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09-27-2018, 06:32 PM
I hope you are now all happy

Majority of You decided to be selfish and change to rogue. As a result, you drove rogue gear prices mad and made rogue seem more op then they are. Rogue had one good thing going on (hydra gl) and you had to ruin it either by complaining or Changing to rogue.

Now AL has become lowball legend(I do it too); I don't blame them for this because now people offering not even 10m for mire Artifact dex and before 35M+. This makes me very angry. Sure hydra was Op and gave a lot of gold but it would have taken 25 hours to earn 25m with very high gl. Remember this is just one item and still had to pay OP for weapon,belt,armour,helm, ring and amulet. So in the end if I did spent 25h running to make gold back then I waste my time because my item lost its value and the time spent means nothing. Does this sound fair to you? Rogue had one good thing going on for us in years and you ruin it ASAP.

I am aware this will help the game overall but it feels very bad to have lost so much value in items and a majority of the people invested and now disappointed.

To sts:
Compare the normal amount of runs in Hydra in a day before this patch and now to see how many runs are made. The map is dead in 20 minutes. Sure Artifact drops but a majority of AL community does not have the patience, gears, mind set or time to invest in (hope) of looting an Artifact. I mean look at the drop rates of arcane chest and elite cryo now and how many actually run now.

Lastly, compare the plat revenue compared to before; no one opening locked anymore because they know no one wants to buy mire set for 100m anymore when it offers no gold in return. This leads to people spending even less on awakening gems. You might as well not bother releasing them one by one on locked and instead make whole set lootable from hydra.

Bottom line: not enough in Hydra ATM to make it seem worthwhile to run despite the Artifact because it has lost value. Maybe add small amount of gold, other items such as crate keys, 10 awaken gems, mire set item pieces and very rarely level 50 spirit weapons. Add aps on it too. That was the map is somewhat worthile as there are still farming but not heavily as some will prefer esg or mauso. Sorry I had to rant at first because I want them to know how I feel as this will Affect future decision and will calm a lot of people who are in my situation since feeling are expressed.

Suentous PO
09-27-2018, 06:49 PM
You'll be fine.

09-27-2018, 06:56 PM
LMAO but its u who was complaining and reported why hydra drops so much gold ("ruin economy" blablabla), and now u complaining that hydra doesnt drops any gold. selfish nab

Last edited by Azerothraven; Today at 06:45 AM. Reason: I personally lost 70M
and who cares that u lost 70m? u getting more by ur dirty merching

09-27-2018, 06:59 PM
You'll be fine.

Devs say this and I am sick of it. I see them tell this to playing without actually comprehending what we go through.
Imagine if I invest 100M on gears, pets and sets then farm 100 hours to make the gold. Then suddenly item price drops to 40-60m. You think that's fair or does not feel like sxxx. Why was my time wasted. I only live once and those time I can't get back. Devs don't farm gold and has a very different experience to the game. They don't know or can't comprehend what it feels like to lose over 50m in 15 minute because it's nothing to them. Can't just grant myself 100m or 50k Plat without anything in return like them.

Either way I will get over this eventually but now I am angry and frustrated.

LMAO but its u who was complaining and reported why hydra drops so much gold HAHAHAAH ("ruin economy" blablabla), and now u complaining that hydra doesnt drops any gold.

Last edited by Azerothraven; Today at 06:45 AM. Reason: I personally lost 70M
and who cares that u lost 70m? u getting more by ur dirty merching

I asked for class Balance not this. What u mean dirty merching? I buy normal price and sell higher like everyone else. If people don't want my price, I don't force anyone to buy something they don't want/afford. Nothing more so stop lying please or making comment without reading my first post. I wanted everyone to farm on equal grounds not reduce gold. They made price higher by everyone switching to rogue since demand was very high and not enough gear so I told them to stop changing class and sts balance classes better

Suentous PO
09-27-2018, 07:17 PM
I disagree on a lot of points but rather than go back n forth on several points, I'll try to shortly say a couple counter points.
Yes you are very upset which isn't the best time to engage in logic or make long posts blaming fellow players.

You are a merch. If the market fluctuates, that's your bread and butter wether it rises or falls it's on you to capitalize on oh say the possible rising of smurf gear that may happen in responce.
You gambled that you could overpay on gear that would return all and stay at value. That was a mis assumption, not our fault.

Won't go on, I'm off to continue leveling my rogue.

09-27-2018, 07:33 PM
I disagree on a lot of points but rather than go back n forth on several points, I'll try to shortly say a couple counter points.
Yes you are very upset which isn't the best time to engage in logic or make long posts blaming fellow players.

You are a merch. If the market fluctuates, that's your bread and butter wether it rises or falls it's on you to capitalize on oh say the possible rising of smurf gear that may happen in responce.
You gambled that you could overpay on gear that would return all and stay at value. That was a mis assumption, not our fault.

Won't go on, I'm off to continue leveling my rogue.

Ty for ur insights, kind words with a hint of sympathy. I appreciate it.

09-27-2018, 07:40 PM

I hope you are now all happy

Majority of You decided to be selfish and change to rogue. As a result, you drove rogue gear prices mad and made rogue seem more op then they are. Rogue had one good thing going on (hydra gl) and you had to ruin it either by complaining or Changing to rogue.

It's why STS nerfed hydra to zero gold. Y'all be boasting about changing to rogue and going gold loot style and then to farm millions a day. So they stopped it becoming rogue gold legends. Y'all snitched on yourself on forums and paid the price.

You guys mention something is too good on forum it'll get nerfed. Why y'all don't learn. Sometimes this forum is like a class in school with a lot of snitching kids who can't wait to tell the teacher and ruin the fun.

09-27-2018, 07:49 PM
But hey, now we get to see all the mages go back to full strength builds relying on items for years ago. Farming a map from years ago. They dont even play the class in a way that it should be and get rewarded for it for YEARS.

Very foolish to completely take away gold drops from those maps, you couldn't have nerfed the gold down by half and reworked (hydra specifically) the way you did? Now that it takes longer to kill hydra, are any other class but rogues even going to try to go there? Doubt it. Doubt many players will touch it at all.

Im pretty sure u need to nerf esg/maus gold drastically and buff swamp gold drastically. Enough is enough with maus, seriously.

Remove these "raid" maps completely and drop mire arti in swamp. Call it a wash.

09-27-2018, 07:57 PM
Greed was ended, its time for all newbie or non to play fair.

09-27-2018, 08:11 PM
Add GL treasure room in fester swamp and marsh like Maus this will be fine

09-27-2018, 08:21 PM
Bye bye gold loot items...now selling cheap!!! Anyone wants to buy??? Hahaha

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09-27-2018, 08:58 PM
This whole expansion was rediculous. The fact that they made the main way to farm was a boss only map was a terrible idea. Mages lost there only weapons that let them fight bosses (bs and ds) to nerfs. Warriors have been in the past and still are pretty much useless at bosses. This led to a rogue dominated game.

The amount of gold dropped was obviously too high and was going to cause problems. The fact sts made hydra so easy pretty much forced any one who wanted to farm to become a rogue as mages and wars were not wanted/needed. People lost alot of gold getting the gear on there rogues only now to not be able to use it.

I wish sts would have seen this (like many players saw) and adressed it sooner. This was bad for the game as far as inflation and class diversity goes. I wish they would've communicated better what was going on or what was planned instead of just throwing us an unexpected update, in order to prevent so much frustration, gold loss, and anger amoung the player base.

09-27-2018, 09:00 PM
WOW I can't believe sts actually deleted gold drops completely after just 1 month of cheap str build mages crying. When mauso was rekting economy NOBODY AT ALL CARED FOR 2 YEARS!!!

09-27-2018, 09:06 PM
WOW I can't believe sts actually deleted gold drops completely after just 1 month of cheap str build mages crying. When mauso was rekting economy NOBODY AT ALL CARED FOR 2 YEARS!!!

The amount of gold from hydra far exceded that from maus. Nerfing it to zero was too much (imo) but the amount of gold coming from hydra was insane. People cared about the economy back in the mauso days, but it wasnt near the problem hydra created.

09-27-2018, 09:18 PM
Rogues were earning 1m per hour, which is not normal. I can upload multiple ss of rogues bragging about that but I don't want to put anyone on blast. I'm sure you paid for your set many times over. Besides, mire gear can be looted now and that's still valuable and in rogues advantage.

09-27-2018, 10:13 PM
Rogues were earning 1m per hour, which is not normal. I can upload multiple ss of rogues bragging about that but I don't want to put anyone on blast. I'm sure you paid for your set many times over. Besides, mire gear can be looted now and that's still valuable and in rogues advantage.

Less than 1-5% of al community do that. People need to invest 100m+ to do this and there are some exceptions or extreme a always. It does not matter what they do op rich and experienced player always will have an advanced in every game.

09-27-2018, 10:25 PM
This is a classic case of “watch what you wish for.”

People run around and brag about how much gold they are farming, others get frustrated because they aren’t making the same amount if gold as everyone else....

And here we are.

Now we have to deal with a new reality in game and hope that it works out for the better.

Goodluck to all of you, see you in maus!

09-27-2018, 10:40 PM
I agree with hundsum not everyone profit alot from hydra its just some and why they earn high gold because they have the best gear! U changed hydra to make ppl get into it and now u kill this map again well played sts devs

09-27-2018, 11:05 PM
ftp am I right brother my names Trent by the the way time for maus is it? Mages rule the world once again

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Jem Jr
09-27-2018, 11:22 PM
Hmmm at first people were complaining about op gold drop on Hydra, so it was removed and still people complaints about the 0.00% gold drop.

IMO go play Ludo :3

09-27-2018, 11:36 PM
Tbh I kinda love it happened its so entertaining now we got all the rogues complaining

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09-28-2018, 01:24 AM
I still think rogue is the best class to farm hydra, events and other bosses maps so they’ll find their way over this (events are the most rewarding in game).
I never switched to rogue, i just like to play the game with each class based on the content i wanna farm and i’m glad rogue items will go back to a reasonable price.
What i don’t agree is the fact that hydra is now a gamble map only where you try your luck but most of time drop a useless chewed cap. Would be glad if we can at least drop murkstone or some farm material that will give to those unlucky ones the possibility of at least farm something usefull even if they don’t drop the big ones.
Same thing for dailies in festerfang, since garetta dailies give map currency but in festerfang they only give gold and weekly quest is the only one giving murkstone

09-28-2018, 01:46 AM
I didn't make even one million running Hydra, I spent around 20m on my artifact, I managed to get that back by selling some of my hoarded stuff and that's all I have. Guess what...I don't care. What's the point in being bitter? Try to look at all the positive and don't dwell on the negative. While I'm here, can we have a girly face for mage please? I think I must be the only player who decided to play mage character whilst Hydragate was happening... because it's a game and I wanted to have fun playing it. 😊

09-28-2018, 02:12 AM


09-28-2018, 02:15 AM
Nah, u know i love my mage;-)
I never would change.

I understand bad feelings about the lost. But i have to say, all items lost their value. When i buy an item i know for sure, the day will come and its not more the half worth i paid for.

And to answer the question, yes, iam happy with the change. Not cause iam a mean person or i was not able to do hydra before.

Iam happy cause iam against so much hate, against pple was so greedy and mean, kicking tanks out or said always bad things like nabmage or useless tank.

We have something we can farm for. I really like this. Like we farned old days for magmawep or malison.

And i see no need crying cause items will go cheaper. Srry for those who invested so much. But this happen with all sets. Like banish, voice or nightmare. As the expension last longer, items go more cheap.

And for me, running hydra without gl, the drops was insane. And this cant be good for all.

09-28-2018, 02:19 AM
Tbh why should we not be aloud to play rogue bro maybe we wanted to you calling us selfish your selfish trying to say what class we should play home boy I’ll beat all up on yo forehead home boy selfish *** rogue boy

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09-28-2018, 02:36 AM
Sorry for the situation. It’s not a good feeling to waste time and money.
What I can suggest, especially to long-time forumers and expert players is to listen to the “bell alarm” we all have in our head.
Chatting in game, I had the impression that everybody knows that Hydra would be nerfed. All of us. And devs stated in the past that mausoleum would still remain the main gold source. As we know the meaning of “not intended”, wouldn’t this situation really be predictable? Unfortunately I think yes. But in the same time everybody like gambles, so many decided to gamble on Hydra lasting at it was. Really sorry for your loss, hope you will recover and enjoy a more balanced game.

09-28-2018, 03:00 AM
Awww. Nice posts Eleasah and Kayak. This is what it's all about ☺️ I have seen the gloating by the few and made a comment about it so it's nice to see some sensible posts here and there. If I don't catch you ingame, have a super day. 😊

09-28-2018, 03:22 AM
MAYBE just MAYBE if 98% of the rogues didnt invite other rogues and ditched other classes this wouldnt happen lol. If every party runs hydra in "30-40" sec and make like 20k a run duh thats unfair. i have all classes, i play all classes in hydra and its fine. it sucks too that i geard my rogue recently to have the gold removed but yeah. You reap what you sow,enjoy farming gold forever in maus/esg now to afford 1 item coz the market is inflationd like crazy. Was fun while it lasted,tho i do wish hydra wouldnt be change ontop of removing gold coz it became like 2 min run to loot nothing

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09-28-2018, 05:15 AM
Sorry for the situation. It’s not a good feeling to waste time and money.
What I can suggest, especially to long-time forumers and expert players is to listen to the “bell alarm” we all have in our head.
Chatting in game, I had the impression that everybody knows that Hydra would be nerfed. All of us. And devs stated in the past that mausoleum would still remain the main gold source. As we know the meaning of “not intended”, wouldn’t this situation really be predictable? Unfortunately I think yes. But in the same time everybody like gambles, so many decided to gamble on Hydra lasting at it was. Really sorry for your loss, hope you will recover and enjoy a more balanced game.

There is a difference between "nerfing" and completely removing something. You could say that they nerfed gold looting in general, but when speaking of hydra specifically, its a complete removal.

Either mages procs need a nerf or rogues need a buff in maus, then it will be "a more balanced game".

09-28-2018, 05:19 AM
There is a difference between "nerfing" and completely removing something. You could say that they nerfed gold looting in general, but when speaking of hydra specifically, its a complete removal.

Either mages procs need a nerf or rogues need a buff in maus, then it will be "a more balanced game".

Err have you seen timekeepers crypt map? And thats a harder map than maus 6. Rogues dominate it lol.

09-28-2018, 05:29 AM
Which ever side of the argument, most is filled with shenanigans....smh..

09-28-2018, 05:55 AM
I hope you are now all happy

Majority of You decided to be selfish and change to rogue. As a result, you drove rogue gear prices mad and made rogue seem more op then they are. Rogue had one good thing going on (hydra gl) and you had to ruin it either by complaining or Changing to rogue.

Now AL has become lowball legend(I do it too); I don't blame them for this because now people offering not even 10m for mire Artifact dex and before 35M+. This makes me very angry. Sure hydra was Op and gave a lot of gold but it would have taken 25 hours to earn 25m with very high gl. Remember this is just one item and still had to pay OP for weapon,belt,armour,helm, ring and amulet. So in the end if I did spent 25h running to make gold back then I waste my time because my item lost its value and the time spent means nothing. Does this sound fair to you? Rogue had one good thing going on for us in years and you ruin it ASAP.

I am aware this will help the game overall but it feels very bad to have lost so much value in items and a majority of the people invested and now disappointed.

To sts:
Compare the normal amount of runs in Hydra in a day before this patch and now to see how many runs are made. The map is dead in 20 minutes. Sure Artifact drops but a majority of AL community does not have the patience, gears, mind set or time to invest in (hope) of looting an Artifact. I mean look at the drop rates of arcane chest and elite cryo now and how many actually run now.

Lastly, compare the plat revenue compared to before; no one opening locked anymore because they know no one wants to buy mire set for 100m anymore when it offers no gold in return. This leads to people spending even less on awakening gems. You might as well not bother releasing them one by one on locked and instead make whole set lootable from hydra.

Bottom line: not enough in Hydra ATM to make it seem worthwhile to run despite the Artifact because it has lost value. Maybe add small amount of gold, other items such as crate keys, 10 awaken gems, mire set item pieces and very rarely level 50 spirit weapons. Add aps on it too. That was the map is somewhat worthile as there are still farming but not heavily as some will prefer esg or mauso. Sorry I had to rant at first because I want them to know how I feel as this will Affect future decision and will calm a lot of people who are in my situation since feeling are expressed.

You're forgetting that warriors and mages who spent zillions for their gears and pets were in an even worse position though.

I spent over 150M on my warrior and I legit had to quit (or take a break) because I had nowhere to use them. I'm sure the same happened to many mages too.

Now every class is OK to use, last few weeks it's been only rogues, so stop being selfish and calling others selfish. You just don't care about others, it's obvious, so don't act like you're the victim or a nice guy.

09-28-2018, 06:08 AM
You're forgetting that warriors and mages who spent zillions for their gears and pets were in an even worse position though.

I spent over 150M on my warrior and I legit had to quit (or take a break) because I had nowhere to use them. I'm sure the same happened to many mages too.

Now every class is OK to use, last few weeks it's been only rogues, so stop being selfish and calling others selfish. You just don't care about others, it's obvious, so don't act like you're the victim or a nice guy.

No energy to argue but if u invested in your own class you wouldn't have lost all the investment

09-28-2018, 09:36 AM
Well,we all knew Hydra would be nerfed,and that Mireguard set pieces prices would have the downfall once its been added to the loot table.
The real problems is that merchants are mad because they thought they had more time to exploit all the broken things in game.
I myself had a hunch a week ago,telling me to sell my rouge gear,and so i did. Sold my tainted set for 30m ( i couldve sold it for more but i had to make at least one dumb choice). Sold all my jewels for nice profit.
In few weeks time, prices of those will drop to their former selves,and ill be able to re-purchase all of those for half the price i sold em for.
Dont get me wrong,i have terrible merching history. Im one of those dumb people who sold immo staff for 1m before Mauso expansion. I just wanted to say that life is consisted of ups and downs,and that you are bound to lose at some point,but you are sometimes going to win as well.
Its just a game after all.

09-28-2018, 12:17 PM
After careful and calm consideration,

I realise while this action was unjustified and sudden, I came to accept it.
I think they should remain no gold loot zone for a while to balance out everything but I still sympathies with everyone who has lost a lot of hope (gold) . I encourage you to not quite and keep pushing through.

The decision was made for the betterment of AL and its people so we must trust sts with this decision even though no reason was specified for this. Maybe they will here but no expectation. Remember they need Al to work to feed their family too.

P.s. Turns out I only lost like 5-10m gold; I mis calculated when I went back through everything in calm kindness and I don't mind losing 5-10m to make Al better.

Thanks everyone for reading and responding.

09-28-2018, 02:13 PM
Its funny how things are turning out exactly how some of us predicted.
Ill just sit back and watch the show while slowly sipping from a very tall glass of "I told them so" :D

09-28-2018, 02:26 PM
I made a rogue farmed many millions on hydra and bought/farmed all my gear and now have two sorta maxed out characters still wish they balanced hydra instead of just removing the gold. Rogue is still best for raids but now raids aren't worth running so it doesn't matter as much, hope something new comes for endgame soon and I hope it's balanced for tank,mage and rogue :) Back to mauso!

09-28-2018, 02:54 PM
Recon the iconic
"STFU and let STS whatever they want to do with their own game" -> same applies with other people playing this game

09-28-2018, 03:37 PM
Add GL treasure room in fester swamp and marsh like Maus this will be fine
Randon Treasure rooms in Swamp would be perfect!

09-28-2018, 06:50 PM
Recon the iconic
"STFU and let STS whatever they want to do with their own game" -> same applies with other people playing this game

STS always does th best thing for the community, except when it’s not profitable for Azerothlegend.

As usual, Azerothlegend showing signs of greed.

09-28-2018, 07:09 PM
STS always does th best thing for the community, except when it’s not profitable for Azerothlegend.

As usual, Azerothlegend showing signs of greed.

Why are u and demon so obsessed with what I say think and write?

P.s: there are many who didn't profit not just me! Nothing wrong with greed; it's human nature

09-28-2018, 07:51 PM
Nothing wrong with greed; it's human nature
Just because it’s “human nature”doesn’t make it right.
Rogue prices have always been high, but everyone should have a shot at a rogue. Sts made these classes for enjoyment. Such as with human nature, even they cannot foresee what will happen to rogues in the future.

09-28-2018, 08:56 PM
MacGREAZE 2.0!!!! The shadow realm awaits!!!

09-28-2018, 09:34 PM
2 days later a rogue loots mire arti. Guess who's first to cry?

Ds mage with str build, you guessed correctly

09-28-2018, 09:49 PM
Why are u and demon so obsessed with what I say think and write?

P.s: there are many who didn't profit not just me! Nothing wrong with greed; it's human nature
I don’t think they are obsessed xD but because of how you say things it’s annoying .... quite cringeworthy and unlikeable to be frank. Trying to blame ppl and tell them what to do...
EDIT: do not misinterpret the above statement. I once knew a man named frank. He was a good person, and that is not what I was talking about here. RIP frank

09-28-2018, 11:45 PM
I don’t think they are obsessed xD but because of how you say things it’s annoying .... quite cringeworthy and unlikeable to be frank. Trying to blame ppl and tell them what to do...
EDIT: do not misinterpret the above statement. I once knew a man named frank. He was a good person, and that is not what I was talking about here. RIP frank
Type F to pay respect.

09-28-2018, 11:51 PM
I don’t think they are obsessed xD but because of how you say things it’s annoying .... quite cringeworthy and unlikeable to be frank. Trying to blame ppl and tell them what to do...
EDIT: do not misinterpret the above statement. I once knew a man named frank. He was a good person, and that is not what I was talking about here. RIP frank

Everyone has different opinions and views. These people need to understand that instead of being salty and they need to add insights into their arguments.Frankly, they just try to attack me personally to undermine me rather than my arguments which I find annoying too.

I generally don't have anything against anyone.

P.s. I just find it shocking people think I am selfish and greedy when I say stop becoming rogue. But those who change class and level up char are not greedy. They are changing class and levelling for selfish reason and greed. I am glad everyone went back to their respective classes now.

09-29-2018, 12:05 AM
Just because it’s “human nature”doesn’t make it right.
Rogue prices have always been high, but everyone should have a shot at a rogue. Sts made these classes for enjoyment. Such as with human nature, even they cannot foresee what will happen to rogues in the future.

I am very happy to people trying classes but I only buy end gear op items for good price and sell to rich players who are happy to pay a bit extra for op items. I am sure they can find other players who will sell them stuff at the price they can afford. I don't force, mislead, trick or scam anyone so it is all up to the buyer if they want or not for a price we are both happy with.

P.s. They were not trying any new class; just switching classes to make gold faster. I generally tell everyone Rogue is best always. But anyway we are going off topic so ty for comment.

09-29-2018, 12:49 AM
I am very happy to people trying classes but I only buy end gear op items for good price and sell to rich players who are happy to pay a bit extra for op items. I am sure they can find other players who will sell them stuff at the price they can afford. I don't force, mislead, trick or scam anyone so it is all up to the buyer if they want or not for a price we are both happy with.

P.s. They were not trying any new class; just switching classes to make gold faster. I generally tell everyone Rogue is best always. But anyway we are going off topic so ty for comment.
Promis bro ur so annoying...every thread i read in forum ur always getting in to my nerve..your so "KSP" kulang sa pansin......

09-29-2018, 01:45 AM
Promis bro ur so annoying...every thread i read in forum ur always getting in to my nerve..your so "KSP" kulang sa pansin......

Lol I don't care what you think of me but I get it; what I say is very controversial.

I only care when people have actually something to say about the game and how to improve it rather than talk about me.

09-29-2018, 05:43 AM
...they need to add insights into their arguments.Frankly, they just try to attack me personally to undermine me rather than my arguments which I find annoying too.

I would love to attack your arguments if you had any.

09-29-2018, 05:55 AM
I hope you are now all happy

Majority of You decided to be selfish and change to rogue. As a result, you drove rogue gear prices mad and made rogue seem more op then they are. Rogue had one good thing going on (hydra gl) and you had to ruin it either by complaining or Changing to rogue.

Now AL has become lowball legend(I do it too); I don't blame them for this because now people offering not even 10m for mire Artifact dex and before 35M+. This makes me very angry. Sure hydra was Op and gave a lot of gold but it would have taken 25 hours to earn 25m with very high gl. Remember this is just one item and still had to pay OP for weapon,belt,armour,helm, ring and amulet. So in the end if I did spent 25h running to make gold back then I waste my time because my item lost its value and the time spent means nothing. Does this sound fair to you? Rogue had one good thing going on for us in years and you ruin it ASAP.

I am aware this will help the game overall but it feels very bad to have lost so much value in items and a majority of the people invested and now disappointed.

To sts:
Compare the normal amount of runs in Hydra in a day before this patch and now to see how many runs are made. The map is dead in 20 minutes. Sure Artifact drops but a majority of AL community does not have the patience, gears, mind set or time to invest in (hope) of looting an Artifact. I mean look at the drop rates of arcane chest and elite cryo now and how many actually run now.

Lastly, compare the plat revenue compared to before; no one opening locked anymore because they know no one wants to buy mire set for 100m anymore when it offers no gold in return. This leads to people spending even less on awakening gems. You might as well not bother releasing them one by one on locked and instead make whole set lootable from hydra.

Bottom line: not enough in Hydra ATM to make it seem worthwhile to run despite the Artifact because it has lost value. Maybe add small amount of gold, other items such as crate keys, 10 awaken gems, mire set item pieces and very rarely level 50 spirit weapons. Add aps on it too. That was the map is somewhat worthile as there are still farming but not heavily as some will prefer esg or mauso. Sorry I had to rant at first because I want them to know how I feel as this will Affect future decision and will calm a lot of people who are in my situation since feeling are expressed.

Btw last i saw this was a game for the public, not a game made only "FOR YOU" If people want to change class that is their prerogative. What gives you the right to call people selfish for changing class? Who are you?? Owner of sts? Owner of man?? Like the other poster said, you complained about GL .. now its gone.. So stop complaining

09-29-2018, 06:03 AM
Btw last i saw this was a game for the public, not a game made only "FOR YOU" If people want to change class that is their prerogative. What gives you the right to call people selfish for changing class? Who are you?? Owner of sts? Owner of man?? Like the other poster said, you complained about GL .. now its gone.. So stop complaining

I did ages ago yesterday when I said this but people keep commenting and I can't help but reply

After careful and calm consideration,

I realise while this action was unjustified and sudden, I came to accept it.
I think they should remain no gold loot zone for a while to balance out everything but I still sympathies with everyone who has lost a lot of hope (gold) . I encourage you to not quite and keep pushing through.

The decision was made for the betterment of AL and its people so we must trust sts with this decision even though no reason was specified for this. Maybe they will here but no expectation. Remember they need Al to work to feed their family too.

P.s. Turns out I only lost like 5-10m gold; I mis calculated when I went back through everything in calm kindness and I don't mind losing 5-10m to make Al better.

Thanks everyone for reading and responding.

09-29-2018, 06:15 AM
Btw last i saw this was a game for the public, not a game made only "FOR YOU" If people want to change class that is their prerogative. What gives you the right to call people selfish for changing class? Who are you?? Owner of sts? Owner of man?? Like the other poster said, you complained about GL .. now its gone.. So stop complaining

Tell him :P
Eyy someone hold @MasterP back

09-29-2018, 07:34 AM
I would love to attack your arguments if you had any.

Damn *Inserts the Kendrick Lamar meme*

09-30-2018, 05:22 AM
A few days ago, you complain because rogue gears are expensive.
And now, you're complaining because rogue gears are cheaper?

10-01-2018, 06:18 AM
Azero: The quantity of your posts are effecting the quality of your openions.
Take a break, go on a vacation and let things go on their own way. Don't let the things you can't control take control of you.

10-01-2018, 08:42 AM
Azero: The quantity of your posts are effecting the quality of your openions.
Take a break, go on a vacation and let things go on their own way. Don't let the things you can't control take control of you.

Very good advice :)

10-01-2018, 09:40 AM
Even if I didn’t agree with some of his recent points in his threads, I really like the fact that he immediately wrote a guide for people to recover some gold. That was really nice imo.

10-01-2018, 10:54 AM
Tell you the truth, as an old-daddy type of gamer, i feel STS is one of the most responsible and responsive game administrations among so many games i have played. They care about players feelings, and willingly adjust game contents regularly. The only weakness is they are a little inexperienced on long term game balancing and economy control, from my personal point of view which people may or may not agree with me. Maybe because the sts team is mainly composed of young and passionate emplyees. But i believe that weakness will be gone eventually. I trust their wisdom and creativity. As players, please be patient, and give them some encouragement and time, put our constructive proposals to support them.

10-01-2018, 12:00 PM
Azero: The quantity of your posts are effecting the quality of your openions.
Take a break, go on a vacation and let things go on their own way. Don't let the things you can't control take control of you.
Ty already on it. I was letting it get into my nerves way to much. The last thing people need is more of my problems and drama after last week. I am all cool and nothing sts or players can say will bring me down...


~sts nerfes gl in esg~

Me: Uhhhh

Jks Haha

10-03-2018, 02:08 AM
Arn’t arcane weapons going to drop in raid also? They did keep their promise of making raids drop mire pieces after events, so they should keep their promise of the arcane weapons also. In this case, there is no need for spirit drop

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