View Full Version : what happend

11-19-2011, 03:49 PM
So I used to be a huge star legends fan but after these new pistols I'm about to just delta the game everyone is ripping u off example "new legendary pistol for sale serious offers only I mean SERIOUS or a vanity item" that's what I see and that just makes sl look bad in my opinion I think the pistols arnt worth vanity items personally but u know whatever I must have missed some giant thing saying new pistols as good if not better than a vanity. -_- and I'm usually not one to complain about this but I had to say something.

Btw, X-rays arnt worth 1 mil talk about ripoff.

11-19-2011, 03:53 PM
Supply and Demand unfortunately Zombiemurder. People are going to try and get the most out of their item as possible. Especially since its new and rare.

11-19-2011, 04:12 PM
Yes everyone wants new gear

11-19-2011, 04:25 PM
They are new and rare. They array the very 1st pink weapons. If you give it a bit time prices will go down. Like it was said above, its just supply and demand.

11-19-2011, 04:29 PM
Zombie, I think you need to calm down a bit, bud. It's just that they are hot and new. Remember when the Wii first came out? Even though it was on retail for 300 bucks? I forgot the price, but that's not the point of this analogy, they were sold out in stores so people were selling it on eBay for as high as 700 dollars and they were still selling like hotcakes! It's kinda like that here, people are taking advantage of the "SHINY MUST HAZ" pixels and pricing it accordingly. New campaign is a few weeks away, so just wait till then, it's what I'm planning to do anyway.

Also, the same thing is also going on in PL and just about any new MMO that gets new weapons/content.


~Parth :)

11-19-2011, 05:02 PM
As I dont see how this makes SL look bad at all this is how every other MMO works nowadays. Without a doubt for sure I know the elixir should be nerfed a bit, but the pinks don't drop every run and they are still in fact pretty rare. Now the x-rays in my opinion should still be around low 400k high 500k, but hey thats how the market works.

Xaphan Fox
11-19-2011, 06:12 PM
Supply and Demand unfortunately Zombiemurder. People are going to try and get the most out of their item as possible. Especially since its new and rare.

You all are missing the point:

Yes supply and demand inflates prices. The problem is, if you couldn't buy credits, everyone would have to farm for it. Work the economy. Earn credits.

If I was selling an x ray, or other coveted item, selling it for 1 mill might be pointless as no one has that much. You can't buy credits so I, as a seller, am at the whims of the economy. I am forced to sell the item for a realistic price that people can realistically work towards and attain.

But since I know anyone with a credit card and burnable money can, and will, purchase whatever credits I ask for, you get new and older/harder to find items at sky high prices.

So enjoy the 800,000 x rays. It is never going anywhere. Supply/demand price inflation combined with "i can buy what I need" inflation = what we have here.

If you don't buy plat, go spend 150 real life hours for the same end. I love farming, but this is absurd.

11-19-2011, 07:34 PM
You all are missing the point:

Yes supply and demand inflates prices. The problem is, if you couldn't buy credits, everyone would have to farm for it. Work the economy. Earn credits.

If I was selling an x ray, or other coveted item, selling it for 1 mill might be pointless as no one has that much. You can't buy credits so I, as a seller, am at the whims of the economy. I am forced to sell the item for a realistic price that people can realistically work towards and attain.

But since I know anyone with a credit card and burnable money can, and will, purchase whatever credits I ask for, you get new and older/harder to find items at sky high prices.

So enjoy the 800,000 x rays. It is never going anywhere. Supply/demand price inflation combined with "i can buy what I need" inflation = what we have here.

If you don't buy plat, go spend 150 real life hours for the same end. I love farming, but this is absurd.

I know a couple people that have over 1 million. They didn't buy it with plat, they earned it through SL.

PL Playa
11-19-2011, 07:39 PM
But after playing how long and after making how much off of drops?

11-19-2011, 07:59 PM
You all are missing the point:

Yes supply and demand inflates prices. The problem is, if you couldn't buy credits, everyone would have to farm for it. Work the economy. Earn credits.

If I was selling an x ray, or other coveted item, selling it for 1 mill might be pointless as no one has that much. You can't buy credits so I, as a seller, am at the whims of the economy. I am forced to sell the item for a realistic price that people can realistically work towards and attain.

But since I know anyone with a credit card and burnable money can, and will, purchase whatever credits I ask for, you get new and older/harder to find items at sky high prices.

So enjoy the 800,000 x rays. It is never going anywhere. Supply/demand price inflation combined with "i can buy what I need" inflation = what we have here.

If you don't buy plat, go spend 150 real life hours for the same end. I love farming, but this is absurd.

Exactly right!

11-19-2011, 08:12 PM
I know a couple people that have over 1 million. They didn't buy it with plat, they earned it through SL.

But how did they get that money?
Hardcore farming.

Most likely these people aren't the ones buying 1 mil credit pieces since they know how to value armor. Getting all the money brings knowledge.

Non-plat Farmers are gonna be hit hard badly by miner's luck. Anything "rare" will be gotten first by miner's luck users and they'll make the money.
They'll undercut each other like no tomorrow and soon after, those items will devalued greatly.
So when a non-plat farmer gets a "rare" drop, they'll have to settle for chump change.

Xaphan Fox
11-19-2011, 09:14 PM
^ that also.

11-19-2011, 09:34 PM
Hardcore farming and mostly luck.

And I completely agree, the luck potion is just OP.

11-20-2011, 04:29 AM
There 70000 atm and in a couple of days will be 10000, so be patient young one. Or just farm one yourself!

11-20-2011, 04:49 AM
I use no platinum and I'm lvl 36 with full custom PlasmaTech. Aspire to be hirer and you can achieve your goals. :)

Xaphan Fox
11-20-2011, 09:36 AM
I use no platinum and I'm lvl 36 with full custom PlasmaTech. Aspire to be hirer and you can achieve your goals. :)

Then you have no pink pistol, no pink plat shield, and no set bonus it brings.

Enjoy the handicap when pvp comes out sometime around y3k

11-20-2011, 08:01 PM
Xaphan, that's assuming that Cahaun has any interest whatsoever in PvP and if those sets will even be allowable in PvP. Until it comes out, none of us knows what gear limitations, if any, there might be. Not to mention that the sets will do you no good at all if you want to PvP at any char level lower than 35.

And Zombie, it doesn't make SL look bad; it just throws a little light on human nature and the need some people have to have the latest and greatest even if it isn't that great. :) Things (meaning prices) will settle down soon enough and, as always, look for prices to start dropping because of more hitting the market or by the time the next new content rolls around.

11-20-2011, 08:19 PM
Non-plat Farmers are gonna be hit hard badly by miner's luck. Anything "rare" will be gotten first by miner's luck users and they'll make the money.
They'll undercut each other like no tomorrow and soon after, those items will devalued greatly.
So when a non-plat farmer gets a "rare" drop, they'll have to settle for chump change.

This is exactly whats happening even as we type our replies. Saw a gun for a mil a couple days ago and today i saw it as low as 40k

11-21-2011, 04:20 AM
I have not bought plat since I started playing SL for three reasons; I can't afford it and even if I did, they are way too over priced IMO, & I won't waste real money on pixelated items. I have gotten some of the free plat but the 100% luck elixir, pink shields, new implants and pets are way over priced. Especially when you can only get a few plat for free and hell, some offers say they are free when they aren't. Personally, Im not going through all them surveys with spam mail and spam text messages again. Its NOT worth it!

Hell, the 25% luck elixir isn't even worth buying for 1,250 creds via guild hall because it only lasts 5mins. Even if I spend another 1,250 creds for the 2x speed, it still takes forever with the lag & disconnection issues to get from the entrance of level 5 Shipyard to the boss. They could've at least released a 50% luck & 3x speed elixirs that last for 15 to 30 minutes (at least!) and sold for credits to give us SOMETHING a -lil- better than what we have to work with. Along with the shields becoming drops (even if we can't trade them or buy them). This would even out the odds a bit.... Same could be said about the new plat only implants!

Which by the way is also a big problem here... That the plat only implants and shields (and even the pets) aren't tradeable nor can be sold in the auction. Which means people like me won't be able to get the stat bonuses from the weapons/shields combinations nor be able to have better implants (nor get to enjoy the pets). If this continues with future items, it will effect us when PvP is released because they will have the upper hand and we won't (and we won't be able to have -any- pets). Therefore, having no fair ground what-so-ever.

Yes... The SL economy is about supply & demand causing inflation... In fact, the more supply the LESS inflation because the rarity is higher. Once everyone begins to get these items, the supply increases and the inflation decreases dramatically. Soon the legendary weapons won't be anywhere near 100k in auction. Especially with the new level cap coming next month, bringing us new stuff.

...And again this god forsaken crappy cycle will continue.