View Full Version : Pocket legends always updating & now force closing?

10-17-2018, 07:34 PM
It seems I have stumbled across a bit of an issue with my pocket legends app, before I reinstalled it i was getting a constant message saying I can't play the game because pocket legends is updating/down for maintenance, I thought at the time that pl was just down for down time, but after 2 days and a check back I figured that this couldn't be the same case twice in a row, so i uninstalled pocket legends after checking to see it it had any updates (it didn't) and reinstalled it as well as restarted my device & now i don't even get past the black screen to a loading screen before pocket legends force close's on my ipad 2

Device details
Ipad gen 2
Ios, 7.1.2
Pocket legends version (app was reinstalled,is using most recent update & showed no new updates in aId app store before doing so)
And I was playing the game fine a month ago without issue and nothing on the device has changed.

I have taken the liberty of installing pocket legends on my ipad mini 2, running ios 11 and all seem's to be fine with this device and my acc so it is not my wifi that is the issue it would seem.

10-18-2018, 12:22 AM
Oops, iOS 7 support broke with the latest update. I've submitted a fixed version (2.3.2), which should hopefully be available in a couple days.

10-18-2018, 02:56 PM
App update with iOS 7 fix should now be available.