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View Full Version : Rough draft of Mt. Fang Guide-Please correct+addinfo

11-21-2011, 08:07 PM

11-21-2011, 08:09 PM
Okay, thread that I will be taking information from(if allowed by the owner):

List of Mt.Fang Pinks- Drewcapu

Set Comparison-Lilith stats/increases from Demonic- Jaytb

11-21-2011, 08:40 PM
Great work, Whirlz! Hope this helps lots of people...

The boss is Aunt Emma. Emma is purposely rooted and stays stationary in her spot during the whole battle. All you need to do is stay very close to a solid wall, and try to avoid her push-backs and stuns when you are not against the wall. Swoop in and spam a few attacks, then quickly run back to the wall. The most probable cause of death is when you stay too far from a wall and she rams you against the wall, causing instant wall damage and possibly death. Just hug close to wall and you will do fine.

I second other people's advice that, if you don't have top gear and/or are lower level running with higher ups (cause your threat level will be higher), it's a good idea to get at least 5 minute tank pot before entering Emma's room. Anyway, with Emma, you can do much more damage if you do the following: she throws out a small ring of 'ghosts,' followed by waves of other larger rings. A lower armoured toon hit by the small rings will die fast, so you learn to avoid that one by running to the wall--you know that this is going to happen because, before it strikes, there is a lull of a couple of seconds where there's nothing happening. When you see this lull, head to the wall.

After you see that small ring of ghosts, move forward and hit her with your aoes and spam heals and pots because the larger rings do also damage you.

ADDED: I should say that I found myself surviving better where there was a tank to take her individual attacks...

She dies faster this way.

Oh... there's another myth, and Robert will LOVE this: a mage told us perfectly seriously that aoes will allow Emma to heal. Nonsense, we've killed her many times... we'll add this to the list of myths along with the "Keeper uses mage shield to throw his own shield up" one ;)

11-21-2011, 08:47 PM
Ahh yes Keeper!
Let's also add that blowing up trash cans damages Roach's HP.

11-21-2011, 08:48 PM
Ya know, I still dont know what the new elite vanity is called lol, mind lettin me know?

11-21-2011, 09:04 PM
Cool guide. Hope someone lists all of the quests and where to start them.

11-21-2011, 09:40 PM
Still haven't done quests for Nuri's Hallows, but I'll go level my bird during this event and track 'em all down:)

PL Playa
11-21-2011, 09:42 PM
U said it is open to all up to 59 though 58's may go there.

11-21-2011, 10:24 PM
U said it is open to all up to 59 though 58's may go there.

I think 58s can go but the quests I think start at 59 and is recommended for 59s.

11-22-2011, 08:26 AM
Thanks, for the correction.
At the first day, STS said only 59 and above can enter Fang's dungeons.
I'm guessing they secretly changed it, in a patch.
I'll get some more confirmation, then I'll edit it.
As for today, I have my laptop, so if I have some time, I'll go finish the dungeons layout.

11-22-2011, 09:04 AM
Since you asked to be nit-picking, I will do my best :)

- The correct name of the first map is "mining operation"
- The mages spell is "drain life"

A word about vampires (floores 1-3)

They are very annoying because of their ability to stun you from the distance, and the come close to suck your blood. It's therefor very hard to escape them on your own, when they are skipped, because they are faster than you an keep you stunned. Its the best to either kill it with the whole party or get it far out of range by multiple repulses/firestorms/stomps/etc. Once he got you on your own, he wont let you go...

11-22-2011, 09:18 AM
Thanks, I'll make those corrections when I can get on my PC.
Yes, I noticed a few little Vampires following along on my run yesterday...got quite annoying.