View Full Version : Newb needs some help

10-04-2018, 01:21 AM
I just installed at the suggestion of a friend. I chose the rogue class & my ign is romanticise

I made it to level 6 so far as a rogue... what skills and passives should i be using?

The chests you get, advancement packs, at what point do the drops outclass these items?

What is the most efficient place to earn gold?

What is the best way to level up?


10-04-2018, 10:45 AM
Oh god...this world of Arlor is too complex...

10-04-2018, 12:06 PM
Up until lvl51 or so your absolute best way to level up are story quests , you can get there in a few hours if you know what your doing , but i guess most new players should take about a week . After that you should start doing daily exp quests .
Heres a really helpful full guide on leveling : https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?416575-Guide-How-to-Level-Up-EXTREMELY-FAST-2018-**Updated**

The advancement packs contain surprisingly good gear for low levels , eventually you just stop getting them ( lvl46? ) after that your best bet is to buy gear with gold from other players / auction store since the drop rates for really good items are low . Also dont spend to much gold on low level equipment since you level up fast and will soon need a replacement for whatever you bought .

Until you reach endgame the best gold income would be from events since you can farm tokens and buy exclusive event items quite easily ( even at endgame , events still are the best way to make quick gold ) . Once at max level invest in gear with gold loot awakenings since farming actual gold drops instead of items to sell is the most efficient way atm .

Unfortunately i cant really give good advice on rogue builds , but you can look here : https://www.spacetimestudios.com/forumdisplay.php?119-Rogue-Class-Discussion

10-04-2018, 01:03 PM
best gold for me is merching and events. Merching is buy low sell high. You go around paradies screaming "Buy Merch" like a monkey and like everyone else there. Bit risky though but certainly profitable if you know what your doing.

Suentous PO
10-04-2018, 01:09 PM
Heya hombre
I'd do a lot of quests from npcs if low lev for $ & xp. Hit me up in game on "suentous" or "fnord" I'll be on usually evenings

10-04-2018, 04:21 PM
If I were starting a completely new rogue today, I would:

Put all my stats in DEX.

First skill is Piercer, so then I would go w/ Aimed Shot. Then either upgrade that or upgrade DEX in passives. At some point, I would have Aimed Shot mostly upgraded and have Noxious Shot.

I would do all the quests I can see, since they give amazing xp. The free equips are good until you get no more, I think around L40 or 50. Rings and neck items you will see dropping or in free chests once you are in a zone that drops those level equips (around L8 to start I think).

Be sure to do the Wandering Minstrel quests daily, to get your Trader's Permit, and also to start getting things like more inventory slots. So these, the Beastmaster Quest line and make sure to pick up Shazbot rewards (these often give you more Story Tokens).

There are other currencies to turn in at Stores in towns around the world. Note those items you want (probably mostly things like inventory slots, pet awakening), until you get enough to be comfortable.

Note the levels of item drops in the zones where you are. Keep going to zones that drop equipment in around your level, or closer to your level. If you need to, alternate between zones with drops you can use and easier zones where you can get easier xp, though you probably should not need xp specifically since quest leveling is very fast. If you find a zone to be difficult, go to the nearby town and ask for help. OR go to the previous zone where you can xp and gain more levels.

While you can farm for pet eggs for new pets, the likelihood is you will level faster than the type of eggs dropped in the zones you will be leveling in. Also, egg drops are fairly rare. The better chance is using the auction system to buy a slightly better pet (check your Stable for Legendary pet stats at prices you can afford). In auction, you can also check for equips with better modifiers than you have. However, probably until you get to the higher levels (L60+) and start farming for gold/items to sell vs leveling, auction items will be too expensive for you. There are plenty of free drops around the world zones though that you can use.

If you can do an event, make sure to do it. Events generally give you something that you would not usually get or extra drops, easy xp, etc., so when you can do them, make sure to do them. Currently, the event is a filler event. If you are at that level (L66?), then participate.

The next big event is Halloween, which should be available for all levels to participate. Halloween bosses require a bit of strategy, though less nowadays with all the pets and equips and awakens. When I first ran this event, I used what today would be called a beginner pet and there were no awakens. Base equip stats today are also better than those back then.

Most people participating will be at endgame though, so if you want to see the most activity for an event, you will want to be at endgame or as close to it as you can be, since more people are headed that way.

To summarize:

At the beginning, DEX stat for rogue, Aimed Shot, DEX passive, Noxious shot. Do Wandering Minstrel (guy in Windmoore tavern. Guy in middle of Outpost is same guy), pick up Shazbot reward. Do quests, check for daily (repeatable) quests.

10-04-2018, 05:08 PM
Thanks for the advice! ill let you guys know if i need more help d: