View Full Version : Are we gonna get elite maps for lvl 71?

09-25-2018, 09:49 AM
Maps are to easy right now any plans for elite version of swamp or new higher mauso maps? Reminds me of start of somberholt expansion all dps partys in graveyard. Need way harder maps for tanks to be usefull again :)

09-25-2018, 11:32 AM
There's already elite map for lvl 71:

The Deep Marsh is Elite Content, only containing monsters at Level 71 that have increased strength compared to Festerfang Swamp.

And Mauso difficulty will always be 10 lvl higher than the highest lvl player

09-25-2018, 11:43 AM
There's already elite map for lvl 71:

And Mauso difficulty will always be 10 lvl higher than the highest lvl player

Deep marsh is only open for 12 hours every 3 days and it's also way to easy to be considered elite.
Mauso loot is very outdated now so there is no reason to run it.

09-25-2018, 11:56 AM
I suggest new map difficulty! Higher than elite harder map better loot. I want to rerun all maps on higher difficulty. I still remember running elite garetta maps to farm fang, elite wild for tooth. It was hell but fun. Good old arcane legend the best time ever.

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09-25-2018, 12:50 PM
I agree that we have an issue here. So the question I have is: if maus is going to be scaled to +10 on level then why wouldn’t drops scale with it? Seems unfair to me. I recommend that the loot table be updated.

09-25-2018, 03:28 PM
I would like to see longer maps on the swamp elites, kind of like the normal swamp maps.

09-25-2018, 04:21 PM
I suggest new map difficulty! Higher than elite harder map better loot. I want to rerun all maps on higher difficulty. I still remember running elite garetta maps to farm fang, elite wild for tooth. It was hell but fun. Good old arcane legend the best time ever.

Sent from my FlareA1 using Tapatalk

That would be great but I doubt it will happen

09-25-2018, 06:43 PM
bumpity bump bump

09-26-2018, 12:24 AM
Update on 10/1 super mega elite maps across all maps -sts

09-26-2018, 12:29 AM
Heroic maps! Just pls pls dont name them heroic..

09-26-2018, 11:03 AM
Good idea. Harder or hardest maps will also balance the game better with higher appreciation of tanking and teamworking. Not like the imbalanced Hydra map right now.