View Full Version : Scaled drops suggestion

11-17-2011, 02:06 PM
With the new scaled drops scheme, end-map gear will be much more difficult to obtain, and thus under-utilized. Right now, it seems that in practice, low scaled gear (41, 45, 51...) is much easier to attain than max map gear - as an example 45 aoIII gear can be attained for level 43-46. This used to be hard!!! Now is way too easy. I would like to offer a couple suggestions:

1. Change the scaling so that current level is max for drop. Currently, one level above gets a lower level, except end map. This means that end map gear is only attainable for the level you are on or many levels if you are exceeding map area levels. Not sure how well received this would be, as many, including myself, have toons locked at one level above current farming items (52 locked for 51 gear). I would like to hear feedback - is this a bad idea? Example: I would like to be farming for L65 at level 64 at least.

It would wreck my locked toons, but I am questioning if I will continue to use them right now. The challenge is gone for scaled equip, and thus the need for a skilled, coordinated group is somewhat lost. I am no merchant, nor am I very rich, especially after some recent purchases. I generally would play maps and farm for items that were a challenge to get, and thus valuable.

Part of the reason for this is that I used to look forward to trying to get gear that would make a set, or buy/sell/trade as needed. Reaching end-map status with some sweet gear to wear once I made it added to giving me something to look forward to.

2. Perhaps a code change that lower scaled items if threat level is right. Much like it was before.

3. Offer a separate roll for end-map gear. Lower rate, but for end-map pinks such as L55, L60, L65...

4. Drop recipes and crafting gear independent of level. Not sure if it is that way now, but it seems that only recipes and craft items drop if threat level is for boss of end map level.

Side note, is there a purpose for threat level anymore?