View Full Version : Spirit Weapon Roadmap and Level Cap Increase + Thanks for 2x Murks!

09-29-2018, 03:03 AM
Given the fun amount of farming it takes to get the Murktokens for daggers ( Yes, I love farming and am faming all 1500 of them) and then I hear the amount of farming it takes to farm xp for the spirit weapons, I hope it will continue to be useful in next expansion. Hence I would like to share some of my ideas with devs.

I sincerely hope we have a roadmap to carry forward the spirit weapons in future expansions.
Otherwise the insane amount of grinding we are doing currently will all be laid to waste.
I also hope there will be the following in future expansions:

1) Level cap increase of Spirit Weapon, armour and headpiece to lvl 70.
2) Spirit gear ring and amulet.
3) Bonus when all spirit gear are equipped and all are at a certain minimum level.
For eg. If weapon is lvl 41, armour at lvl 25 and helmet at lvl 21, the effects of lvl 20 can apply.
4) continuing to enhance spirit gear, I believe will be the best way forward for future expansion, as it carries the core concept of farming.
Maybe when new expansion has new mobs, limit can be placed that above lvl 50 xp can only be gained from the new mobs for levelling spirit gear from lvl 51-70.
If the idea is to discard these spirit weapons altogether in the next expansion, please let us know in below cooment.
I wouldn't want to see my countless days put into farming being laid to waste as an archaic weapon.
I think the concept of spirit weapon in itself is great, as it inculcates the true idea of farming, which is essentially at the core of this game, and would like to see it continue and not die out.
Hope devs read this and continue to add new levels and procs to spirit in the future expansions.

Btw, I am sincerely liking the 2x murkstone event.
Being a farmer, who has not bought a single murktoken from CS, I am enjoying this event very much and will hopefully get my daggers by the next 2-3 days with all tokens farmed. I can notice the difference in drop is significant and all those who are rambling this event is useless, just don't care about farming. I think the current event is best in game for those who like farming, so I don't even know how you could ridicule this event? Have you all forgotten the concept of the game is to farm? This event is useless (for you) because majority of those complaining have bought their tokens not farmed them. If you have the courage to complain, know that there are still people out there who like to farm and for whom event like this is a blessing.

So THANKS STS, for rolling out this event.
You have my gratitude and the gratitude of all those who like to farm.

Again for people who are dishing out salt, take time to run this event, you will notice it is fun, provide your help, especially for others who are farming.
We are a community and events like this are for farmers.
Not all events are for money making, take pleasure in the lost art of farming and don't just be blinded by the greed and desire to see more events which make you 10m everyday. Its more gratifying when you farm stuff. Trust me, it feels awesome. So thanks, once again STS for this super event, and hope to see it return in future as well.

09-29-2018, 03:33 AM
I hope they extend the event..

1 week is too short to level up a spirit gears. It takes 2-3 days to level up a level 40 above spirit gears..

I'm having fun grinding too ;>

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09-29-2018, 07:36 AM
Thank you for this post! Im tired of people complaining about hydra, people had it easy for months to do it and now they have to actully farm like grownups and not take quick way to get rich. They put out this amazing event to get rich by grinding murks and their complain because they cant make 30k a run any more ��

09-29-2018, 08:14 AM
+1 about your thought of making other Spirit gears, and also the different bonuses depending on the levels of it. This will truly focus on farming for gears and increasing its strenght. Although I would want to make a twist in the idea, Spirit weapons are very strong, although the release of Arcanes might make them behind, this is bad in my opinion as the concept of powering gears by obtaining the souls of the enemies is a very good concept in an MMORPG.

So the idea is fusing the Spirit gears with the new Arcane gears to make the best gears. That way it would still be Arcane legends, as the fused Arcane and Spirit gear will create an Arcane gear, but its proc will change or be combined, its visual is attractive, its stats is better depending on the level, and most importantly, it will unlock new cap of levels from 50 to 70. I think that this concept of fusing is unique too, just like the Mythic armor merged with the Undying orb that creates a powerful Armor.

How to obtain the Arcane gears? To be honest, looting them in locked chests is just the easy way, and it should not be the case when aquiring the strongest rarity in game, why? Because I believe the players should truly earn for the best, and not afk in house to open some locked and later having the best gears. So my Idea is making it a craftable, just like the Rendtails and Voice. It has several components and can only be gotten in specific maps, for example 1 component can only be looted in Hydra, another one in Orrick, Deep Marsh etc... just because it provides more challenges for the players, and not be bored, much more fun then to just have them a chance to drop in maps.

Reason why maps are so easy is because how the availability of current Arcanes affect it. People would open locks non stop just to get the best gears right from the way, issue with this is there will be alot of people with these best gears, and make maps very easy with no challenges, and it shouldn't be like that.

My motive, I thought of the concept of fusing these 2 strong rarities because the concept of the Spirit gear is one of the best things, and shouldn't just die once Arcanes come, another thing is the grinding process. People would want to farm to reach the potential power of the gear.

Note: Upon fusing the Spirit gear and Arcane gear, all awakes and jewels will be removed. It will unlock a new cap upto lv70. And the level of the Arcane fused gear will vary on the initial level of the Spirit gear before fusing.

Pros: The journey into creating this fused Arcane gear is beyond motivation, the grinding and farming process is just what new players need to feel like what the Veterans had eversince. It will surely make them interested as there are so many challenges.

Cons: long process to finally have a lv70 Arcane fused Spirit gear, but the path where I want to take AL is just for them to make harder maps, stop it with the gears as maps are just too Easy now.

They'll get less revenue as the Arcane gears are not in chests, nor anything plat related for their obtainability.

Alot of work, but more work = quality that players would apeal.

Any insight would be appreciated.

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09-29-2018, 08:30 PM
Thank you for this post! Im tired of people complaining about hydra, people had it easy for months to do it and now they have to actully farm like grownups and not take quick way to get rich. They put out this amazing event to get rich by grinding murks and their complain because they cant make 30k a run any more ��

You will earn more in 2 year old maps then farming murkstones, i can assure it.

09-30-2018, 05:24 AM
I like your take on this Rauitri. We should keep farmable gear, even if super hard to farm on par with Arcanes. Weapon fusion is an interesting prospect. Would love to hear how hard it is to implement from devs point of view. But bottom line is the gear should be kept in business. We don't want our time and effort invested in levelling spirit go waste in the next expansion.

09-30-2018, 06:05 AM
I like your take on this Rauitri. We should keep farmable gear, even if super hard to farm on par with Arcanes. Weapon fusion is an interesting prospect. Would love to hear how hard it is to implement from devs point of view. But bottom line is the gear should be kept in business. We don't want our time and effort invested in levelling spirit go waste in the next expansion.Yes, I've also stated that they should stop releasing new gears, maps are already too easy as even legendary gears is strong enough. They should release new maps, harder ones, such that these new Arcanes they'll be will have its challenge.

Reason why weapon Infusion is needed is to influnce the farming section, another reason is to keep the Spirit concept alive, and not be forgotten once Arcanes are released.

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09-30-2018, 06:57 AM
Honestly, all the spirit weapons are already pretty good with current maps. I don't think sts should release new arcane weapons until 76 expansion.

09-30-2018, 07:56 AM
they will !!!

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09-30-2018, 09:47 AM
Its not about the release of Arcanes, but rather they have to release harder maps, or increase the difficulty of the current ones. Spirit overpowers the new maps, even legendary gears are good enough.

All new maps are repetitive, not hard. They're just very long maps with easy mobs, which makes it boring, no challenge. Even when the expansion first came out, team consisted of lv66 players with legend gears and pets, and was able to finish the map without a hindrance.

If only they bring back the 5 maps with bosses at the end, giving certain quests to unlock each map, then that would be interesting. Making all 5 maps randomized is better, more variety, harder to bot, different strategies depending on the randomized map etc...

Current status, players went back to Esg and Maus to farm gold. Some players will run the Deep just for the aps, some level their Spirits etc.. but there is no goal tbh. A solution is let those Arcanes be a craftable, several components that can only be farmed in different maps of Fester, and not from chests nor a chance to drop in maps, thats quality right there.

It would take couple weeks to obtain those Arcanes, and not just get them in chests at the first day, problem with Sts is they give the option for the strongest gear in game to be obtainable just like that, sometimes there isn't even an option. Shouldn't it be that obtaining the best gear would need great effort?

Examples are Rendtail rings, farm your way to obtain those countless teeths to buy tons of bars. Another are the Voice sets, you would have to grind your points and spend hours in getting the top rank just to obtain the recipe's, acutal item itself is seperate and would need more effort to obtain, thats hardwork right there.

Dreamscape expansion, I don't know what were they thinking honestly, I don't care about the failed map nor new cap, but how those new Arcanes and Sets are handed out, im pretty sure 99% of all those lv66 NM sets and Arcanes all came from Plat, wheres the fun in that? Pay to win.

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09-30-2018, 11:29 AM
Its not about the release of Arcanes, but rather they have to release harder maps, or increase the difficulty of the current ones. Spirit overpowers the new maps, even legendary gears are good enough.

All new maps are repetitive, not hard. They're just very long maps with easy mobs, which makes it boring, no challenge. Even when the expansion first came out, team consisted of lv66 players with legend gears and pets, and was able to finish the map without a hindrance.

If only they bring back the 5 maps with bosses at the end, giving certain quests to unlock each map, then that would be interesting. Making all 5 maps randomized is better, more variety, harder to bot, different strategies depending on the randomized map etc...

Current status, players went back to Esg and Maus to farm gold. Some players will run the Deep just for the aps, some level their Spirits etc.. but there is no goal tbh. A solution is let those Arcanes be a craftable, several components that can only be farmed in different maps of Fester, and not from chests nor a chance to drop in maps, thats quality right there.

It would take couple weeks to obtain those Arcanes, and not just get them in chests at the first day, problem with Sts is they give the option for the strongest gear in game to be obtainable just like that, sometimes there isn't even an option. Shouldn't it be that obtaining the best gear would need great effort?

Examples are Rendtail rings, farm your way to obtain those countless teeths to buy tons of bars. Another are the Voice sets, you would have to grind your points and spend hours in getting the top rank just to obtain the recipe's, acutal item itself is seperate and would need more effort to obtain, thats hardwork right there.

Dreamscape expansion, I don't know what were they thinking honestly, I don't care about the failed map nor new cap, but how those new Arcanes and Sets are handed out, im pretty sure 99% of all those lv66 NM sets and Arcanes all came from Plat, wheres the fun in that? Pay to win.

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I know what you mean. You want it to be more like the difficulty from cap 56 to 61. I was OP back then and it was still struggle at gy with full good pt.

I defo think the maps need to be shorter 5-8 min max but slightly smaller. It cant be too Op though otherwise newer players wont have fun at all. Dont know how i feel about 5 maps. I think they will get boring for me pretty fast unless were similar to the cryostar.