View Full Version : Low Level PvP

09-20-2018, 09:37 AM
I think all the PvP brackets under lvl 30 is ruined based on how much armor everyone has. I think for gear lvl 30 and below armor awakens should be nerfed. For example, max armor you can get in a slot is 150, for gear lvl 30 and below it should be 75. Then for 125 armor it should be 65 or something then 100 armor, 50. That way we won't see lvl 10s with 2000 armor like... What's the point of that. We're doing 50/100 damage CRITS on each other and one heal alone would give like 400/500. And then you can't afford to NOT have the armor because then your enemies will have it and you don't do damage to them but they kill you easily.

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09-20-2018, 10:49 AM
It's been asked for many times i think they want everyone to play endgame pvp

09-22-2018, 06:19 AM
It's been asked for many times i think they want everyone to play endgame pvpLike its either that or just base armor on item rarity throughout the game in general. Like legendary items (type of items most low lvl pvp brackets use considering that's like the best they have) give a certain range of armor. Mythic gives a certain range of armor, and then arcane, set, and spirit items. Can also somehow buff the damage of low lvl PvP so that the damage evens out with the armor. As in skill multipliers or just overall damage. Cuz 40 minute TDMs are annoying.

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09-22-2018, 09:24 AM
It's been asked for many times i think they want everyone to play endgame pvp

Even endgame pvp is dead :D