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09-11-2018, 08:39 AM
as u all can see rouges just go hydra whit each other or their gf/bf

in this place we have lot mage and war whit out pt and some of them go random

and there is 2 mage and 2 war normally that raid take 10min in this time rouge pt run 10-12 time

in this case there is 2 way fix that problem whit buffing ds / bs proc and war

in normal pt if u have 2 normal rouge u can run in 1min and 10 sec

no matter what that 2 other class is then

pls fix it give all suggestion on fixing pls maybe devs can do it easier

09-11-2018, 09:37 AM
Wow going random is a disaster...

You didn't seem to care when it was the case with rogues in mauso.

09-11-2018, 09:53 AM
in this case there is 2 way fix that problem whit buffing ds / bs proc

lmao, these cheap mages again crying about outdated staffs :D

09-11-2018, 09:56 AM
Wow going random is a disaster...

You didn't seem to care when it was the case with rogues in mauso.

there was always place for rouge dude 1 war 2 mage was able to clear mus as 3/4 and 1 rouge could join my self always was going 2mage 1 war and 1 else . then dont say same way rouge never wasent useless even i pt 2 rouge and 1 war and 1 mage was cool
even 4 rouge is fast run in mus pls think what are u say

09-11-2018, 10:04 AM
lmao, these cheap mages again crying about outdated staffs :D

ok dont change staffs just buff us to dont need rouge there what is the way ?? except buff proc ?

09-11-2018, 10:35 AM
@alonehope...you are on my FL, you were often in my party for maus runs. So, let me ask you this...wth happened to all the millions you and other mages like you made there? All this whining about raids, especially hydra is utter nonsense. How about instead of mages making such threads daily, they use that time to get better geared.

My hydra party is often tank, mage and 2 rogues. We have no trouble killing hydra fast because those are good, skilled players who are geared as lvl71 players should be. No, a player does not have to be a billionaire or a rogue to be able to run raids, just use a bit of that gold you made in maus to get some decent gear and pets that work better there.

I sometimes get invited to hydra parties with mages who are using egg rings, lucky pet and other similar stuff. When I suggest some changes to make the runs faster, some just get rude and throw “we are not rich like you” in my face and make lame excuses. The result is me leaving their party, which is then followed by an apology from them with the reason “using this for gold loot”.

Rather obvious who is at fault here. Nobody wants someone in their team who is selfish like that and a total burden. That also includes rogues with bad stats, not just mages and tanks. I would rather run with a good tank and mage than 2 useless rogues.

Rogues spend a lot on gear because rogue items are always expensive. We don’t throw tantrums about it on forums and pester the devs nonstop. So I suggest mages do the same. Stop making pointless threads and go get geared up for hydra, then invite us rogues :p

09-11-2018, 10:43 AM
Tbh I dont want to use the old staffs again and again. Just make the new mage weapons useful for raids.

09-11-2018, 10:45 AM
lmao, these cheap mages again crying about outdated staffs :D

Yeah.... Gear and stats are the issue.....

@alonehope...you are on my FL, you were often in my party for maus runs. So, let me ask you this...wth happened to all the millions you and other mages like you made there? All this whining about raids, especially hydra is utter nonsense. How about instead of mages making such threads daily, they use that time to get better geared.

My hydra party is often tank, mage and 2 rogues. We have no trouble killing hydra fast because those are good, skilled players who are geared as lvl71 players should be. No, a player does not have to be a billionaire or a rogue to be able to run raids, just use a bit of that gold you made in maus to get some decent gear and pets that work better there.

I sometimes get invited to hydra parties with mages who are using egg rings, lucky pet and other similar stuff. When I suggest some changes to make the runs faster, some just get rude and throw “we are not rich like you” in my face and make lame excuses. The result is me leaving their party, which is then followed by an apology from them with the reason “using this for gold loot”.

Rather obvious who is at fault here. Nobody wants someone in their team who is selfish like that and a total burden. That also includes rogues with bad stats, not just mages and tanks. I would rather run with a good tank and mage than 2 useless rogues.

Rogues spend a lot on gear because rogue items are always expensive. We don’t throw tantrums about it on forums and pester the devs nonstop. So I suggest mages do the same. Stop making pointless threads and go get geared up for hydra, then invite us rogues :p

Yeah... Gear and stats are the problem....

I say this because no one has yet to leave a Hydra map that i've ran (most of the time there is only 1 rogue, too)...... People are going to have to understand that when you are "incorrectly" built, you just become "extra weight" on the shoulders of the PT.... I've honestly tapped myself to death running maps with mages who want to walk around with outdated staffs and "warrior-like" stat builds just to "carry" them through maps (Partly why I mostly prefer solo, except during events)..... It's a REAL headache, which is why I always leave those maps that have PTs that consists of those "funny built" mages....... If you want to do a "me build", you are not going to experience a lot of "WE Time" (AKA, PT runs)......

09-11-2018, 12:04 PM
lmao, these cheap mages again crying about outdated staffs :D

Op is probably one of these mages with ds, str build and expensive vanities:

Ofc rogues wont play with selfish peeps who use same weap since lvl46 cap

09-11-2018, 12:16 PM
You do understand that they are having to change your stats on one specific map to stop the whining. When has that ever been done? Like, I've had my share of off times in AL but has this ever been done? Make a rogue if this map doesnt suit you, or work on your stats.

This is getting increasingly irritating.

09-11-2018, 12:16 PM
Just make a rogue for farming hydra that's what i did and i'm not useless anymore xD

09-11-2018, 01:37 PM
@alonehope...you are on my FL, you were often in my party for maus runs. So, let me ask you this...wth happened to all the millions you and other mages like you made there? All this whining about raids, especially hydra is utter nonsense. How about instead of mages making such threads daily, they use that time to get better geared.

My hydra party is often tank, mage and 2 rogues. We have no trouble killing hydra fast because those are good, skilled players who are geared as lvl71 players should be. No, a player does not have to be a billionaire or a rogue to be able to run raids, just use a bit of that gold you made in maus to get some decent gear and pets that work better there.

I sometimes get invited to hydra parties with mages who are using egg rings, lucky pet and other similar stuff. When I suggest some changes to make the runs faster, some just get rude and throw “we are not rich like you” in my face and make lame excuses. The result is me leaving their party, which is then followed by an apology from them with the reason “using this for gold loot”.

Rather obvious who is at fault here. Nobody wants someone in their team who is selfish like that and a total burden. That also includes rogues with bad stats, not just mages and tanks. I would rather run with a good tank and mage than 2 useless rogues.

Rogues spend a lot on gear because rogue items are always expensive. We don’t throw tantrums about it on forums and pester the devs nonstop. So I suggest mages do the same. Stop making pointless threads and go get geared up for hydra, then invite us rogues :p
You let me use gl tho! #nonicarry

09-11-2018, 02:31 PM
Undergeared and overdressed is def a problem. I run randomly, checked a mage who was using SS in Hydra. His stats were so weak, he must have had a noxious set on. Its a single room map. What tf ya need a ss for? Lvl 71 pinks are practically free in cs.

09-11-2018, 02:40 PM
ok dont change staffs just buff us to dont need rouge there what is the way ?? except buff proc ?

when u create thread like this again, PLEASE, add screenshot of ur stats/gears + how much bossdmg u have :)

09-11-2018, 03:00 PM
Just make a rogue for farming hydra that's what i did and i'm not useless anymore xD

i dont have that much time

09-11-2018, 03:08 PM
i dont have that much time

have time for creating useless threads tho

09-11-2018, 03:34 PM
I can confirm as a mage that we (or at least I ) dont get (m)any invites for parties which have rogs with equal stats. Sometimes i can create a party myself but thats not often too. My stats are good but they rather invite a rogue with 3k dmg than a mage with 5k dmg. Thats why im a fan of a huge buff if theres at least one war, mage n rog are playing together. Only for raids...

09-11-2018, 04:20 PM
As a mage I want to share my opinion same as those mages are there sharing them.
Whe mauso came all of the mages were happy because they were being useful and all of the rogues were there discussing about 'how useless rogues are", mages farmed a lot and rogues were there fighting for a buff or for something to help them.
And then this season came and we thought that were a "mage season" again, but then bs got nerf and ds too, rogues are happy because they came useful and then mages came useless, in forum we were/are asking for something to help or something that'd help us as the rogues did (op rogues did it in forum last season), rogues started to act like "we were useless last season", "we dind't have a pt last season", but they were there fighting for something, that's our time, we're there asking for something.
I agree with Qua when he says "we dont get (m)any invites for parties" and when he sad that he don't want to use the old staffs again and again, I don't want that either. Yesterday I was reading threads and saw someone saying about the buff thing that includes at least one war, one mage n a rogue in room, I liked it a lot because was a good idea and we all will have a balanced game again, please if you're a rogue you know that u fought for something as we are so don't say to us "shut up' or "create a rogue".
PS: This is for wars too, because some of my friends created a rogue too.

matthew (flash)
09-11-2018, 04:37 PM
+1 buff mage and tank , nerf rogue they are nabs and uselessssssssssssssss

09-11-2018, 04:54 PM
I'm a rogue, and I support you too. Cuz i also suffered a bit last season,and like it wasn't mages fault, neither rogues fault, actually it's up to spacetime. I just don't understand people complaining that mages are doing threads asking to sts fix it or make it better to mages. Many rogues complained here too last season. Where is the fair play? xD
I like to make jokes with my mages friends, but i think they have the right to ask here, why not? If Spacetimes will do something its another point, but the forum threads are here to this... make discussions about the game.

09-11-2018, 06:29 PM
Stories about Mage and Rogue while War sitting at the tavern drinking beers 🍻

09-11-2018, 06:47 PM
As a mage I want to share my opinion same as those mages are there sharing them.
Whe mauso came all of the mages were happy because they were being useful and all of the rogues were there discussing about 'how useless rogues are", mages farmed a lot and rogues were there fighting for a buff or for something to help them.
And then this season came and we thought that were a "mage season" again, but then bs got nerf and ds too, rogues are happy because they came useful and then mages came useless, in forum we were/are asking for something to help or something that'd help us as the rogues did (op rogues did it in forum last season), rogues started to act like "we were useless last season", "we dind't have a pt last season", but they were there fighting for something, that's our time, we're there asking for something.
I agree with Qua when he says "we dont get (m)any invites for parties" and when he sad that he don't want to use the old staffs again and again, I don't want that either. Yesterday I was reading threads and saw someone saying about the buff thing that includes at least one war, one mage n a rogue in room, I liked it a lot because was a good idea and we all will have a balanced game again, please if you're a rogue you know that u fought for something as we are so don't say to us "shut up' or "create a rogue".
PS: This is for wars too, because some of my friends created a rogue too.
Even if rogues complained nothing has been changed for very long time right? I am more than happy to run with mages with mire set. You mages that have trouble finding parties even with good gear either have very greedy friends that count every second as gold or you're simply being treated the same way you've been treating rogues during maus era.

09-11-2018, 06:53 PM
Running hydra become very frustrating. Even with legendary gears a rog can deal a superhigh damage using the aimed shot. Let me explain:
Aim shot 2 sec cool down
Lightning bolt 3 sec cool down
And not only this aimed shot do x3 damage of a lightning bolt.
To get an example in 24 seconds a rog deal x4.5 times the damage of a mage. That's why a 5k damage mage deal less damage than a 2.5k dmg rog.
So let's make fair for all give to a maxed mage the speed of a maxed rog. For tanks that boss is a really big problem because no one want to run with them. Maybe add a sistem based on classes my idea is the following one:
Add an obelisk in middle of map obelisk will be of 3 possible colors and change color each 20 seconds at random:
Red, tanks get 200% damage increase other class have 200% damage reduction
Blue mage have 150% damage increase other class have 200% damage reduction
Green rogs have 100% damage increase other class have 200% damage reduction.
Color will change randomly when hidra wake up from be vulnerable (get enraged).
Sorry for English I hope u guys tell me if I do some mistake and if idea should be good.
No drama of 20 second 4 party rog runners pls.

09-11-2018, 07:12 PM
I honestly think a solution to this problem could potentially be to simply increase the difficulty of the hydra and the amount of damge it deals. This raid is supposedly supposed to be the hardest content material in AL, and its being completed in under 30 seconds. Something to me doesnt seem to match up. If the damage delt by the hydra was increased by large enough an extent, warriors would be needed in a map to help protect the rogues.

09-11-2018, 07:14 PM
@flexible, exactly. I am ok with gold loot gear, ok with people switching to more gold loot items at end, ok with running with all classes, ok with cheap pets as long as they are suitable for that map, ok with being the main dmg dealer so people can make more gold during runs, ok with using the best pets in-game to make the runs easier for the party...

In short, I am not fussy as long as a player is not being a total burden on the rest. If someone is making runs harder for the party and making them waste time and gold while he/she himself is there with 5-6k hp, 800 dmg using deary ring( because it has gold loot on it) and with a tankton having lucky slotted in it...my high heels say hello to that person’s behind fast.

To all those supporting such useless threads, I have always been a rogue and stayed a rogue when mausoleum was launched. Never had any problem getting invites, the OP invited me for maus runs and I invited him too, often. So once again...quit whining and get better geared.

09-11-2018, 08:08 PM
Mire helm and vest are so cheap now and with prices of lvl71 arcan stuff coming down too since there's lots of it and not much in demand. if not lvl71 legendary items which is dirt cheap too. I don't see why ppl still need to use outdated items, maybe because ppl had spent millions in the first place to get these items to part with it ? Anyway with good skill respec and pet aa example, shadowlurk aa to help boost party crit damage at the right timing of hydra is still decent timing, even with 3 warrs and 1 rogue. For my playing style when I see 3 warr I usually switch to all attack skills cuz there will at least be 1 warr with horn of renew.

2 cents worth

09-11-2018, 09:32 PM
I think some people should learn to have more respect to others opinion. If something is useless to you, don't read, don't comment, if you think is that useless why keep " wasting" your time?
Also as someone already explained a bit, not everything is a about 'get a better gear', cuz existing op geared mages complaining too.
And thanks God I'm free to support anything I want ( if isn't illegal or against TOS). I'll give the mages my support again.
#bluelivesmatter in the Rogue legends, ops Arcane legends*

09-11-2018, 11:35 PM
It is a public forum, anyone can post their views on whatever discussion they choose to participate in. Another mage complained about hydra, instead of adapting to new raid mechanics and gearing up for 71. Some will show support to such threads, some will oppose and call such complaining “useless”.

I can name some skilled mages here, those who know what to do in 71 raids. Instead of sitting here whining on forums or just merching in towns all day, they made some changes to their gear, skill builds and pets and are regularly invited to hydra runs.

Devs have done enough fixes to hydra to please everyone. Let them work on something else now. Players always have the option to go back to maus to get rich, if they don’t want to make any changes for 71 raids themselves ^_^

09-11-2018, 11:39 PM
@flexible, exactly. I am ok with gold loot gear, ok with people switching to more gold loot items at end, ok with running with all classes, ok with cheap pets as long as they are suitable for that map, ok with being the main dmg dealer so people can make more gold during runs, ok with using the best pets in-game to make the runs easier for the party...

In short, I am not fussy as long as a player is not being a total burden on the rest. If someone is making runs harder for the party and making them waste time and gold while he/she himself is there with 5-6k hp, 800 dmg using deary ring( because it has gold loot on it) and with a tankton having lucky slotted in it...my high heels say hello to that person’s behind fast.

To all those supporting such useless threads, I have always been a rogue and stayed a rogue when mausoleum was launched. Never had any problem getting invites, the OP invited me for maus runs and I invited him too, often. So once again...quit whining and get better geared.Why are you commenting about mages when you have never even played one? Try starting a mage, max or decent gear it and see how many invites you get.

09-12-2018, 12:05 AM
+1 buff mage and tank , nerf rogue they are nabs and uselessssssssssssssss

non class is not useless we just need balanced

09-12-2018, 01:01 AM
@thegoodsir... what makes you think I have never played mage? Lol. I have both tank and mage alts. Rogue is my main and will always stay that way.

I am not like those people who don’t own a particular pet or item or clueless about the topic, but are the first ones to comment on threads. If you need some screenshots of good mages who are regularly invited to 71 raids, let me know.

Still don’t understand why some of you think the rest of us need your permission to post on a public forum.

09-12-2018, 01:14 AM
Im not as picky as some people i guess cause 3k damg for a mage in my pt is a good thing, not bad(mostly do randoms, and i do not seek out rogue only pts). Ill even stay if two wars 1 mage and I (Rogue).

It does get a little frustrating when people are undergeared as kill times can go into 1m+ but i do not discriminate by checking everyones stats at the start of maps. That part frusterates me and i will say it is rogues that mostly do it(then tend to leave if its not "up to par").

Displace characters on a rotation starting with rogues( boss skill that will basically prevent 4pt rogues,), so if 4 rogues try to run it, it would be impossible. By displace i of course mean start a continuous process of negating one character class at a time that cannot be broken with any pet aa or skill. Does that make sense y'all? Im a tired atm so maybe someone can refine this or something.

This was one of my posts from a previous thread that is questioning this exact thing. Suggest bumping threads instead of reading whats on page one of GD and making repetitive threads.

Not sure how hard it would be to implement, but it seems like it could help(although i think the community needs to be more understanding and aware of how to act to others and what to focus on in game).


09-12-2018, 01:27 AM
i dont have that much time

It really doesn't take that long to level up now just buy an op xp awake set 100%+ and abbadon buy all the xp elixes that can stack lvl 1-50 takes like 2-3 hours if you know what to do. then just spend 1 hour a day doing daily quests and you will be max level in no time at all.

09-12-2018, 02:16 AM
I do not see the point why anybody would dislike a buff to mages and tanks on hydra. doesnt that help everybody?

I myself bought a mire set 3/6 and using the arc ring/pend. so my stats as a mage are pretty decent.
On hydra my lightning strike does up to 220k dmg.
still i do not get many invites at all and i'm kind of frustrated when i see rogs with cheap gear out dmg me.

As for now I'm hoping for a double xp event to max my rog. Even tho i dont think this should be the solution, I'm just getting too frustrated on my mage.

so please sts consider some kind of buff, esp for tanks since they have even more troubles.



everyone complaining about mages using ds, it is still better for the boss when he is stunned than my max dmg set.
I dont like it but thats how it is.

09-12-2018, 02:31 AM
It is good time to lvl up your rogue (even newly created) with upcoming xp week. "Make rogue, be happy."

09-12-2018, 03:18 AM
It really doesn't take that long to level up now just buy an op xp awake set 100%+ and abbadon buy all the xp elixes that can stack lvl 1-50 takes like 2-3 hours if you know what to do. then just spend 1 hour a day doing daily quests and you will be max level in no time at all.

whit what money ? that 60 mil scammed ? i was have 16%ring 15%amult 12%belt and others on those item too SO WHAT NOW ? WHAT SHOULD SOME ONE LIKE ME DO TELL ME ONLY FARMING WHIT MY MAX CLASS WILL HELP AND HERE U GO

09-12-2018, 03:36 AM
whit what money ? that 60 mil scammed ? i was have 16%ring 15%amult 12%belt and others on those item too SO WHAT NOW ? WHAT SHOULD SOME ONE LIKE ME DO TELL ME ONLY FARMING WHIT MY MAX CLASS WILL HELP AND HERE U GO

if here all so bad for u and u havent time for AL, maybe u need find another game?

09-12-2018, 03:38 AM
whit what money ? that 60 mil scammed ? i was have 16%ring 15%amult 12%belt and others on those item too SO WHAT NOW ? WHAT SHOULD SOME ONE LIKE ME DO TELL ME ONLY FARMING WHIT MY MAX CLASS WILL HELP AND HERE U GO

Wow, id suggest not getting so emotionally invested in a game. Also, if you got scammed, the fault is soley on yourself.

Like mentioned it doesnt take that long to level if you put in the effort. If people would actually have been lvling up the desired character since all this about hydra started, they would be lv 71(exceptions apply..).

I just ran about 10-15 hydra runs. Only once did i have some1 leave(Rouge that seen 2war i guess). I suggest everyone that needs damage run heroic little bear and a damage elixir(should always have damage elixir..).

If people really need a fairly nice rogue to run with add my ign... Ill do some runs with y'all..

09-12-2018, 04:07 AM
@thegoodsir... what makes you think I have never played mage? Lol. I have both tank and mage alts. Rogue is my main and will always stay that way.

I am not like those people who don’t own a particular pet or item or clueless about the topic, but are the first ones to comment on threads. If you need some screenshots of good mages who are regularly invited to 71 raids, let me know.

Still don’t understand why some of you think the rest of us need your permission to post on a public forum.I would very much enjoy a screen shot of your mage you run raids with.

09-12-2018, 04:57 AM
The hydra is fine.

The whole point of the rogue class is to be the glass cannon, that's why you have a choice of 3 classes and not only one.

09-12-2018, 05:37 AM
A timed run done with 2 ppl

09-12-2018, 05:51 AM
@thegoodsir... that’s me in that ss and one of my mage friend I often run with. We just did a few duo runs and I took that ss but was having trouble posting it.

We both used speed set, gold loot on gear, he uses dragon staff for both raid maps and as you can clearly see in that ss, I was using chester for gold loot. No buffs were used. Just a casual run and that is how long it takes on average. Can be even shorter.

How easier do you guys want it to be? 15 secs runs on average? This is the highest level elite raid map, for God’s sake.

Seems to me, most mages who are whining here just need to learn to be better mages. Time to move on from maus and adapt to hydra.

09-12-2018, 05:54 AM
A timed run done with 2 ppl

that is what i say exactly see? sis u have nice state and u are solo rouge and smg is mage whit ds and u did in 1min and 20 sec but why always rouges all going in 1 party ? they cant beat skyxe and his team record pls accept it he have 9k damage and 13 k dps so just go every rouge in 1 pt or at last 2 (if first rouge dont have good state) and that wil be fine but still all rouges going to gethere for 30 or at last 40 sec faster . im done here u all get what i mean so just stop be selfish and pt every one (all classes) even warrior can help whit heal like nekro or glow shield so this is the point : play together (all class)

09-12-2018, 05:57 AM
@thegoodsir... that’s me in that ss and one of my mage friend I often run with. We just did a few duo runs and I took that ss but was having trouble posting it.

We both used speed set, gold loot on gear, he uses dragon staff for both raid maps and as you can clearly see in that ss, I was using chester for gold loot. No buffs were used. Just a casual run and that is how long it takes on average. Can be even shorter.

How easier do you guys want it to be? 15 secs runs on average? This is the highest level elite raid map, for God’s sake.

Seems to me, most mages who are whining here just need to learn to be better mages. Time to move on from maus and adapt to hydra.

u understand me and u accept its normal run on 1:20-1:30 but all rouge going together for avenger 50sec this is selfish and ty u to understand what i mean exactly im going to work rn and will run hole next 2 day i have lot free time there i will be happy u join me i have 2 bbf 1 good rouge and me and my other mage friend bb sis

09-12-2018, 06:00 AM
@thegoodsir... that’s me in that ss and one of my mage friend I often run with. We just did a few duo runs and I took that ss but was having trouble posting it.

We both used speed set, gold loot on gear, he uses dragon staff for both raid maps and as you can clearly see in that ss, I was using chester for gold loot. No buffs were used. Just a casual run and that is how long it takes on average. Can be even shorter.

How easier do you guys want it to be? 15 secs runs on average? This is the highest level elite raid map, for God’s sake.

Seems to me, most mages who are whining here just need to learn to be better mages. Time to move on from maus and adapt to hydra.

I am sure, that person wanted see your mage, not rogue in action. It is sure, that at least 1 rogue (op/avg/weak) will speed up map even in 2 players team, doesn´t matter, what pets they both use, rogue is reason of good time. Since hydra is always same, people learn her attack within 2 runs, you can solo her as rogue for best time, mage for 2nd best time, as war dont try it. Let´s see your mage in action with 3 wars or 2 wars/1 mage or 3 mages and i bet, you won´t make 1:20 time. :D No offense, but once you will try other 2 classes on map without a single rogue, you will understand. I am becoming fan of rogue class, important and strong.

09-12-2018, 06:03 AM
I am sure, that person wanted see your mage, not rogue in auction. It is sure, that at least 1 rogue (op/avg/weak) will speed up map even in 2 players team, doesn´t matter, what pets they both use, rogue is reason of good time. Since hydra is always same, people learn her attack within 2 runs, you can solo her. Let´s see your mage in action with 3 wars or 2 wars/1 mage or 3 mages and i bet, you won´t make 1:20 time. :D No offense, but once you will try other 2 classes on map without a single rogue, you will understand. I am becoming fan of rogue class, important and strong.

bro u can understand our post or u dont want idk i dident say rouge is slow other better rouge is fast but 1rouge have only 10 sec different whit 2 rouge and 2 have more 10 sec that mean even whit 1 rouge all will be fine THIS IS SELFISH TO RUN HOLE HYDRA WHIT 4 ROUGE AND LET ALL PT ALONE WHIT FULL OF MAGE AND WAR THIS IS SELFISH done

09-12-2018, 06:05 AM
@thegoodsir... that’s me in that ss and one of my mage friend I often run with. We just did a few duo runs and I took that ss but was having trouble posting it.

We both used speed set, gold loot on gear, he uses dragon staff for both raid maps and as you can clearly see in that ss, I was using chester for gold loot. No buffs were used. Just a casual run and that is how long it takes on average. Can be even shorter.

How easier do you guys want it to be? 15 secs runs on average? This is the highest level elite raid map, for God’s sake.

Seems to me, most mages who are whining here just need to learn to be better mages. Time to move on from maus and adapt to hydra.You misunderstand, your own personal mage that you play, not one of your friends. You claimed to have a mage alt, lets see it :)

09-12-2018, 06:16 AM
bro u can understand our post or u dont want idk i dident say rouge is slow other better rouge is fast but 1rouge have only 10 sec different whit 2 rouge and 2 have more 10 sec that mean even whit 1 rouge all will be fine THIS IS SELFISH TO RUN HOLE HYDRA WHIT 4 ROUGE AND LET ALL PT ALONE WHIT FULL OF MAGE AND WAR THIS IS SELFISH done

I do understand your point of view. Good idea is to make all 3 classes for each end game player, so nobody will complain. Is this hard for end game player? I am lvling up my rogue only from daily quests, and on Sunday ill be lvl 71 (1 week of lvling). It will only take 1 hour/day to do all daily quests.

09-12-2018, 06:39 AM
Deleted...its Beating a dead horse by now....

Add me and ill do runs with y'all..

09-12-2018, 07:00 AM
For sure not every rog but got a few of those (most dont even reply). I have 4.9k dmg 1660 int.


09-12-2018, 07:25 AM
OK this is too much.. I personally played mage during maus era,why? Mage with 10 m gear was more useful than rogue with 30 m gear. Now rogue became what mage was for the longest ( yes I repeated myself ) and everyone became so dramatic! I wouldn't mind tanks getting some op buff, mages on other hand had their time its time to wipe tears and move on.

09-12-2018, 07:50 AM
OK this is too much.. I personally played mage during maus era,why? Mage with 10 m gear was more useful than rogue with 30 m gear. Now rogue became what mage was for the longest ( yes I repeated myself ) and everyone became so dramatic! I wouldn't mind tanks getting some op buff, mages on other hand had their time its time to wipe tears and move on.

In maus u played 2 mage, 1 war and 1 rog, that was the standard for everybody i have played with. So every class was needed.

09-12-2018, 08:02 AM
In maus u played 2 mage, 1 war and 1 rog, that was the standard for everybody i have played with. So every class was needed.
Fake news,for what exactly was rogue needed? Mobs? No rogue could match average mage with flame/immo staff. For boss? No rogue could match average mage with ds. Try again.

09-12-2018, 08:15 AM
Fake news,for what exactly was rogue needed? Mobs? No rogue could match average mage with flame/immo staff. For boss? No rogue could match average mage with ds. Try again.Rogues played drag dags to stun and wars tb to pull. That are no news at all btw.

09-12-2018, 09:58 AM
For sure not every rog but got a few of those (most dont even reply). I have 4.9k dmg 1660 int.


I hope you are filling your ignolist with guys like him. 😊

09-12-2018, 10:26 AM
Rogues played drag dags to stun and wars tb to pull. That are no news at all btw.
By the time drag proc happens smurf leave corpses behind with their broken procs don't be silly only curse could kill you and glow/tank were for that who needs stun when you can melt pile of mobs within seconds.

09-12-2018, 11:49 AM
Fake news,for what exactly was rogue needed? Mobs? No rogue could match average mage with flame/immo staff. For boss? No rogue could match average mage with ds. Try again.

Rogue was good for killing select mobs like giants/curse mages fast and for mini bosses but you are right about mage not needing max gear rogues did need very good gear to beat a mage. Rogues were not useless in mauso if they were actually good rogues with good gear it was more to do with mage being alot cheaper to use in mauso. And now rogue is the cheapest to run hydra and still do well I don't expect a change for this anytime soon,it's same as when arena was the best place to farm and rogues were best by far to use and it was like that for a year without any changes :p

09-12-2018, 12:11 PM
For sure not every rog but got a few of those (most dont even reply). I have 4.9k dmg 1660 int.


Not rogues' fault you made greedy friends.

09-12-2018, 12:17 PM
Not rogues' fault you made greedy friends.

but it does prove that mages/tanks are not needed..

09-12-2018, 12:27 PM
but it does prove that mages/tanks are not needed..

But it shows who your real friends are.

09-12-2018, 01:16 PM
But it shows who your real friends are.

thats not the topic here

09-12-2018, 01:18 PM
But it shows who your real friends are.

This isnt a real friend obviously. U know u accept some people when they ask or play good. People come and go but i just wanted to show that it is no matter of gear that u dont get invited as a mage.

09-12-2018, 03:24 PM
From what I read, guess I'm lucky to be a rogue..this time. ( I and a few other under-geared rogues did get left out a bit in some maps previously). It's swings and roundabouts really but I'm not bothered who joins me in any map because it's not that important to me. The most important thing is enjoying the game whatever we choose to do with our time on there, whether it's collecting vanities, rare armours, socialising, farming, merching, house decor, leaderboards or running festerfang. I prefer to solo most maps now or just go and random..hate parties but If anyone joins me in Hydra, I won't leave whatever class or gears..I just can't be fussed with all the seriousness anymore.

09-12-2018, 09:03 PM
@Noni Still waiting for the screen shot of your mage.

09-13-2018, 02:31 AM
I dont think we need more of these threads, we already concluded the issue on the other thread and I am sure Devs are working on it. Just have patience and faith on JustGesus ;).

Though I am LMAO at people who are comparing Raids with Maus. I am sure they are those under-geared rogues who didn't get invites back in the day and now they are terming it as karma or payback time, and TBH I call it BS. I mean just look at you, how stupid is your argument.

I am not going to be biased, if you are an under-geared mage who is not getting invites then its time you learn your class and understand the importance of your main stat. You are no different then these nab rogues who are crying in these thread.

Now time for some FACTS:
There are 2 key differences that the stereotypes in this thread are purposely overlooking to create drama:

The Mausoleum: It was designed as a fully fledged map that required all classes. Tanks to hold aggro, Mages to crowd control and Rogues to do single target damage. The issue was not the content, the issue was the gears.
When it came to party composition, Warriors and Rogues did not invite any random Mage to the party, they asked specifically for Mages who had DS+Immo/Flame. If they didn't find 1 Mage with DS+Immo/Flame then they invited 2 Mages, one carried DS and one carried Immo/Flame. It was rare and unintentional to have 4 mage parties for Maus. So rare that in my experience of 1000 vory/lich achievement I might have had less than 10 Maus runs with 4 mages. It was mostly 1W 1R 2M or 1W 2R 1M.

The reason was very simple: It made the runs faster, it reduced the time whole dungeon took.

Now if you look at the old threads where devs tried taking corrective measures, where the weapons for mage were suggested a nerf then you will see that it wasn't only mages who said no but rogues and warriors also protested saying it will increase the clear time of those dungeons. So all of you said no to it because you didn't want to spend hours in Maus.


Infested/Hydra Raids: They are small map which only require single target damage. There is no mechanic for Tanks or Support class, you can solo the raids, sure it will take time, but you can.. Here the issue is not gear, the issue is content.
When you put things in equal perspective you will realize that an under-geared Rogue pulls better damage then a fully geared Mage/Warrior. Don't believe me? Go compare the difference in the Skill Damage and Cool Down of Lightning Strike, Axe Throw and Aim Shot at the same raw damage. Not to mention that at the same type of gear Rogues will always have more raw damage then Warriors and Mage.

So now hell with Mages and Warriors, because you can make gold from Raids and dont have to run Mausoleum anymore. I mean why now? Where were these rogues in the nightmare expansion? Yeah right, they were busy looking for a Mage with DS to farm gold. That's hypocrisy at its best.

The Mausoleum had no monthly LB.


Infested/Hydra Raids: It has monthly LB that rewards badges, and in my opinion every class in the game has the right to earn them.
The problem is the content design, its based on single target burst damage. Higher the damage - lower the clear time. Which means that even the best Mages and Warriors in the server has no possible way to beat a equally geared 4 rogue party. That's common sense.

Fun Fact: Mausoleum 5/6 scales to your level and is still the hardest content. Even after the nerfs you need a Mage there to CC, a Warrior to hold aggro and a Rogue to do damage. #Inter-dependence

PS: I think it will be fair to all classes if the new arcane weapons have class specific procs that compliment the roles and bring some balance to the damage.

09-13-2018, 06:46 AM
I dont think we need more of these threads, we already concluded the issue on the other thread and I am sure Devs are working on it. Just have patience and faith on JustGesus ;).

Though I am LMAO at people who are comparing Raids with Maus. I am sure they are those under-geared rogues who didn't get invites back in the day and now they are terming it as karma or payback time, and TBH I call it BS. I mean just look at you, how stupid is your argument.

I am not going to be biased, if you are an under-geared mage who is not getting invites then its time you learn your class and understand the importance of your main stat. You are no different then these nab rogues who are crying in these thread.

Now time for some FACTS:
There are 2 key differences that the stereotypes in this thread are purposely overlooking to create drama:

The Mausoleum: It was designed as a fully fledged map that required all classes. Tanks to hold aggro, Mages to crowd control and Rogues to do single target damage. The issue was not the content, the issue was the gears.
When it came to party composition, Warriors and Rogues did not invite any random Mage to the party, they asked specifically for Mages who had DS+Immo/Flame. If they didn't find 1 Mage with DS+Immo/Flame then they invited 2 Mages, one carried DS and one carried Immo/Flame. It was rare and unintentional to have 4 mage parties for Maus. So rare that in my experience of 1000 vory/lich achievement I might have had less than 10 Maus runs with 4 mages. It was mostly 1W 1R 2M or 1W 2R 1M.

The reason was very simple: It made the runs faster, it reduced the time whole dungeon took.

Now if you look at the old threads where devs tried taking corrective measures, where the weapons for mage were suggested a nerf then you will see that it wasn't only mages who said no but rogues and warriors also protested saying it will increase the clear time of those dungeons. So all of you said no to it because you didn't want to spend hours in Maus.


Infested/Hydra Raids: They are small map which only require single target damage. There is no mechanic for Tanks or Support class, you can solo the raids, sure it will take time, but you can.. Here the issue is not gear, the issue is content.
When you put things in equal perspective you will realize that an under-geared Rogue pulls better damage then a fully geared Mage/Warrior. Don't believe me? Go compare the difference in the Skill Damage and Cool Down of Lightning Strike, Axe Throw and Aim Shot at the same raw damage. Not to mention that at the same type of gear Rogues will always have more raw damage then Warriors and Mage.

So now hell with Mages and Warriors, because you can make gold from Raids and dont have to run Mausoleum anymore. I mean why now? Where were these rogues in the nightmare expansion? Yeah right, they were busy looking for a Mage with DS to farm gold. That's hypocrisy at its best.

The Mausoleum had no monthly LB.


Infested/Hydra Raids: It has monthly LB that rewards badges, and in my opinion every class in the game has the right to earn them.
The problem is the content design, its based on single target burst damage. Higher the damage - lower the clear time. Which means that even the best Mages and Warriors in the server has no possible way to beat a equally geared 4 rogue party. That's common sense.

Fun Fact: Mausoleum 5/6 scales to your level and is still the hardest content. Even after the nerfs you need a Mage there to CC, a Warrior to hold aggro and a Rogue to do damage. #Inter-dependence

PS: I think it will be fair to all classes if the new arcane weapons have class specific procs that compliment the roles and bring some balance to the damage.

Yes, there is no point in this thread now but I'm just wondering why I can't edit my posts and I noticed you did. I used to be able to correct mine but now it just deletes the whole thing if I tap edit.

09-13-2018, 07:52 AM
I dont think we need more of these threads, we already concluded the issue on the other thread and I am sure Devs are working on it. Just have patience and faith on JustGesus ;).

Though I am LMAO at people who are comparing Raids with Maus. I am sure they are those under-geared rogues who didn't get invites back in the day and now they are terming it as karma or payback time, and TBH I call it BS. I mean just look at you, how stupid is your argument.

I am not going to be biased, if you are an under-geared mage who is not getting invites then its time you learn your class and understand the importance of your main stat. You are no different then these nab rogues who are crying in these thread.

Now time for some FACTS:
There are 2 key differences that the stereotypes in this thread are purposely overlooking to create drama:

The Mausoleum: It was designed as a fully fledged map that required all classes. Tanks to hold aggro, Mages to crowd control and Rogues to do single target damage. The issue was not the content, the issue was the gears.
When it came to party composition, Warriors and Rogues did not invite any random Mage to the party, they asked specifically for Mages who had DS+Immo/Flame. If they didn't find 1 Mage with DS+Immo/Flame then they invited 2 Mages, one carried DS and one carried Immo/Flame. It was rare and unintentional to have 4 mage parties for Maus. So rare that in my experience of 1000 vory/lich achievement I might have had less than 10 Maus runs with 4 mages. It was mostly 1W 1R 2M or 1W 2R 1M.

The reason was very simple: It made the runs faster, it reduced the time whole dungeon took.

Now if you look at the old threads where devs tried taking corrective measures, where the weapons for mage were suggested a nerf then you will see that it wasn't only mages who said no but rogues and warriors also protested saying it will increase the clear time of those dungeons. So all of you said no to it because you didn't want to spend hours in Maus.


Infested/Hydra Raids: They are small map which only require single target damage. There is no mechanic for Tanks or Support class, you can solo the raids, sure it will take time, but you can.. Here the issue is not gear, the issue is content.
When you put things in equal perspective you will realize that an under-geared Rogue pulls better damage then a fully geared Mage/Warrior. Don't believe me? Go compare the difference in the Skill Damage and Cool Down of Lightning Strike, Axe Throw and Aim Shot at the same raw damage. Not to mention that at the same type of gear Rogues will always have more raw damage then Warriors and Mage.

So now hell with Mages and Warriors, because you can make gold from Raids and dont have to run Mausoleum anymore. I mean why now? Where were these rogues in the nightmare expansion? Yeah right, they were busy looking for a Mage with DS to farm gold. That's hypocrisy at its best.

The Mausoleum had no monthly LB.


Infested/Hydra Raids: It has monthly LB that rewards badges, and in my opinion every class in the game has the right to earn them.
The problem is the content design, its based on single target burst damage. Higher the damage - lower the clear time. Which means that even the best Mages and Warriors in the server has no possible way to beat a equally geared 4 rogue party. That's common sense.

Fun Fact: Mausoleum 5/6 scales to your level and is still the hardest content. Even after the nerfs you need a Mage there to CC, a Warrior to hold aggro and a Rogue to do damage. #Inter-dependence

PS: I think it will be fair to all classes if the new arcane weapons have class specific procs that compliment the roles and bring some balance to the damage.

Well said, even though we have lenghty convos.

I've thought of procs complimenting in a thread of mine couple months back, it got hate instead. Problems arised, "so now people are needed to buy these weapons"?.

They suggested: bonus buff if there is atleast 1 of each class in the team. Or combo skill buff, a Mage/Rog/Warr would need to cast a specific skill in a short span of time that in return would be more effective or deal more damage. With this inplementation there is more skill needed in timing the skill for it to create a combo, just like the tri-force pets.

My opinion about it, its a better idea then Arcane weapons having complimentary procs because atleast this will favour for all, poor or rich.

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

09-13-2018, 11:55 AM
Well said, even though we have lenghty convos.

I've thought of procs complimenting in a thread of mine couple months back, it got hate instead. Problems arised, "so now people are needed to buy these weapons"?.

They suggested: bonus buff if there is atleast 1 of each class in the team. Or combo skill buff, a Mage/Rog/Warr would need to cast a specific skill in a short span of time that in return would be more effective or deal more damage. With this inplementation there is more skill needed in timing the skill for it to create a combo, just like the tri-force pets.

My opinion about it, its a better idea then Arcane weapons having complementary procs because atleast this will favour for all, poor or rich.

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

I prefer the idea of complimentary skills instead of arcane weapons. This would give people who can't afford those weapons some semblance of ease in their parties. It was exhausting to see people needing specific classes in party, and then said player needs to have x weapon to be considered useful.

Suentous PO
09-13-2018, 01:08 PM
@ Rauitry & Ticklish

It shouldn't rely on either one skill or one weapon.
If it's a skill then we all have to speck it and it's less variability.
If it's a weapon it's not fair if all can't easily get it.

Other than that I have also been asking for cross class buff for a while,
Let's hope

09-14-2018, 12:45 AM
I prefer the idea of complimentary skills instead of arcane weapons. This would give people who can't afford those weapons some semblance of ease in their parties. It was exhausting to see people needing specific classes in party, and then said player needs to have x weapon to be considered useful.

Well in that case instead of adding an additional skill (which is more work) they should simply equalize the skill damage for Lightning Bolt, Axe Throw and Aim Shot.
Rogues will still have an upperhand because of the factors like higher raw damage, lower cool down and additional Crit% from the main stat; But the difference will not be as godly as it is at present.

09-14-2018, 01:58 AM
Well in that case instead of adding an additional skill (which is more work) they should simply equalize the skill damage for Lightning Bolt, Axe Throw and Aim Shot.
Rogues will still have an upperhand because of the factors like higher raw damage, lower cool down and additional Crit% from the main stat; But the difference will not be as godly as it is at present.

You interpet this wrong, this isn't implying in the addition of new skills, but rather already existing skills that can be more effective in terms of damage or benefits in the team if other specific skills from the other classes are casted in a time span for it to work as a proc, buff or something etc..


- Mage uses Lighting, Rogue uses Aim Shot, and Warr uses Axe Throw.

These 3 skills are casted all together, lets say the bonus will only work if all 3 were casted in between 5s, otherwise it will reset and not work. The buff could be something like all classes will gain 30% damage or something related to damage, considering that these skills does the most amount of damage in a single target enemy.

There could be more skill combos with other skills, another example is Arcane shield, Razor shield and Juggernaut, when casted in between 5s, then it will cast a shield for all classes that will last X amount of sec etc etc.

This wouldn't work in Pvp, and this kinda symbolises the Tri-force pets concept.

So now that you know, this is arguably better than said Arcane weapon complimentary procs, as the skill combo idea favours everyone, will alot for more strategy into making a better run by communicating and timing the skills.

Hope you can understand it by now.

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

09-14-2018, 04:38 AM
@Ticklish: My response is based on understanding that you would like a complimentary skill instead of a weapon proc so we dont end up in a scenario of being picky for a specific class with a specific weapon; for example the "Mage with DS scenario that I explained in #65". Correct me if I am wrong.

@Rauitri: If I consider your interpretation, then its gonna make things way too complicated. You are talking about designing a whole new skill dependence system.
That's basically telling all players to spec same, map the rotations in same order, and then sync the skill rotation with other players corresponding to the same skill that when used in parallel will provide a party buff.

IMO we dont want that; Why? Because its not fun. I dont want to play like a bot.
An MMORPG should have the freedom for a player to choose his own skills, play-style, rotation etc.

The simpler version of your idea is what Ucambaen suggested in this thread: https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?430169-Game-balance-idea.

The problem is that you guys are mixing the interdependence of classes with the damage gap between classes. They are two different things.

The issue with interdependence require adjustment at the content level, enabling mechanics that require all classes.
The issue with damage gap can be fixed in 2 ways IMO:
1) Post #70 - [Variables will be Raw Damage, Skill CD and Crit%]
2) Have weapon procs reduce the damage gap between classes. [Variable will be RNG]

Keep it simple, peace.

Thats called teamwork. Using skills in sync will overall quicken the runs as I said it gives specific buffs. It will alot for more builds, strategy, timings etc.... I don't see why would it feel like a bot, as its basically teamwork & communication = faster runs, and not "freedom to choose skills, freestyle, rotation = faster runs".

And hey this idea is an option btw, if you people think its so hard to use then they wont, for those who are willing to communicate for the benefit of the skill buffs, then they will. But hey, atleast this one is free. Plus it fixes the team composition. Every skill for each class will have a unique buff that compliments to the other classes skill. So we wouldn't have the thing called "freedom to choose skill" lol.

Haven't you thought what problems will arise if your idea of dependent Arcane weapon procs takes place?

- It's definitely not free, it being the latest arcane will also mean most expensive, as it has this new combo proc feature that will quicken runs for the rich etc...
- People will complain about it not for everyone.
- Instead of fixing the LB filled with Rogues, you will now replace that with teams using these Arcane weapons, people will complain about this too.
- this idea is for lv71s only, as these arcanes are also lv71. So yeah, this can't help lv70 below players in events nor level up lower leveled players, but the Skill Combo System can so yeah.
- It will only fix class balance for the rich, less fortunates being the same as they can't afford this or to find people using these weapons.
- Now this is about depending on procs now? As suppose to skill combos that require skill from players, that in return would make the faster run, compared to a team not using this skill combo system.

And no, I am not crying about the money to afford these weapons, im trying to point out the accessibility, and equality between our ideas. Clearly, yours isn't friendly to everyone, only to lv71 richies, its a biased weapon.

As to mention again, the Skill Combo System is free, its for everyone, it will fix class distribution in teams, poor or rich, at any level.

And about the 1 of each class granting a buff, that idea was thought of 3-4 years ago by Perceval I think. And yes, his idea is the best in fixing class composition. But hey, if STS can't implement this easy solution, what more to ours.

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

09-14-2018, 06:57 AM
Y'all trying to make a 5 minutes run (suppose to be) raid map into a 5 seconds run?

09-14-2018, 09:41 AM
Y'all trying to make a 5 minutes run (suppose to be) raid map into a 5 seconds run?

Actually 15 seconds already with full 5k rog pt

09-14-2018, 12:09 PM
All those crying for class balance here and there without any valid reason are usually people who dont know how to handle their classes well. And yes I say this while having multiple toons. As a mage I never found any trouble finding party or making gold in hydra maps. Even with a full rogue party you might not be making much progress as most are presuming. It depends upon the players, how they play and what they are able to bring to the party. If you speak about timed runs, its not like people are getting into those lb just because they have a full rog or mage pt. Each member knows their own responsibility and skills. Learn to play your class well, reach the limit of your capabilities and if you still see some problems only then notify STS. Btw as a rogue I have run with mages, and the ones I run with are pretty decent and can hold their own.

Btw who do people always ignore Warriors from such topics? :p are they not loved enough?

09-14-2018, 01:16 PM
I am using mire set 3/6 and still leveling my rog because mage is too slow.

Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk

09-15-2018, 12:11 AM
It's unnecessary that everyone repeats each other. Just chill. They will do something to make mages and warriors relevant

Gesendet von meinem HTC 10 mit Tapatalk

09-17-2018, 03:28 AM
I'll just copy a part of the message I posted in a different thread, because looking all these posts about the need to nerf rogues is annoying and saying the same thing all over again is tiring. I am rogue, and sometimes I have a tough time to do the map because I am not fully geared. It is good play that counts, be it rogues, warriors and mages. Tanks don't heal the whole pt and mages don't know how to proc their weapons. DO YOU HAVE ANY EXCUSE FOR THAT? I have only half the health of tanks and mages and I have to keep dying because of their incompetent gameplay and keep hitting like crazy because one half is into leeching and one half simply does not know how to play. Hydra bog map is still made for all classes, and I can vouch for it because I don't run full rogue parties. I have tried different combinations when it comes to pts and it works wonders with a skilled party even if it comprises of 1 tank, 2 mages and 1 rogue. And for the record, Mages with Drag Staff take over the map if they know how to proc well, rogues aren't even required if the mage plays well. The drag staff at present works amazingly in Bog so I don't see the need to boost its damage. It would be very unfair if mages are made OP once again in the game.

You mages call us useless, but half the time is is mages and tanks who continuously go around looking for rogues to be in their parties and dismantle a party if you think there are not enough rogues for your cause. So if we are useless enough for you, kindly don't turn to us to run Hydra. It is about the skills and it is about the time and investment you make on making your toon more powerful and not about being a rogue, warrior, mage. If you have something to complain about, overcome the inadequacies in your toon. It is very easy to play this blame game in circles.

I hope this attitude towards rogues in the game changes soon. We rogues are not tools and we are not enemies. It is just a game, so let's just enjoy it.

P.S: for your information, I created a mage to farm hydra and not a second rogue

09-17-2018, 05:23 AM
I did a 3 mages 1 rogue party(I was the rogue) and no joke those mages melted the boss in 45secs.

Gesendet von meinem BLA-L29 mit Tapatalk

09-17-2018, 05:27 AM
these posts about the need to nerf rogues

nobody wants to nerf rogs. Its about buffing mages/tanks. And please dont blame others for dying on hydra.

drag staff is still slower than a good rog, esp bc the proc is only good for the boss itself and your dmg output is low if you dont proc.
And nobody calls rogs useless, its the best class atm.


09-17-2018, 07:04 AM
drag staff is still slower than a good rog
Your definition of good rog who is not dying is probably 100 dex arti rogue with mire set&spirit weapon lvl50

News flash-this is barely 1% of all endgame rogues

Jem Jr
09-18-2018, 05:26 PM
Hmmmm [emoji848][emoji848][emoji848] this game is never gonna get balanced...

Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

09-18-2018, 11:25 PM
as u all can see rouges just go hydra whit each other or their gf/bf

in this place we have lot mage and war whit out pt and some of them go random

and there is 2 mage and 2 war normally that raid take 10min in this time rouge pt run 10-12 time

in this case there is 2 way fix that problem whit buffing ds / bs proc and war

in normal pt if u have 2 normal rouge u can run in 1min and 10 sec

no matter what that 2 other class is then

pls fix it give all suggestion on fixing pls maybe devs can do it easierShort maps like Hydra straight to boss will always benefit Rogue,... You should make a rogue char to play this map, or use Mire Set!

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3010 using Tapatalk

09-19-2018, 05:55 AM
If this stays like this , the same thing that happened last year will happen this year , they can simply nerf the gold loot of hydra the same as they did to mausoleum , im a war and i dont even mind running with other wars in the same party , just gotta be patient and accept anything u get , just play the game and have fun at it no need to complain about everything , cause sts do their best the least we can do is being grateful to the effort they do

09-21-2018, 12:04 PM
for everyone complaining about hydra imbalance,the on thing all hydra farmers should be focusing on is how sts has recently nerfed the gold loot so bad,that its about time to return to maus,and before all you know it all pipe your opinions without testing yourself,i know full well what i am talking about,i have 340% two weeks ago max drops were around 20-23 k,now with same gold loot i get max drops of 18k,and those dont drop much,my normal drop is 4-6 k nearly repeadly, so sts has pushed awakenings so people can spend ridiculous amounts of plat and gold to get high gold loot awakeings to farm maps like hydra and maus and they repeadly keep nerfing gold loot drops,i can run hydra without gl at al and get nearly the same drops,so we as a al community should be asking devs why they push these awakening kits on us to then come right behind us and make them nearly useless.
i love this game ,i have for years,but this is getting to much,devs why not have a open dialogue with your player base.

09-21-2018, 12:22 PM
for everyone complaining about hydra imbalance,the on thing all hydra farmers should be focusing on is how sts has recently nerfed the gold loot so bad,that its about time to return to maus,and before all you know it all pipe your opinions without testing yourself,i know full well what i am talking about,i have 340% two weeks ago max drops were around 20-23 k,now with same gold loot i get max drops of 18k,and those dont drop much,my normal drop is 4-6 k nearly repeadly, so sts has pushed awakenings so people can spend ridiculous amounts of plat and gold to get high gold loot awakeings to farm maps like hydra and maus and they repeadly keep nerfing gold loot drops,i can run hydra without gl at al and get nearly the same drops,so we as a al community should be asking devs why they push these awakening kits on us to then come right behind us and make them nearly useless.
i love this game ,i have for years,but this is getting to much,devs why not have a open dialogue with your player base.

Just to say that before expansion a dev (can’t remember who sorry) stated that maus was ment to be the gold source of the game, while the 2 elites a challenge and an item drop source (not exactly in this terms for elites).
So I guess that Hydra (or infested) as main gold source was not intended from the beginning.
I know that this doesn’t help, but maybe is more understandable what is happening.

09-21-2018, 12:57 PM
Everybody forgot to answer the question: how is hydra now? The answer is, I saw her yesterday. I think she is fine.

09-21-2018, 01:09 PM
Sell all gold loot item@gears [emoji23]

• Reonauz

09-21-2018, 04:16 PM
Thé easiest quickest coolest best option hère is to have a break of this frustrating game atm till they make a change cause wining ans crying hère wont change anything :)

09-21-2018, 04:44 PM
Yet again started reading ppl's opinions stoped at 2 anyways due to how low the IQ of someppl is talking about "partyinvites" or asking rogues to try mages ,even though they can keep there dignity and honor and go solo even if its slow as hell but still u can loot stuff and 1 more last thing If u cant have fun in a "game" that u are playing for a 1 reason that is entertainment what Are you still doing there ffs?

09-21-2018, 04:51 PM
Pretty sure lightning does a million damage

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-22-2018, 10:25 AM
Everybody forgot to answer the question: how is hydra now? The answer is, I saw her yesterday. I think she is fine.

I dont think so. Ppl try to kill her million times each day. She can revive but it sill hurt.

09-24-2018, 11:06 AM
Ok, time to type in /partyleave