View Full Version : A little something to share...

11-21-2011, 09:03 PM
Hey guys, on Thursday 11/17/11, I had a special presentation from a Police Officer. This presentation was about kids our age that die doing drugs, drinking, and driving. The whole class watched a video on the type of disgusting things people do with these drugs. During the video we saw how teens have foam parties and there was something (forgot the name) where they bring every drug they can get there hands on and they throw it in a bowl and mix it with caffiene (I think) so they don't get 'high', then they drink it. Other disturbing things I saw were that getting drunk or doing drugs, you'll end up in the hospital dying for your life. It's a huge disaster, there's blood everywhere, scissors, blades, all sorts of things flying around. Don't wanna get into it. The most important part and touching, was when the Officer told us a story. The story was about two boys that went to my school (currrently in the school im in), they were best friends and what happened was that she knew these two boys and, so did the teacher. These guys were always together and when they would walk by their teacher's class, she would give them a high five. Unfortunately, they got addicted to drugs and died. Most of the class was crying and I was tearing up, it was really hard... I felt sad hearing this and she and the teacher were also crying. It was a very touching, sad and inspirable presentation. So what im trying to say is, Guys and Girls, please don't do drugs and put your parents in that situation. Drugs will get you nowhere in life. Thankyou for reading this.

Yours truly,


11-21-2011, 09:20 PM
You're absoulutly correct!

My teacher used to always tell us that if we do horrible stuff like drink, smoke, do drugs "Then you need to rethink your life".

11-21-2011, 09:26 PM
You're absoulutly correct!

My teacher used to always tell us that if we do horrible stuff like drink, smoke, do drugs "Then you need to rethink your life".

Yep you do.

11-22-2011, 12:43 AM
I have a group of friends that were drunk in the car with a drunk driver. They crashed into a pole, one friend flew a few blocks out of the front window. The other had a 2% chance to live and was in a month long coma but lived, the others suffered concussions but were fine, the driver was hand cuffed while on his hospital bed, and another friend nearly died.

I do drink, but in moderation and socially, and I am of legal drinking age. Some people just can't handle themselves and don't know how to deal. There are thing you cannot do while intoxicated, and people need to become aware.

11-22-2011, 09:46 AM
Thanks for sharing, Draocad. Its a shame that it can resort to that to that :(

I have a group of friends that were drunk in the car with a drunk driver. They crashed into a pole, one friend flew a few blocks out of the front window. The other had a 2% chance to live and was in a month long coma but lived, the others suffered concussions but were fine, the driver was hand cuffed while on his hospital bed, and another friend nearly died.

I do drink, but in moderation and socially, and I am of legal drinking age. Some people just can't handle themselves and don't know how to deal. There are thing you cannot do while intoxicated, and people need to become aware.

Not good buddy :( glad they survived and yes this could have easily been prevented.

When this happens and there are young lives involved its not a funny matter at all.

I drink on occation and special occations birthdays etc, though I do not smoke never tried it either or have I ever will do drugs. As in the UK the legal age to drink alcohol is 18+, I am now past the feeling that "oh no ive over done it" and know my limits :)

11-22-2011, 10:20 AM
In the us 21+ is the age, but it doesn't stop anyone, as I had my first real bout with alcohol at 17 when I nearly died of alcohol poisoning. If I'm at a party and really intoxicated, I have one of my friends drive me home. There's usually a sober person at two at these parties. I'm too cautious to let myself be involved in something like that.

Spread awareness!

11-22-2011, 10:48 AM
My experience was half as bad, but could have led down that route easily. I was hospitalised and on a 'drip' from this in my younger days, though its a shame it has to come to that for you to realise what the hell did I want to do that in the first place.

Spread awareness!