View Full Version : Advanced Pointers For Warriors

09-05-2018, 08:36 AM
Hi everyone,

I was thinking of posting some recommendations to bring your warrior to the next level so here it goes (end game):

1. All jewels noble or better. We have max 21 jewel slots if using all mythic gear or better. The difference between +5 jewels and +9 jewels when added up is 28, big difference in stats. Invest in getting the best jewels you can because you can swap them into different gear as gear changes.

2. Always use a wep that’s current or from previous expansion. I know there’s many weps that have good procs 3-4 expansions ago but they are just too weak, imo.

3. Pets are super important. No matter what pet you use for arcane ability, use heroic fenris for happiness bonus. I have not found a better pet for HB for warrior then heroic fenris.

4. Awakens ranked by order of importance for warrior: 1. Armor, 2. Strength, 3. Movement Speed. Why ms? Because you can get out in front of pt when pulling mobs and group mobs for pt.

5. Ultimates, use a ultimate because it makes runs faster. Use for the biggest mobs to quickly move through them.

6. Skills, use whatever you want. I personally use chest splitter, vengeful blood, horn of renew, and skyward smash. I put my mastery points on horn of renew, skyward smash, and vengeful blood.

I hope this helps and goodluck!

09-06-2018, 06:31 AM
i can say as pve player glinstone aegis still works great! so imo best tank weapons atm for pve tb-glin aegis-spirit (i added just cause new but tb proc is 100% compare to wait chances) so sometimes old weapons work (glin aegis)! ty for spent time to post that thread :)

09-06-2018, 10:38 AM
i can say as pve player glinstone aegis still works great! so imo best tank weapons atm for pve tb-glin aegis-spirit (i added just cause new but tb proc is 100% compare to wait chances) so sometimes old weapons work (glin aegis)! ty for spent time to post that thread :)

Glint aegis is very good for mobs, especially paired with magma AA. The only recommendation I have is not to use it in bosses, not effective there. Definitely an exception to the norm though.

09-07-2018, 12:32 AM
Some wars said that to much armor dont make any difference in pve... focus mainly on pushing str

09-07-2018, 02:35 AM
Some wars said that to much armor dont make any difference in pve... focus mainly on pushing str

Stats don't matter at all really for war in PvE go for all Gold loot and a weapon with a good proc and a good pet AA for the map you are running. Timing is key when playing war not stats.

09-07-2018, 12:46 PM
Some wars said that to much armor dont make any difference in pve... focus mainly on pushing str

Just curious any of these Wars say the maximum amount of armor needed at 71 where it stops making a difference for Pve? Would like to know this info for future reference incase I want to make a Str % Awake Pve Set like I did for Maus Expansion. Coming from pvp to Lvl 71 Expansion still had Armor % Awakes and just left them incase I wanted to pvp again endgame. Atm Unbuffed +Endless Set+ NM Aegis:15K HP, 2K Damage, 12.1K Armor, 1249 Str. If anyone has info on Armor Cap at Lvl 71 for Pve would love to know.

09-07-2018, 01:48 PM
Just curious any of these Wars say the maximum amount of armor needed at 71 where it stops making a difference for Pve? Would like to know this info for future reference incase I want to make a Str % Awake Pve Set like I did for Maus Expansion. Coming from pvp to Lvl 71 Expansion still had Armor % Awakes and just left them incase I wanted to pvp again endgame. Atm Unbuffed +Endless Set+ NM Aegis:15K HP, 2K Damage, 12.1K Armor, 1249 Str. If anyone has info on Armor Cap at Lvl 71 for Pve would love to know.

8k is fine on all maps just time heal/jugg/pet

09-07-2018, 03:44 PM
8k is fine on all maps just time heal/jugg/pet

Interesting I would of never guessed 8K Armor Range. But I guess with 18K-20K HP having armor that low won't matter anyway. Will keep this in mind for future thx for the info.

09-09-2018, 07:38 AM
My opinion is that all classes should strive for the highest armor and dmg/dps possible.

I think when the game started that each class was pretty specific in their rolls but sts, in a effort to balance the game, has blurred those lines by giving each class weapons and gears with the same procs.

The best and quickest party in the newer maps are toons with high dmg. Armor and health are just as important, for us to survive but the way mobs deal damage is different; flame pools, cursed mage, poison pools, etc. Of course this is just my observation based on opinion but I’ve been playing the game a long time so I think my opninion is sound.

Experience is also very important; how to pull, where to group mobs etc, but when we’ve done our job how quick does the mob die? That to me is something that warriors have to consider as we evolve.

09-24-2018, 02:06 AM
I was a war with 12k armor n 14k HP. got killed in 1 hit in M6...hahaha
Now with new gear I got 10k armor n 12k HP working fine in Hydra..
I can say the game play is evolve in different map, experience will get you through it..
I change my PVE skill set and play differently in every different map..

06-22-2019, 09:52 AM
Thanks for this information. I have stats to work towards and looks forward to