View Full Version : New costumes ideas for upcoming Halloween event

P u r e
10-13-2018, 01:23 AM
I have recently been helping out lower level guild members alot lately. Due to that ive been playing a bunch of the lower leveled maps and also been killing alot of bosses. I have a few ideas for new costume design.

1. Vlod
2. Gurgox
3. Overlord
4. Tiki God
5. Hork (mini boss twins in nuri house of pain)
6. Strongman
7. Goblin
8. Troll (i like the blue ones in frozen expedition)

We already have vampire emma... So lets incorporate a few more in game characters....
I do realize it may be a bit of a short notice for this suggestion but i think it would be a good addition for Halloween!

P u r e
02-04-2019, 09:34 AM
My suggestion went unnoticed...

P u r e
09-17-2020, 07:57 AM
Same idea, new Halloween event.

09-17-2020, 02:15 PM
So first: great suggestions. Second: yep, WAY too late for Halloween 2019.

For 2020 the bad news is: almost all of these suggestions (with perhaps the exception of Tiki God) would be nearly impossible for me to transmute into playable looks. Vampire Emma is the reverse case of all these: a set of Player (Enchantress) data that was modified to be used as a monster. Going the other direction ranges from "very difficult" to "utterly impossible" depending upon the monster / object in question. With all that in-mind, I will brainstorm with the team on any possibilities and will let you know if we decide to develop all the necessary changes for this year's event :-)