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View Full Version : New elixirs insta loot

09-11-2018, 04:48 PM
Cinco you tease us with many things, giving us previews of updates.

On some occasions there are sudden suprising changes added to the game for better game play that are not announced.

Thank you for adding the new plat elixirs of insta loot.


And thank you for moving the grey in game potion sighting up a little, so our fat fingers don't keep tapping on it accidently. We love that STS care.

09-11-2018, 05:53 PM
why is this even a thing... before the update where we could collect loot without walking to it and collect it it was free now we have to pay for it...

Sent from around the world [emoji289]

09-11-2018, 05:58 PM
why is this even a thing... before the update where we could collect loot without walking to it and collect it it was free now we have to pay for it...

You are not the only one who sees this as somewhat of an insult. To take something that was free, and to suddenly start to charge us for it as a plat elixir lol. Insanity.

I did suggest a way to end botting in the gold maps (and only in the event gold maps - link here: https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?429188-Automation-countermeasure-for-event-tiered-gold-farming-maps ), this would have also allowed for us to pickup gold like before, for free, with zero risk of bots getting away with their dirty deeds. But nope. It's better to try to monetize it, apparently. Smh.

09-11-2018, 07:38 PM
That is ridiculous...having to pay for a free feature no, thank you

09-11-2018, 08:58 PM
The feedback on gold pick up is Global Cool Down all over again for STS.

Oh well, most other games picking up gold and loot items is the norm. I guess it will take more time for the player base to get used to this change for the better.

I still enjoy the gold pop visual effect, the excitement of how much gold is earned when running over the gold, and the pink glow I get when I do pick it up.

Having a discussion about the new insta loot elixirs, with a friend, there were some concerns.

The issue regarding those who do bot. The purchase of these plat elixirs will assit them exploiting their bot program's to run and farm the maps for them.

Thankfully the new elixirs only last for 30 mintues. So they can't make a short program buying the elixir only once in 5 mins. They can however make a program longer than 30 mins and purchase a new elixir and run that all night in locked games alone.

Food for thought.

09-12-2018, 03:12 AM
I pointed that same concern out on the PL Party Zone discord server earlier today.

And as we saw from the last gold farming event, having to pick up gold and loot is not effective at deterring the use of macros. My suggestion to prompt players for a simple two digit random code before entering the gold farming event maps was a highly effective countermeasure. Those who macro now get it even easier with elixirs that just pickup the gold and loot for them, in every single map in the game.

I also noticed that all the store bought elixirs paid for with gold are now gone, as are the other less expensive plat elixirs, with the exception of all access and enable xp gain. While they may not have been the most popular, I know many people who relied upon the elixirs that have just been removed from the store.

There need to always be options for the F2P and the P2P, and this removal totally missed the mark for the free or budget players. It would be considerate to put those elixirs back into the store.

09-12-2018, 03:14 AM
I pointed that same concern out on the PL Party Zone discord server earlier today.

And as we saw from the last gold farming event, having to pick up gold and loot is not effective at deterring the use of macros. My suggestion to prompt players for a simple two digit random code before entering the gold farming event maps was a highly effective countermeasure. Those who macro now get it even easier with elixirs that just pickup the gold and loot for them, in every single map in the game.

09-12-2018, 03:22 AM
Speaking of elixirs. I also noticed that all the store bought elixirs paid for with gold are now gone, as are the other less expensive plat elixirs, with the exception of all access and enable xp gain. While they may not have been the most popular, I know many people who relied upon the elixirs that have just been removed from the store.

There need to always be options for the F2P and the P2P, and this removal totally missed the mark for the free or budget players. The message being received by many is that PL is becoming more and more pay to play. The more of those who quit, the more lonely the game becomes for your paying customers, and then what do they do? It would send a better message and be considerate if those elixirs were put back into the store IMHO.

09-12-2018, 07:54 AM
IDK about yall but the best moment for farming was seeing that elite color flash across your screen and you know you got something good, i dont like picking it up it takes the fun out of it. and it can be a pain, and drae is right. it is insulting to have to pay for it now.

09-12-2018, 08:57 AM
Its good, it's like wanna bot? fine pay for it, kinda. Wanna farm gold even faster? well, fine, pay for it.

It's not bad, gold event gold farming with ~300 ammy is well enough, what's the point of complain on that?