View Full Version : current costs

11-19-2011, 02:08 PM
My friend and I have been debating between which mobile mmo to start on, and have both taken a liking to PL, but we are having trouble figuring out what our costs to reach max level will be. We have read reviews and searched for the info, but its a different story each time. I assume a lot of the stuff we read may have just been out of date.

What is the current cost to unlock additional areas, and at what levels do they need to be purchased? We read it was now free to 55 somewhere, but we are really confused. Just want an idea of costs before we get too involved. Thanks in advance.

11-19-2011, 02:11 PM
As far as I know, it isn't necessary to spend a dime to cap your levels. It will take a long time to do so, but you can totally free.

The in game currency that you buy with money is platinum, or plat, and is necessary to buy some side areas and equipment.

Sent from my HTC Evo 3D

11-19-2011, 02:15 PM
The extra places you can buy really arent necessary at all but:
Wyldwood-5 plat-reccomended lev 15-20
Frozen nightmares-10 plat-reccomended 30-35 (i wouldnt try until 50)
Shadow caves-10 plat-reccomended lev 50-50 (very hard like frozen nightmare)
Croc feud-5 plat-reccomended lev 30-35
Sandcaves-10 plat-reccomended lev 20-25
Skellar returns-10 plat-reccomended 30-35

Youll need all but skellar, and shadow caves to complete all quests. Leveling wont take longer if you dont buy these places.
Thats 50 plat in total (if i added correctly) and 9.99 in real money. Remember the game can still be fun without buying all :D

11-19-2011, 02:31 PM
I would recommend not spending money for a bit..I lvld to 55 without spending a dime (and had over 5 mil in gold) before I realized it, I was addicted! I've since bought loads of plat! Just make sure its a game you like first :)

11-19-2011, 02:48 PM
Awesome, thanks for all the info guys!

11-19-2011, 03:19 PM
I agree with Walk. most people got up to lv 55 without soending anything and if you plan to hit max level then you might need 800 plat for elixirs to save you time.

11-19-2011, 03:31 PM
Hey there, it's free to level and play, and it's a great time to jump in as the there is bonus XP currently until end of November.

Look here; http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?42509-Log-in-to-Pocket-Legends-for-Crazy-XP-Now-through-the-end-of-November!

You only need Platinum for a small selection of other maps/areas and for most of the vanity and extra bits and bobs to customise your characters. You can get some free Plat from some TAPJOY offers, check those too.

My advice would be to just jump in and play, especially this month. I'd get an extra character slot or two to level other builds as the bird/bear/elf all play differently. You don't actually need to buy any gear to level as everything you need drops randomly and if you keep the best stuff then the 2nd and 3rd characters have great gear too.

Finally check out the links in my signature for lots of useful PL Stuff.

Good Luck, have fun and show people lots of respect and you'll get it back ten fold. Lots of helpful people, only a small handful of idiots so use the mute/report buttons to help ya move on from them.

Welcome to the forums.... Feel free to ask if you have any more questions....

11-19-2011, 03:34 PM
Yes, don't spend anything. Don't buy gear or anything. You'll survive just fine up to 55. Spend all your gold on potions, and loot all your gear. Good gear drops all the time. It might not be pink, but you don't necessarily need pink gear to survive. Don't spend plat at a low level either. When you hit lets say 55, then make your decision on what you'll buy and what you won't. If you need any help whatsoever add Raokareosa my lvl 55 bear.