View Full Version : Event idea(Plat)

08-14-2018, 10:44 PM

Many of you know me back in the day as lahtag. I am now lahtagtwo currently and would like to suggest a once a year play event. As many of you know a lot of the players currently on Star legends are free 2 play players. Thus many of them cant get plat like people who pay to play. However with this plat event many of the free 2 play players can get a hold of plat and maybe in the future increase more people buying plat. This event could drop like 1-5 plat and for super rare drops could be larger amounts so on and so forth. Could mix this event in with xmas event or etc. Hopefully people read this and give feedback on the idea.


08-15-2018, 02:16 AM
Im with you. I dont buy platium anymore because the prices are just to high ( construction hat=100plat "hust hust")