View Full Version : Silver and Gold

11-22-2011, 12:47 PM
****NOTE - I am very award that Platinum is a type of metal and Silver Platinum and Gold Platinum doesn't make much sense, but just go with it for now****

Some people just can't afford platinum. They either don't have the money, or are too young to work for their own. I have plenty of money, but since platinum is not tradeable, I cannot give any to these people. While I understand that platinum gear and elixirs are no necessary to play the game in full, I think that every deserves a chance to get something. I came up with an idea for people who cannot afford platinum to have a chance to get SOMETHING without changing the way platinum works.

My idea is simple. Two different types of platinum. Normal Platinum that we have now, let's call it Gold platinum, is the platinum that you purchase with money. Nothing changes with that system. What if we introduced Silver platinum? Here is what I came up with:

- Silver platinum is given out weekly to ALL players for free.

- It is account specific, meaning people cannot make 50 new accounts just to stock up on tons for 1 account to use.

- Only certain items can be purchased with Silver Platinum for different prices from normal platinum (much more expensive...they are free after all).

- Make silver platinum stack up week after week until a certain limit (say, 300). This way, people can't just not spend it for months and then go on a huge spending spree.

- Make items purchased with Silver platinum be either not tradeable/stashable or make it look different from items purchased with Gold platinum.

- Items like elixirs will either be weaker than gold plat elixirs or last significantly less time to avoid people complaining.

An example of a dual plat item is like this:

"I'll be back shades" - 10 Gold Platinum or 40 Silver Platinum

I'll add more if I think of them. It's basically a way for everyone to feel like they're on somewhat of an equal playing field. Some items will remain 'gold platinum' only (RIVET, big elixirs, etc) but nothing wrong with giving out a little free taste to new players or people without money. I know we have a daily elixir for free, which is awesome. But I feel everyone should be able to buy some plat armor of they want.

Let me know what you think. I'd like to hear if you guys think this will actually increase STS (Gold) Platinum sales in the long run from people wanting the better items, or if it will significantly hurt it?

11-22-2011, 12:53 PM
Great idea I hope sys does this it would rlly help alot of ppl out


11-22-2011, 01:30 PM
You can already get platinum using tapjoy what more could you want? The company needs to make money if they did it this way they would be out of money by a long shot.

11-22-2011, 01:34 PM
You can already get platinum using tapjoy what more could you want? The company needs to make money if they did this they would be out of money by a long shot.
Not everyone knows what Tapjoy is/uses it.
Can you further explain why this would hurt STS revenue? Personally I think it would have a very very very small negative effect, if any at all.

11-22-2011, 01:42 PM
You can already get platinum using tapjoy what more could you want? The company needs to make money if they did this they would be out of money by a long shot.
Not everyone knows what Tapjoy is/uses it.
Can you further explain why this would hurt STS revenue? Personally I think it would have a very very very small negative effect, if any at all.

Im pretty sure a lot of people use tapjoy for the fact that it says free platinum when you look into the store. And if you can buy vanities which is porbably the second most thing bought besides elixirs im sure it will cut into thier profits. A free platinum feature such as tapjoy should be good enough for users.

11-22-2011, 01:49 PM
Im pretty sure a lot of people use tapjoy for the fact that it says free platinum when you look into the store. And if you can buy vanities which is porbably the second most thing bought besides elixirs im sure it will cut into thier profits. A free platinum feature such as tapjoy should be good enough for users.

Which is why I said only SOME items are available for purchase with Silver Plat. If you only get a certain amount every week/every month/whatever, then that plat is gone until you get more. If these people were not going to buy actual plat in the first place, then there is no difference at all. They're spending free platinum. Those who purchase platinum will continue to purchase platinum. The cycle doesn't get effected at all. It's not like you buy the items for money. You pay a set price for a bundle of platinum. You can all that platinum in a day, or make 2k platinum last a year. It doesn't matter to STS, because you've already paid for it.

I don't know, I really don't see this hurting the economy at all. Those who won't purchase plat still won't, but atleast they get a chance to get some cool gear. Exposure to cool gear may spark some interest in more gear, thus leading to gold plat sales. Not every one can afford platinum, but I'm sure they'd love a chance to get some free. Plus, it's a positive step for STS in the eyes of the younger crowd.

Oh, and I have NO idea how Tapjoy works, where to get tapjoy, or anything...so it's not as popular as you might think :p So I won't be using that for platinum.

11-22-2011, 01:53 PM
I can see the good and bad in this suggestion myself. Personally, I'm kinda against it the way you have it stated about in the mechanics, as I can see it being used totally by players instead of purchasing plat with real money, and STS has to be able to pay the bills somehow.

It might work better in sort of a truncated version, where it is doled out in small amounts, say you get 10 plat with a new user (not per toon, but per individual user login) so people can see what it is good for and can be used for, and then another small amount at level intervals, say 5 plat per 10 levels. With that type of system, if they save it, by the time they hit lvl cap, they could have 30 (soon to be 40) plat to spend on something good. That way people can save it if they want to buy something big, or if they blow it, then they have to actually purchase more.

I know this is an unfair footing for those folks that don't have a credit card, but let's be honest here. If they have a handheld device that is capable of running SL/PL in the first place, and a high speed connection, wether it's 3g/4g or wireless through their home high speed network, they, or their family has a few bucks for disposable income and can certainly pony up to support the game a little bit if they enjoy it that much.

Also, I was able to earn somewhere between 150-200 plat through the "get free plat by downloading apps" options in the plat store (This is the TapJoy option mentioned above) over the course of a few (2 at most?) months. If that's not enough for the casual user to be able to play around with, then they are just being wasteful with it. That would buy an entire plat armor set with weapon & shield if you wanted, and tons left over.

Just my 2cents

11-22-2011, 02:04 PM
uh you dont need three in game currencies, one common and one premium currency is enough, however, there are games where both the premium currency and the common currency are available in game, for example if you play Tiny Tower you get 1-3 tower bux every now and then from the game itself, so this will be like you get 1-3 platinum dropped in the game from some mobs... this is really not too different from downloading happpy tappy gangsta frens... depending on how much you play and spend, you have lots of platinum, this eases everyone into using plat really and maybe get them to spend as well, this is really the same logic as opening all areas up of the game for free, do it to the premium currency as well... this solves a ton of prolems at one go

alternatively, like ur idea of the game giving free currency at time intervals, but this neednt be done with silver plat, wudnt hurt to just give players 20 plat every week like free daily elix, or like 3 plat every day

I think ive made the same suggestion (mine not urs - three currencies and more stuff is always better lol - but it still keeps some parts of the game out of everyones reach) in like 20 threads so far lol

11-22-2011, 02:04 PM
I like the level suggestion instead of the time intervals, great idea Jazz! Like I said, I am very open to suggestions!
We have to keep in mind, and I sound like a broken record here, that people who were never going to buy plat in the first place still won't buy plat with this new idea.
This is just a way to give people a taste of what platinum brings you.

I'm willing to bet a lot of kids don't get money from their parents to spend on video games, especially not mobile phone games. Considering some people pay for data usage, and I'm pretty sure SL uses a lot of it (since it's an online game), I'm sure their parents are already angry enough as it is lol. Since 13 year olds can play, I bet a lot of them don't have established bank accounts yet either.

***Before someone comes in here accusing me of trying to get free platinum for myself - I have purchased 6,000 platinum over the past 2 months. Don't you dare accuse me of being cheap or something***

11-22-2011, 02:12 PM
Good ideas!

11-22-2011, 02:27 PM
While I believe this is a GREAT idea, it will probably never be implemented.

STS is supported almost entirely on people who buy plat to buy elixirs/enhancers now. Giving out a form of free plat, that while weaker is still plat, would wreck their profit margin.

Btw just for the record in case people don't know, buying plat means you pay all at once. Just because you bought, say, 2k plat and haven't used it yet doesn't mean that STS doesn't have your money yet. It's charged in advance.

11-22-2011, 04:39 PM
I agree with kahlua. I think it's a great idea.