View Full Version : How much platinum roughly does it cost from 1-36?

11-19-2011, 04:14 PM
I'm asking because by the time I'm done Apollo, I'll have spent 1k platinum. (I wasted A LOT of platinum on those 4x elixirs -.-). I wanted to level my Commando Zeus once I'm finished up on Apollo and was wondering if I would have enough platinum to do so.

11-19-2011, 04:20 PM
it can easily be done with 200 plat. Just use the 3x enhancers. You have a good group, you can get 2200xp per 30m.

That plus your daily enhancers and it's a cinch to do it in a week. 4-5 days with 10k a day or thereabouts.

11-19-2011, 04:26 PM
it can easily be done with 200 plat. Just use the 3x enhancers. You have a good group, you can get 2200xp per 30m.

That plus your daily enhancers and it's a cinch to do it in a week. 4-5 days with 10k a day or thereabouts.

1-36 would only cost 200 platinum, or do you mean 35-36? That's what I've been doing now anyway, but with the 3x combo elixir on sale, I have been using that for an extra boost. Once it gets removed for the DOTD, I'll switch back to combo elixirs.

Anyways, thanks! You did mean 35-36, right? If not, show me your ways, master JazzBlue. :D

11-19-2011, 04:28 PM
I'm pretty sure he meant 35-36 :).

11-19-2011, 04:31 PM
I'm pretty sure he meant 35-36 :).

Hehe figured; I was like, wait a second, that math doesn't quite add up... :D

So, the question is, how much does 1-35 cost, roughly? I totally wasted my platinum on 4x elixirs when doing it on Apollo. I wish I could take it back, but what's done is done.

11-19-2011, 04:42 PM
I swear by the 2x xp (30 min.) enhancer. You may get less xp over time, but the xp to Plat ratio is higher in the long run. Plus, it costs 5 Plat everywhere, so you don't have to run back to the Guild Hall for your discount. ;)

11-19-2011, 04:42 PM
Lets see.... Maybe 250-275 plat total?

11-19-2011, 05:32 PM
It costs 0 platinum. Platinum just makes it go faster ;)

11-19-2011, 05:37 PM
It costs 0 platinum. Platinum just makes it go faster ;)

Exactly!!!! Great job pointing that out.

11-19-2011, 08:27 PM
Here is an very good guide, however, below it is some comments:


It boils down to how fast you want to do it, as Night so eloquently put it, it can cost nothing. The best deal plat wise is to use the 2x elixirs (5 plat), but it will take you twice as long as the 4x elixirs (30 plat). I personally use the 3x (12 plat) as I've found there's a comfortable balance there in terms of cost-benefit. The biggest thing I think that can help you is running with a good group of that includes at least one commando and one engineer and running with a full (5 person) group. With 2 comms, an eng, and 2 ops, you can go uber fast. My guess is 1-35 will cost around the following:

2x - 120 plat - 12 hours
3x - 216 plat - 9 hours
4x - 360 plat - 6 hours

Good Luck!

11-19-2011, 10:24 PM
Well, I could either ninja my first post, or just say D'oH and get it over with. My bad. I was doing the math for 35-36

krazii's numbers sound legit, although it's been a while since I started one fresh. If I remember, the 2nd one I did, I took from the ground up to 30 in about 2 days flat, with no enhancers.

The fastest way to do it I found was to look in the "join game" option on the system map and find others there that were running in groups in the early levels already and join them. Much easier than just hosting fresh runs & hoping someone joins on you.

Of course if you have a few friends around to power level you over a few early humps, it goes tons faster too.

I may start another one soon myself. If I do, I'll let you know and we can grind through some of it together.