player leaderboards and remove badge rewards from raid leaderboards?

Would you spend hundreds of millions of gold on %movement speed gear just to see your name on a board? Would you put any effort into getting level 71 gear? Would you buy any of these heroic pets? Would you even bother with achievements? Because it kinda amuses me that they expect us to spend all this gold on awakenings and gear just to PvP for fun.

So please, if you wish to leave PvP as it is. No problem, just make sure the PvE community also plays the game for "fun" instead of just us because it seems that class balance isn't the only thing that needs work :encouragement:

Talking about class balance, its the only thing that the developers had in their plans relating to PvP for this expansion (I personally asked and received the answer). The irony is, after such a thread has come out for the 1000th time they still believe class balance will make PvP active again, when the only possible solution is what they continue to reject, and they know this to be true.

Don't edit my post, there isn't a hint of drama. Its just my opinion. Unless we aren't allowed those anymore.

08-19-2018, 04:32 PM
Its not pvp but pve is dead to.i see many players ,old friends who stopped logging in .i dont understand if the spirit gears wer to be levelled in festerfang which means that map was more imp den raids why is there no drops in those maps and that everything is in riads which was not so successful to in lvl 66.rewards in fester maps would had motivated ppl to run more n levelling gears would had been fun den wt it feels like now just slogging all time .

08-19-2018, 08:39 PM
+1 sts should read and understand some players ideas.

08-20-2018, 02:10 AM
Its not pvp but pve is dead to.i see many players ,old friends who stopped logging in .i dont understand if the spirit gears wer to be levelled in festerfang which means that map was more imp den raids why is there no drops in those maps and that everything is in riads which was not so successful to in lvl 66.rewards in fester maps would had motivated ppl to run more n levelling gears would had been fun den wt it feels like now just slogging all time .

In every cap, there is a point at which even PvE becomes dead for players. The difference is that back then, we had active-competitive PvP to keep us busy while the developers thought of new content.

Because there was PvP (with an objective) to keep us busy, you didn't get many complaints about PvE content coming slowly. The complaints these days making the developers rush are the reason why events are just recolored. But can you blame the complainers? They can do nothing else but wait till the next event.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the leaderboards made PvP active. As we can see after a few years now, removing the PvP leaderboards and stopping PvP tournaments was a drastic action that did not help the game for the better on the long run (the tdm and CTF kills leaderboards should've been pretty easy to detect cheaters. What did it take to use 1hr or so to comb through these leaderboards and find cheaters at the end of each week? - assuming you had the kill records of each player - its not like these leaderboards were not a source of income for the developers...imagine what could've been made out of all these heroic pets and awakenings if they were released back then).

Back then, we had a choice. PvP or PvE, play which you enjoy but now its just enjoy PvE or forget it. All games have cheaters, dummy farmers, botters, scripters etc. you name it.


08-20-2018, 06:40 AM
I still pvp at 61-63bracket. We have a small community doing clashes sometimes.

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08-20-2018, 12:13 PM
In every cap, there is a point at which even PvE becomes dead for players. The difference is that back then, we had active-competitive PvP to keep us busy while the developers thought of new content.

Because there was PvP (with an objective) to keep us busy, you didn't get many complaints about PvE content coming slowly. The complaints these days making the developers rush are the reason why events are just recolored. But can you blame the complainers? They can do nothing else but wait till the next event.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the leaderboards made PvP active. As we can see after a few years now, removing the PvP leaderboards and stopping PvP tournaments was a drastic action that did not help the game for the better on the long run (the tdm and CTF kills leaderboards should've been pretty easy to detect cheaters. What did it take to use 1hr or so to comb through these leaderboards and find cheaters at the end of each week? - assuming you had the kill records of each player - its not like these leaderboards were not a source of income for the developers...imagine what could've been made out of all these heroic pets and awakenings if they were released back then).

Back then, we had a choice. PvP or PvE, play which you enjoy but now its just enjoy PvE or forget it. All games have cheaters, dummy farmers, botters, scripters etc. you name it.

#don'teditmyopinionI agree with this
I have a question tho
Why does sts strike down really hard on stuff that touches their pocket
Why cant this be used on leaderboards

I enjoy this game i really do
Just hate seeing it take this turn
Ive seen everygame out there they all have a pvp leaderboard the pvp mechanics on this game is very enjoyable you have SOMETHING amazing here dont let it go to waste

Check out PVP (its mainly empty rooms not only at endgame)
That's not alarming?170439170440170441170442

Sent from my LM-Q710(FGN) using Tapatalk

08-20-2018, 03:42 PM
In every cap, there is a point at which even PvE becomes dead for players. The difference is that back then, we had active-competitive PvP to keep us busy while the developers thought of new content.

Because there was PvP (with an objective) to keep us busy, you didn't get many complaints about PvE content coming slowly. The complaints these days making the developers rush are the reason why events are just recolored. But can you blame the complainers? They can do nothing else but wait till the next event.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the leaderboards made PvP active. As we can see after a few years now, removing the PvP leaderboards and stopping PvP tournaments was a drastic action that did not help the game for the better on the long run (the tdm and CTF kills leaderboards should've been pretty easy to detect cheaters. What did it take to use 1hr or so to comb through these leaderboards and find cheaters at the end of each week? - assuming you had the kill records of each player - its not like these leaderboards were not a source of income for the developers...imagine what could've been made out of all these heroic pets and awakenings if they were released back then).

Back then, we had a choice. PvP or PvE, play which you enjoy but now its just enjoy PvE or forget it. All games have cheaters, dummy farmers, botters, scripters etc. you name it.


I totally agree with you .earlier people had options either pvp or pve now is only pve .but earlier atleast we had few maps to entertain ourslef .now is not the case .with more n more ppl quitting n no pvp the social content of the game which was so relaxing n enjoyable is dead to atm ..earlier we could sit and spend time chatting to if der was nothing to do but now will empty maps dead gc no pvp n more n more people quitting i mostly find boredom. Hope they fix pvp n plus find somethings to pve to so we can enjoy both