View Full Version : Some people just loves to TT

Lim Weibin
09-28-2018, 09:55 PM
Devs is this allowed? Spamming of PM’s when I sended him a duel and he just doesn’t want to accept it.171641171640171639

I’m not gonna be racist or anything, but the guild Pinoy Rules just loves to TT especially after a Pvp clash has ended, worse is when they keep TT you but just won’t accept duel, sigh.
What a shameful GM you are of Pinoy Rules :/
And yes, I’ve already ignored list him, been harassing me for a long time already so I had to post it up to let the devs know if this is allowed.

09-28-2018, 10:04 PM

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09-28-2018, 10:06 PM
You joined this forum 3 years ago..... you should know to just ignore these ppl by now

09-28-2018, 10:07 PM
Technically its against tos to do this

"You represent, warrant and agree that you will not engage in conduct or communication (written, verbal, or nonverbal) yourself, or by or through your avatar, which:
is threatening, bullying, defamatory, abusive, obscene, lewd, sexually provocative or suggestive, pornographic, or which in any manner could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable law;"

So no, technically they cannot TT if you look at it as a form of cyber bullying, which in America is illegal, and sts being an american company I believe they have to comply with american laws. But i wouldn't call this cyber bullying its just being really disrespectful. Which even though it is a completely a** move, people still do it because thats just what we humans like to do, berate others xD.

But it is ALSO against TOS of forums to call out other players and post images and chats of other players ign without their consent. Next time blur IGN in the images or just bring up the topic without the screenshots :)

Lim Weibin
09-28-2018, 10:10 PM
Technically its against tos to do this

So no, technically they cannot TT if you look at it as a form of cyber bullying, which in America is illegal, and sts being an american company I believe they have to comply with american laws. But i wouldn't call this cyber bullying its just being really disrespectful. Which even though it is a completely a** move, people still do it because thats just what we humans like to do, berate others xD.

But it is ALSO against TOS of forums to call out other players and post images and chats of other players ign without their consent. Next time blur IGN in the images or just bring up the topic without the screenshots :)

Yep but had to choose not to blur his ign cause he was being such an annoying pest, but thanks for the concern tho!

09-28-2018, 10:13 PM
Yep but had to choose not to blur his ign cause he was being such an annoying pest, but thanks for the concern tho!

Its not my call to make, Devs could potentially end up locking thread, removing images, or deleting thread altogether along with a warning sent privately to you. *Yes I have been guilty of it before xD*

So yeah just for future reference in case something actually does happen just warning you

Lim Weibin
09-28-2018, 10:13 PM
You joined this forum 3 years ago..... you should know to just ignore these ppl by now

Yeah had to ignore list him, but couldn’t stop me from the fact to expose him for such ignorant behaviors. Had always pmed me whenever I joined a clash and asked him for a 1v1 and he just hides/calls his teammates to gang up on me, But on a side note, thanks though!

Lim Weibin
09-28-2018, 10:16 PM
Its not my call to make, Devs could potentially end up locking thread, removing images, or deleting thread altogether along with a warning sent privately to you. *Yes I have been guilty of it before xD*

So yeah just for future reference in case something actually does happen just warning you
Yep, he’s the 2nd guy to feel at least honoured to be exposed because the first guy I did to got a perm ban and which he did crosses the line of spamming me in my Pm’s multiple times.

09-29-2018, 04:18 PM
Plsss hydraaaa

09-29-2018, 04:20 PM
Plssss hydraaaaaaa

09-30-2018, 05:23 AM
Ooga booga pvp