View Full Version : DTFs PvP games

11-21-2011, 10:21 AM
I am not sure exactly when it started or why, but it must have been after the level 50 raise around or shortly after Shadow Caves. PvP used to be more cut throat and exciting, more difficult and fast paced. Now all you see is people standing around in the arenas talking or being afk. I am a fairly old pvper and i've noticed the change.
When did pvp get so boring and civilized? It is an arena!!!!
Back in the day if you entered an arena you needed to know you were fair game and you came to FIGHT.
Now it is just
"go" ... "kk" ... "ready" ... "wait" ... "ping" ... "no"
If someone "rushes" it is like everyone gets to kill him at a feverish pace. Seems like that is the only way people get kills is by killing the rushers. The only excitement there is.
Saying "go" is so lame IMO yet I do no approve of rushing. All I am saying is PvP has become more of a light touch sparring match gym. FFA games are so fun and fast paced yet so many people are afraid to get their precious fake records damaged. Free kills? Seems to be the normal these days. How about get out of the way? Or do not enter an arena if you plan to wait around talking or afk?
Why am I saying all this? Maybe I am simply reflecting back on my experience. Nowadays people won't fight some certain people or classes or if they have slight ping. Ping is apart of the game you must accept that you will can and does get you killed.
For the longest time I played on edge service below 3g and it cost me thousands of deaths. Sure I complained but it did not detour me from fighting. And yes my record is not good w about 15k deaths and almost 18k wins but no one would say I suck and actually mean it. I built that record over months and months of playing under sub par conditions, fighting only people I thought were really good. Not to mention my mage was the first character I had that made it out of the forest. I pvpd as a pally from day one onward into every arena vs all levels and classes. It wasn't until my 30s that I even found out we could use more than 4 skills!!! Lol. By that time I had a few thousand deaths already.
Well one thing I can say is I never pub stomped, rarely fought "noobs" and always would seek to fight pvpers that were great. For example. As I approached the 50 cap I learned of the pvp leaderboard. I read everyones names and memorized who they were. Everyday looking for these people to play. You could say the leaderboard was my hit list. These people would later become my pvp pals and guild mates :)
I have seen a lot of good pvpers come and go, played the best, and become a noteable fighter myself. I really do care about the pvp community and it is one thing I will miss the most. The tournies I hosted I won't forget and I am very grateful so many entered amd fought. Also thankful that I was allowed permission to host them. Hopefully more events will be held by others and hopefully more people come into pvp.
To the established pvp community I ask one thing. Instead of always winning killing your opponent (which you should already know you can beat) help them out. Let them beat you once or twice. ENCOURAGE them please. It is so easy to get discourged as a pvper starting out. If you play the wrong person and get stomped you might find it disheartening or impossible thus qutting the arenas.
To the new people I ask, don't get discouraged. It takes time and practice. You can be a top fighter and many are waiting on YOU to become that. Challenge yourself and do not give up. Set goals. If you die you can always hit respawn and try again. Always continue moving up, don't stop at average where you can kill those people amd stay killing there.
I will be on time to time, if there is a tournie I might enter. Shoot I may even create one in the future. But for now I am out.
I've met some amazing pvper and people amd friends. Even my rivals and enemies I will miss. But I must leave now. Thank you all and gl!

11-21-2011, 10:24 AM
Here are a couple arena games I liked to play. Just wanted to share them with you guys.
First game is a simple light hearted game anyone can play that teaches you timing amd range and does not usually result in deaths lol.
#1 Racing.
You line up with your opponent racer on one end of the map and someone else says counts down and says go.
The rules are simple. Only attacks like Ices, Fire, roots, stuns, Stomp, Beckon, Repulse are allowed. Your purpose is mot to kill your opponent with these attacks but to use them to slow down, stop, or push them away so you can advance.
You may clear effects away, with moves like heal, stomp, ad avian scream.
This game teaches you range and timing. Also makes you pay attention to effects in you and your opponent making you,better at quickly clearing them away to run.
The person that makes it to the other side first wins!

Game #2
This is a fun funny game that keeps everyone one their toes.
There are two ways to play it.
I call it "I Best Bird"
The firsy way to play is with you and one other person.
* It is a no rules game *
Once they agree to play "I Best Bird" it is game on!!!
Here is what you do:
Kill!!!! The object of the game is to rush, spawn, and kill your opponent while they try to do the same to you. No waiting on buffs to cooldown or go. Fast pace. You can run, kite, spawn kill, rush, tree hug and even (if the person is your friend) say mean things!!!
* But remember it is just a game! *
We like to say "owned" or "boom" or even puke on dead bodies to enchance the experience. Basically you are role playing and possibly impersonating people. It is a lot of fun as long as you let it be a game and play with a sense of humor.
It teaches you survival skills and speed. Killing without being fully buffed will mak you a better player. Constantly fending off attacks will as well.
The second way to play is vs more than one person! They try to kill you amd you must be quick, clever, and skilled! Good luck!

11-21-2011, 11:21 AM
So true. Also noticed the trend, it's nearly impossible to have FFA except from the Ctf arenas :(
And I loved it so much more than just these painfully slow 1v1s...
I don't wanna get started about today's PvP community or talk about good ol' days, but... yea, I'm missing many aspects.

Thanks DTF, for all you have done for the community! And goodluck for whatever you do.
Hope to see you around :)

11-21-2011, 01:52 PM
This is the reason a certain guild decided to be who they are. They got tired of joining pvp games and seeing "go" or wait. They got tired of joining and just seeing people chat. The worst is when you join a CTF game and people ask FFA? Or say "go". It's ctf?!?!? Not "may I steal your flag". I understand 1v1 personal games, but those should be locked. I agree 100% that FFA creates a better pvp player. So much more is involved with pvp while not buffed. Pvp is suppose to be intense. Never have I seen in another game pvp be so slow with so many "rules." anyway, that being said, some people are trying to bring that type of pvp back. It is making a lot of people unhappy though lol.

Another that makes me laugh, when people accuse you of cheating because you used an orb that was placed in the game for that purpose, to be used.

11-21-2011, 02:15 PM
Lol yeah that guild was fun prey!!! I so enjoyed rushing the rushers.

11-21-2011, 02:45 PM
Instead of "rushing" the rushers, why not play an ffa game with them? A lot of people don't know the difference anymore between FFA and rushing. Lol maybe they named their guild that as a joke because people think FFA is rushing? Lol idk it's a game, it should be fun. I was spawned killed mev5 awhile ago. I had fun actually trying to figure out how to survive while spawning, made me a better player. When I pvp with my guild, we do nothing but laugh, always always Ffa with us. It has made all of us better. No one has ever declared to be the best. If people think otherwise then it's only what others have told them or speculation. We kick butt and get our butts kicked. We can FFA and 1v1 fairly decent.

Bottom line: 100% agree with your post absolutepally.

To add to your list of pvp games: Naked pvp. Everything stripped, all vanities all armor, only weapon ( or you could choose no weapon). It is a lot of fun and tends to balance out pvp especially with all the "elite" gear and vanity bonuses.

Oh, did I mention my guild's name?:) The Rusher........

11-21-2011, 04:22 PM
Ha! What is your ign?
Your guild seemed to have stopped even bothering to rush mine :)
Are you end game?

And yes naked pvp is fun but many are afraid to use no gear.

11-21-2011, 04:34 PM
Ha! What is your ign?
Your guild seemed to have stopped even bothering to rush mine :)
Are you end game?

And yes naked pvp is fun but many are afraid to use no gear.

If your guild doesn't sit around talking then we probably don't rush you. I don't know who is in your guild (I never look) so idk. Like u said in your post, it used to be that when u joined a game you had to be ready to fight. That is all we want and do. Most of the older players still play like that.

I don't remember ever pvping with you, we may have idk. My ign Edensfury.

11-21-2011, 04:40 PM
If your guild doesn't sit around talking then we probably don't rush you. I don't know who is in your guild (I never look) so idk. Like u said in your post, it used to be that when u joined a game you had to be ready to fight. That is all we want and do. Most of the older players still play like that.

I don't remember ever pvping with you, we may have idk. My ign Edensfury.

Ive seen your name your a mage? Im a pally aka Alwaysdtf.
You should select check in options to see who is in what guild. It will display their guild tag under their ign. Helps a lot imo in ffa or ctf since is may be the first thing you see if you,tend to forget what color you are (blue/red) like I do ha

11-21-2011, 04:44 PM
Like your ideas. Could be the future of pvp!

11-22-2011, 09:33 AM
sorry to hear you are taking a break. i eagerly anticipate you coming back full force in the future

11-22-2011, 03:48 PM
sorry to hear you are taking a break. i eagerly anticipate you coming back full force in the future

Thank you! And I just might hehe.
For now need me a break from the game. The direction I see isn't striking me in a positive fashion.
Been working on rl stuff like building my nursery and taking the prego to work and dr appts.

11-22-2011, 04:49 PM
Thx dtf for making this i hate todays new "style" of pvp. I liked the way us oldies did it >:D

11-22-2011, 07:47 PM
Instead of "rushing" the rushers, why not play an ffa game with them? A lot of people don't know the difference anymore between FFA and rushing. Lol maybe they named their guild that as a joke because people think FFA is rushing?

Rushers usually leave whenever they are losing badly.

Sadly that guild's name is not a joke ... many of their players actually do rush people in PvP.

11-23-2011, 08:37 AM
I am in that guild, and I pvp with the main players. We do not leave game until over unless phone call etc., believe me there have been times I wanted to, but I have seen the same out of others when we beat them. we like the old way of pvp and the definition of rushing has changed and become a matter of opinion now. What rushing was back then is different what it is today to many. So we will keep our opinion of what rushing is and disagree with most. Sorry, but I think pvp has become weak, almost like it has become "politically correct." name another game where every player says go after every kill or death? We have played by the "go, wait for buff" rules.... Waiting for a buff makes players weak, learn how to doge and fight in FFA, tell me if it makes u a better player. If the devs had planned or made their game to be such they would have never made 3v3 and 5v5 maps. Just know that when you join our games be prepared to fight.

FYI: I named the guild lol so I know it was a joke. It was a joke between me and my husband "rush". But when others heard that we don't like weak pvp, then people begged to be in our guild so we let then join. We aren't the only ones disappointed in the way pvp has become. And please show me where sts has rules about "how" to pvp. Until then we all can make up our "own" rules...

11-23-2011, 09:04 AM
I cannot exactly complain 'bout the differences in PvP today and before, since my PvP career began during the BS.
I loved it and still do. I can say that it has changed dramatically since then. I favor CTF as it has some other perspective than FFA or 1v1, and you get to play with other players as a team.

I read through the whole thing and i basically agree wih you.
Btw the 2 games sound fun and hmmm...

Ty for pointing this out though.

11-23-2011, 09:09 AM
I like this thread ALOT. pvp HAS become dull man. Although I'd have to say, not at level 50. Lol just today I joined a rockwall forts and a mage was waiting in the spawn room! Lol I killed her though ^^
Anyways I like the ideas for gaming you had Instead of just "ffa" or "1v1". Overall, amazing thread. I like it.

11-23-2011, 09:11 AM
I dont actually have a problem w "The Rusher" guild, they (yall) have been quite entertaining! Pretty good sports imo and don't necessarilly (for the most) part talk smack. Minus a few initial run ins w your hubby you spoke of it has been fun.
Your guild is really going against the grain and I can understand how you may encounter problems in the arena. Also it is understandable that you want to make a bold statement, it really doesn't affect me or my guild because (no offense) you guys do not pose much of a threat.

11-23-2011, 09:16 AM
Lol we LOVE a good challenge;) and just know that we may not be a "top tier guild" but Rush has gotten really good as well. Me and rush took on 3 (2v3) others with a bird that (no names) has been known as best bird. We won those games maybe 7 out 10.( not sure exactly) with rush getting top kills 90% of the time. Don't underestimate too much because everyday we get better.

Edit: I can't stand name calling in pvp and I try to let the others know this in our guild. I can't control them but just know we don't like that behavior. Believe me, we have been called everything in The book including some guys trying to make rush upset saying some really disrespectful things about me, his wife. I let it slide but rush will rage fight for that and I can tell u it isn't going to turn out well for them.

11-23-2011, 09:35 AM
I think of PVP just like the old crush rush in A03 debate... In the end 95% of the community is unhappy... :P

11-23-2011, 02:19 PM
yes i noticed people started to "gossip" more everytime lvl caps come out to talk about armors and blah blah, pvp is player vs player! not gossip and gossip! its all about having fun losing or winning. not just talking! and if u wanna talk then talk in towne or other place besides arenas! arena pvp is for serious pvper who like to play!

11-23-2011, 10:53 PM
Another thing noticeable is that there have been few Alien Underground games recently. Alien Underground for those that don't know is a fast-paced, 5v5 PvP FFA-style map.

11-24-2011, 12:50 AM
I think of PVP just like the old crush rush in A03 debate... In the end 95% of the community is unhappy... :P

Guess I'm in the 5% then 