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View Full Version : Acts of kindness

10-05-2018, 08:04 PM
This thread is to acknowledge those in our PL community that you have witnessed who have gone above and beyond to help others, or yourself.

There is so much hate and toxicity on game through:
• Pvp personal vendettas
• Past failed friendships
• Scamers
• Hackers
• Blackmarket players, those who buy and sell items for real life money
• Those who mass boot rival guilds
• Those who set out to ruin reputations through defamation in open chat
• Trolls
• Bullies

All this drama has even caused the two biggest PVE guilds on game to create their own private closed guild for friends only in the past year. And has resulted in many quitting because of the ruined fun and game play of others.

I implore everyone to show the PL community that there are still many active helpful, honest, kind-hearted players on game.

Here is a shout out to Blitz, a great guy who was willing to buy the black pvp tourney shield for his friend Ghost who lost it in unfortunate circumstances.


10-06-2018, 12:30 AM
I don't particualarly enjoy making lists like these, especially for something like this, when to a degree; literally every active player at the moment is super nice and pleasant.

*this might be a lot to read, if you even bother, i dont express my gratitude for this community enough!

In no particular order, the nicest & sweetest people (a lot of whom are still active) i have met who have done so much for the community either via forums or in game would be (and not exclusively limited to just these people):

Yourself (op), the happiness, the sadness, Walie, redbridge, Micah, Alex, vert, motivating, winterblood, nins, Iheybeautiful, Moth, Dexter, winp, necroreaper, skeletonlord, tony, LEVEL ONE, kawamagic, Dolloway, JTZ, Shiv, matutd, jaytb, Crim, grace, stompartist, Absolutepally, Fight, End, flacs, extreme, shadowstar, Bous, timelife, sean, oneshotfury, saycreed, bunnyshoota, zac, superswice, nun, bilaxman, fluffnstuff, blind, cavoc, drewcapu, gragorak, whirlzlap, Lost, Shelby, uifraasivax, Ghost, junglegold, rhuize, OverkillED, kixxler, leya, nae, apostel, nick41324, physiologic, chickenrunnnn, ellyidol, mrwallace, elyseon, razer, storm, lowlyspy, notyocookiez, eden, steph, riccits, royce, griffinfan, wthlite, Jun, Xyz, Parth, Dillon, Reun, Wyatt, Changyeo, trixxxxie, Pat, Jeff, Scary, Cryst, Chris, Rescind, Jason, Darthing, Ryan, efm, Isaac, Jig, Trenton, hawkbby, obm, evolt, Ruby, ruby, ladyviv, Rose, Angeldawn, Zapoke, Sue, Doc, dudetus, Cheen (unban!), Ulti, Plox, Quality, Tim, DanielRH, Waug, kyle, hope, yich, tubs, ssneakykills, sun, uncleeechin, zerious, harmicides, brandon, Oby, David, Joe and practically everyone i have met in game you're all amazing people and i hope life treats you as you deserve

Despite not knowing them as well as some do and vice versa, they're always super pleasant and sweet towards me (and even giving me beta access to their apps hahhaha <3). They're always willing to help me out or even just have a conversation; and for that, i and others cannot thank you enough.

It's players like these who make the community so vibrant and is what it is today. I can guarantee that without these players and a lot of others i haven't mentioned, the game would be nothing like what it is today, and would probably have died out after bsm..

Truly, it's people like you guys who make the world such a warm place.

But honestly, minus a few individuals. The entire community is so so so tight-knit that i feel more at home in-game than i do in the real-world more than often. I cannot thank all of you enough for everything you've done for myself and others. The game would be nothing like what it is without this community.

There's a lot of genuine people in this game, and i'm thankful each and every day that our paths have crossed at some point or another, you're all amazing people!

hehe, i didn't think i'd write this much. This community just means everything to me...

you guys/girls are the reason this mmorpg stand out from every other available one. it feels like a home

i love you all <3

10-06-2018, 02:42 AM
Thank you for sharing and spread the love.

Leting others know how much you appreciate it makes everyone feel good.

10-06-2018, 10:28 AM

Thanks for shedding such a positive light on this community, you've really gone above and beyond making the PL community home for many players.

I will update this post later with thanks to give out -- I was overwhelmed with the amount of support I was getting. In the meantime, I'm celebrating my bday today! :)

10-06-2018, 02:58 PM
Happy birthday Will!!

10-06-2018, 05:36 PM
Happy birthday, Will! All the best

10-06-2018, 10:40 PM
Happy Happy Birthday [emoji512]

Gesendet von meinem VTR-L09 mit Tapatalk

10-07-2018, 08:29 AM
I’m REALLY thankful for Colwilde, he’s a really nice guy, and he always puts others before him.

10-07-2018, 08:54 AM
Who is Will and why am i here? Oh yea! To wish Will happy birthday!

10-07-2018, 09:44 AM
Blitz a real one.

10-07-2018, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the bday wishes, it was a grand ole' bday indeed :)

Alright, I want to thank the following people that have reached out and supported me:

Dolloway – You have been nothing but kind, supportive, and truly the best friend anyone could ask for. Thank you for always believing (in) me, for sharing a mutual love for the game and community, and above all, your leadership and contributions to the PL community. Without it, I probably would have parted ways from PL a long time ago.

Blitz – The fact that you were willing to spend something around 2bill gold just to recover that black pvp tourney shield is truly admirable. Never in my life would I have ever anticipated someone willing to spend that much gold in game for just a fellow gamer/friend. 2bill is pretty inconceivable to me considering I have only ever had around 100m in my stash at a given time. Thank you for being you – your honorable act of kindness will never be forgotten.

Xyzther – Just love you man, forever and always. Thanks for always having my back and sticking up for me (and being my #1 bae). I think our love for each other speaks for itself.

Sunflwershine – Words also can't describe how grateful I am for your friendship, how you place love and support above anything else (like greed, self-indulgence, etc). You were one of the first individuals to respond to my situation and to provide me with useful information, updates, and overall sympathy. Thank you for believing me and for fostering such a warm community (you're doing an impeccable job in the Discord Server – the community owes it to you for keeping it alive).

Viva – The immense support you have given to me is something I'll be grateful for for a long time. Just days in the events that transpired, you reached out to me and expressed your sympathy – you even made a thread for me to gather support (and while some people frowned upon it, at its core it was full of love and compassion). The community deserves to know the kind of person you are, and I'm greatly appreciative that I have gotten to know you these last few months :)

DanielRH – I'm glad that over the last few months we have been able to become close. I have always admired you – seeing you take the time to help me out means more than you'll ever know, and as such I'm always here for you, too, if you ever need anything.

Hawkbby/Rose/Matt/Alex, other Restor folks – I know I'll never lose touch with you guys ... thanks for being the best as always <3

Others that reached out in support: Bglir (Wreckor), Dreamex, Teo, Wurly, Chaasivab, Riftsurfer

There were some others in the Discord groupchat that reached out as well. I am overwhelmed at the sheer amount of support I have gotten from you guys. Thank you everyone <3

mi hawk
10-09-2018, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the bday wishes, it was a grand ole' bday indeed :)

Alright, I want to thank the following people that have reached out and supported me:

Dolloway – You have been nothing but kind, supportive, and truly the best friend anyone could ask for. Thank you for always believing (in) me, for sharing a mutual love for the game and community, and above all, your leadership and contributions to the PL community. Without it, I probably would have parted ways from PL a long time ago.

Blitz – The fact that you were willing to spend something around 2bill gold just to recover that black pvp tourney shield is truly admirable. Never in my life would I have ever anticipated someone willing to spend that much gold in game for just a fellow gamer/friend. 2bill is pretty inconceivable to me considering I have only ever had around 100m in my stash at a given time. Thank you for being you – your honorable act of kindness will never be forgotten.

Xyzther – Just love you man, forever and always. Thanks for always having my back and sticking up for me (and being my #1 bae). I think our love for each other speaks for itself.

Sunflwershine – Words also can't describe how grateful I am for your friendship, how you place love and support above anything else (like greed, self-indulgence, etc). You were one of the first individuals to respond to my situation and to provide me with useful information, updates, and overall sympathy. Thank you for believing me and for fostering such a warm community (you're doing an impeccable job in the Discord Server – the community owes it to you for keeping it alive).

Viva – The immense support you have given to me is something I'll be grateful for for a long time. Just days in the events that transpired, you reached out to me and expressed your sympathy – you even made a thread for me to gather support (and while some people frowned upon it, at its core it was full of love and compassion). The community deserves to know the kind of person you are, and I'm greatly appreciative that I have gotten to know you these last few months :)

DanielRH – I'm glad that over the last few months we have been able to become close. I have always admired you – seeing you take the time to help me out means more than you'll ever know, and as such I'm always here for you, too, if you ever need anything.

Hawkbby/Rose/Matt/Alex, other Restor folks – I know I'll never lose touch with you guys ... thanks for being the best as always <3

Others that reached out in support: Bglir (Wreckor), Dreamex, Teo, Wurly, Chaasivab, Riftsurfer

There were some others in the Discord groupchat that reached out as well. I am overwhelmed at the sheer amount of support I have gotten from you guys. Thank you everyone <3
