View Full Version : Increase the amount of points from event

08-24-2018, 03:37 AM
Ive grinded hard before when 100 cap came and that took ages so, i thought how are u ment to get to gold tier or silver if you.get hardly any points.

I think that the mobs should be increased by abit more because its just naturally impossie it would take u 18-24hrs of grind which somem people dont have
170512 like i said it had taken me almost 1hr jus to do 1500 and im 1 shotting all mobs.. pls fix

Thank you

08-24-2018, 04:02 AM
I'm not saying points aint high, I'm personally not going for it, but

1500/1hr pretty low what U CAN DO by tweaking things -

1> Use a speed set. birday hat and shld, if possible use circle of samhain too, ensure you have daily blessing.
2> Try to run and gather some enemies before u start to kill em, you'll slowly grasp that how long u can run before mobs stop following u and get back and further optimize ur path to gather enemies and kill fast.

You'll notice you're doing it WAY much faster. Solo should work good for low levels.

08-24-2018, 05:35 AM
Okay thank you but i still think it should be tweaked abit

Thx for the reply

08-24-2018, 05:37 AM
Okay thank you

08-24-2018, 08:52 AM
I'm getting 400 points every run, and each run only takes me 4minutes - the amount of points is fine as is.

Keep in mind you're a bear, which is much slower than bird and mage, being the two classes that consistently come first on the leaderboards.