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View Full Version : L105 Weapon Procs

10-02-2018, 09:53 AM
Here is what I have personally put together for the weapon proc.

L105 Weapon Procs:
* Dex Sets
* Volta’s Dagger = Chance to Electro-Stun your target! (Also while lightning is occurring your getting a lot of healing, too) 2m Range
* Hawked’ Talon = Grants a Mega Resistance Sheild, and also a chance for poison burn! 8m Range
* Ayz Angry Bow = Chance to Spawn Flaming Damage Pools! 13m Range

* Str Sets
* Wav’s Wicked Blade = Chance to slow & debuf enemies! 3m Range
* Karro’s Axe = Debuff and crits! 3m Range
* Tyben’s Sword = Chance to spawn fire pools! Chance to spawn acid pools (on pve) or lava pools (on pvp)! Also Melts for extra damage! 3m Range
* Zaelwyn Sword = Chance to slow and debuff enemies! 3m Range

* Int Sets
* Gisela’s Wand = Chance for defensive blessing! 8m Range
* Eloia’s Wand = Chance for healing pools! 8m range
* Wyzamiro Staff = Chance for lightning stun! 13m range

Will update this information as more comes in.

10-02-2018, 04:51 PM
let me just adds some informations based on my knowledge, please correct me if i'm wrong.

- Hawked’ Talon = If the proc occur, it adds 2k damage and 2k armor (most helpful when you got 1.25 or 1.5 blessings).
- Wyzamiro Staff = It deals damage to single enemy on normal attack, but when proc occurs, it deals "splash" damage.
- Ayz Angry Bow = It gives "splash" damage on normal auto attack.
- Karro’s Axe = same with Ayz.

*) splash damage means you hit multiple enemies within a range.

hope it helps, sorry for my english :)