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View Full Version : A quick analysis..

09-19-2018, 11:14 AM
Lets Analyze Things:

Honestly, I can relate to STS in a certain sense having developed games for a decent amount of time. Working on games seems like a lot of fun at first, but as it becomes the chore, the original thrill of it gets lost, and I can't help but relate to those who work at sts, and sometimes understand the lack of effort and need for experimentation with new games. But I still think that imo, that for STS there is still a lot to experiment here in AL, that they have simply never tried before, especially considering taking some ideas from other mmos! I can list a few:

1. Battle Towers (A player goes in solo and your objective is to go as high as you can! New leaderboard opportunities and chances to revamp new skins and bosses. With a leaderboard like this it would certainly provide some great end game content)
2. PVP (I feel like im beating a dead horse here, but the point is that PVP is all some people are into now a days. If you think about the largest games today such as fortnite and PUBG, they are essentially just twists on PVP)
3. Guilds (There is plenty more to be done here, guild alliances, guild wars, guild quests etc.)

There are plenty of more amazing ideas out there posed by others but that isn't really the point of why I made this thread so I will leave it at that.

Arcane Legends is a select game for a certain old school type of player and it isnt very inviting to the youth now. Most kids today are obsessed with fornite, and when they download a game like Arcane Legends, they cant help but notice the immense differences simply visually in the quality of the game.

In order for STS to popularize AL again and attact the youth, it would need to be completely revamped into something we have never heard of before with the entire concept of Arcane Legends changed.

Arcane Legends is an outdated game and Game shut downs are common within the gaming industry like Justg has said and noted. A little less complaining from all of us and a huge thank you to STS, is sometimes all the moral support a company needs. Thank you can go a long way especially in the eyes of developers who truely care about their game. The moral degredation on these forums to STS employees, even though we might not notice it and feel it, sometimes has massive impacts on the developers. I too, have been at fault for this and hope my actions have created an irreversible barrier. So just enjoy the ride while it lasts, Arcane Legends has had quite an amzing history~

P.S. This is just essentially a rambling of thoughts in my head so sorry for lack of structure and pls dont hate, cause drama or ban me :D

Thank you STS for everything truely and I believe that you guys as a company have what it takes to make Arcane Legends great again <-- #notfromtrump

Thank you STS~

09-19-2018, 11:34 AM
The old devs was so much better to the players , now they just ban ...
Check back some events and check the current ones .. Everyone know that but they r scared to write this because they get ban . i think u cant see this comment for long lol

09-19-2018, 11:37 AM
One of the things I like the most is the toon graphics. So simple and even so ....good imo. Even if an HD version would be interesting.
Tower would be interesting. Some time ago was suggested also an infinite mausoleum. This also would be nice. Maybe with a team of 3, one of each class....something where you must plan with your mates the best strategy each level (like the old style elites).
Also I add my thanks to Sts. I’m playing from beginning of 2014 and still enjoying game. Had few purchases in real money and some offers, that’s why I consider incredible to have the opportunity to be a good player without being P2W.
Thanks a lot Sts crew for AL.

09-19-2018, 11:40 AM
Okay fan boy, but if there are ways to improve , then STS should implement them so lets give constrictive criticism(Only if they’re willing to listen) rather than just being happy and thankful and whaterever. Also comparing gets you no where, do you what you like and give it your best shot, don’t try being what you’re not (yea thats a lot of cheesy motivational quotes)

09-19-2018, 11:42 AM
We did. Both of us.

09-19-2018, 12:11 PM
Okay fan boy, but if there are ways to improve , then STS should implement them so lets give constrictive criticism(Only if they’re willing to listen) rather than just being happy and thankful and whaterever. Also comparing gets you no where, do you what you like and give it your best shot, don’t try being what you’re not (yea thats a lot of cheesy motivational quotes)

Im not trying to say that STS did everything right, all im trying to show is that sts needs some encouragement and needs to know that there is still some what of a community that supports their game