View Full Version : (an opinion from a SL player) Damage received from PVE plays

11-17-2011, 01:19 PM
**Only constructive post please, if not they will be reported.**

Hello, Im not a hardcore player in PL by any means. Im mostly a SL player, and I have to say that casual, is not so casual in PL.


In SL, i can be in a game and not die instantly. I understand these games are not ment to be solo'ed its an MMO. but I cant play even one level without
my head being whacked off in less then a minute lol :p

Yes, i know that Pl and SL are two different games
but in SL, i can survive longer without having to down 15+ potions every hit I get from enemies.

Im more of a casual player in PL because i love traveling and visiting each city, and doing levels from time to time (and yes I want to level). I understand theres
more experienced players then myself, and feel that they need a challenge. I by no means trying to downgrade there game play. but after you play SL, you can see what I mean.

**End Rant lol**

My suggestion is creating a combat atmosphere like SL (PVE). If im unable to even do one level, its hurting my love for PL.
This thread is by no means a fight or flame thread. but its voicing my opinion of how " I " would like to play one level with at least more of a chance of survival.

**Personal observation (my opinion)**
in sl, i can run a solo map 1-2 maps of first levels in shipyard or slouch-o with minimal equipment and still manage to take down a many enemy's before having to pot. In Pl you need the best equipment to survive long enough to kill 1-2 opponents. Maybe im just so used to SL mechanics that its easy to play and enjoy. maybe the Regen of mana and heath have to do with the mechanics of PL, i dont know. but its essencial to play in newer campaigns in PL in a team and in SL. but in SL, you can solo an entire map with little effort. which drags me personally into the SL environment.

but maybe i need to focus more time into Pl, to understand its play style. But I do believe from playing SL a bit that the game is better suited for casual play then pl.
in sl, theres a progression of skill throughout new campaigns the levels (easy to Hard)....in Pl (hard - death served on a cold platter lol)

Thank you.
-slGhost AKA Ghost in SL

11-17-2011, 01:29 PM
I could have sworn I just read someone saying SL was too hard and they were going back to PL?


Anyway, Octavos, what is the level of your character and class? What gear are you using and build? Where are you trying to solo?

11-17-2011, 01:48 PM
Hello sam, im lv 60 a mage. And tried doing a dex mage. My armor is strong man shield and lv60 int body and a magic mond...don't know the name but looks like a classical magician. Black and white. And tons of vanity lol. First lv of mt. Fang.....and yes just abit of solo. But yea cant do that lol.

My gear is good. But yea, for a casual game play...its a bit hard later in the game. Especially if u cant remember your friends lol.

11-17-2011, 06:39 PM
The Nuri's update was much harder then any update before it, in terms of deaths. Mobs hit harder and have almost instant death attacks (grave stoned). I ran a little of the Mt. Fang and even though it didn't seem as drastically more difficult as Nuri's was, it's still not very soloable. Your class and equipment seem just fine. Also, I'm guessing as you level up more (reach 65) your ability to solo will become easier as part of your attack/skill damage is based on the difference between your level and the mob your attacking level. I recall in SL, that when I first started playing shipyard as level 30, things were much harder then playing it as level 35.

Good luck,

11-18-2011, 11:07 AM
I agree. There should be levels in PL that are soluble by any class with minimal potion use, at the minimal level for the campaign or close.

Also the reason I play SL more than PL lately.