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View Full Version : Hardcore Mode - Revised Design / Additional Details

10-23-2018, 12:12 PM
Thanks for the feedback, questions and comments on the upcoming 'Hardcore Mode.' After reviewing the original preview thread we've decided to post a new thread with additional details and answers to a few key questions:

- Hardcore Mode is a challenging way to enjoy Arcane Legends with a new (special) character!
- To experience Hardcore Mode you must first complete a quest from 'Nalyx' in Festerfang Outpost. He's not there yet but will be soon. Once you complete his quest you will be able to create new 'Hardcore Mode' characters on your account.
- Hardcore Mode characters start the game at Level 1 and advance through the classic Arcane Legends campaigns, quests and content.
- Hardcore characters cannot trade or stash items and if they die they cannot resurrect! For enduring these hardships, Hardcore Mode characters collect unique achievements, titles and banners to show their prowess.
- Hardcore characters are allowed to hang out in the same social spaces as 'normal' characters but they are only allowed to go on PVE adventures with other Hardcore characters. This means that the game will only put Hardcore characters into instances with other Hardcore characters. Likewise, 'normal' characters are put in normal instances with other 'normal' characters ;-)
- Hardcore characters are allowed to PvP against other Hardcore characters. Normal and Hardcore characters are not allowed to play together in standard PvP maps. There are two exceptions to this: Duels and Guild Battlegrounds. Hardcore characters can elect to 'duel' or enter a 'Guild Battleground.'

- Reach Level 2 for the title: <<Mortal>>
- Reach Level 25 for <<The One and Only>> title and the Level 25 Hardcore Banner.
- Reach Level 50 for the gold <<Living Legend>> title and the Level 50 Hardcore Banner.
- An additional title and an amazing new banner will be reserved for Level 75.

Important details:

- The cornerstone of 'Hardcore Mode' is the finality of character death. Hardcore characters cannot resurrect when they die. If a Hardcore character falls in battle s/he is considered 'permanently dead,' and is removed from the Hardcore Mode leaderboard.
- Players have the option to use Platinum to restore a dead Hardcore mode character to Level 1 with all of the inventory items that the character had when they died. This is the only way to recover a dead Hardcore character.
- Restored Hardcore characters start at Level 1 no matter how far they got in the game before they died!
- Dead Hardcore characters remain in your character list until they are deleted or restored.
- Death in PvE and death in PvP have the same consequences for Hardcore characters.

- Hardcore characters are economically isolated from their Arlorian brethren. They cannot use the huge advantages that come from trading equipment with other adventurers. They cannot spend their gold for powerful items at Auction. They cannot move items from other characters on the same account via the Stash.
- The Hardcore character's equipment is the product of strict individual effort! Relying upon looted items makes the Hardcore character experience very challenging - especially at higher levels.

- Existing characters are considered 'Normal Mode' characters. These characters cannot be converted into 'Hardcore Mode.' Likewise, you cannot convert a 'Hardcore Mode' character into a normal one.
- The purpose of hardcore mode is to create a risky, exciting new context for advancing from Levels 1 to 71 (and beyond) and 'conversion' back and forth would defeat this.

- All of the items in your Hardcore character's inventory are lost when that character dies. This includes everything: vanity items, equipment items, crafting components, chests.
- Since Hardcore characters do not have access to trade, stash or Auction, the strategic management of inventory is more important than in the 'normal' character context.
- If you choose to restore a dead Hardcore Mode character, all of that character's items will also be restored. Upon restoration your character will be back at Level 1 so higher-level items will not be accessible until you meet the necessary requirements.

- After reviewing feedback we have decided to separate the 'Hardcore' mode character achievements into their own category. These will be visible only to Hardcore characters and will not affect normal players' advancement.

- Hardcore characters are removed from the Hardcore Leaderboard when they die.
- All relevant advancement counters (kills, AP's) are reset on death.

- When a dead Hardcore character is restored, their Pets are brought back along with all of their equipment.
- Pet levels are all reset to 1. Purpose of this is to ensure that early game balance is not trivialized by high-level companions.

Looking forward to more questions and comments on this! Thanks again :-)

10-23-2018, 12:40 PM
Interesting, can't wait to try it.

10-23-2018, 12:45 PM
A game mode like this sounds exciting and refreshing, but I still see a substantial flaw in this idea. Death is an important part of Arcane Legends. I'll give an example. How many capped players have you encountered in game that have less than 1000 deaths in their record? How many of those have less than 500? Less than 100? 50? Even in my case, where I consider myself a cautious player, the death count in PVE is over 600.

And that is because certain aspects of the game make dying unavoidable. A random lag spike at an unfortunate moment. A sneaky enemy or boss with instakill capabilities (curse mages from mausoleum, I'm looking at you). I won't even start with PVP. So, how is hardcore mode going to address these situations, given how incredibly punishing a death is? (I repeat, 1 death, ONE). Honestly, I can't imagine the scenario of reaching end-game with 0 deaths, if the maps/quests/enemies/bosses are exactly the same as in the regular mode.

10-23-2018, 12:46 PM
- After reviewing feedback we have decided to separate the 'Hardcore' mode character achievements into their own category. These will be visible only to Hardcore characters and will not affect normal players' advancement."

Thank you but i think that in feedback it was the opposites, people want to have achievement in their regular toon, or else what is the advantage?
maybe some will like this but from what i see i don't feel attract by this mode sorry.

I have more fun when i use all the powerful stuff that i have acquire on my normal toon, i have make a twink once to be able to farm victus rune but i have hate this, i dont use this twink anymore.

This mode make me think i will feel the same as with my twink tentative, but again maybe some will really enjoy this mode idk

10-23-2018, 12:47 PM
Yay should be fun thanks

10-23-2018, 01:05 PM
Buy platinum or dont play? Doubt, free to play player can reach top lvl without single death.

10-23-2018, 01:08 PM
what about buying items from the store, awakes etc because of stuff like awake and plat gear is available then this a money grab from my perspective. Nice and all to have a challenge but at the end of the day it's the same content.
Also achievements and pve kills will play a role in hardcore LB? Nice way to make the Top Players LB useless.
This looks more like what everyone joked about "AL 2.0" "just restart al completely".

10-23-2018, 01:11 PM
what about buying items from the store, awakes etc because of stuff like awake and plat gear is available then this a money grab from my perspective. Nice and all to have a challenge but at the end of the day it's the same content.
Also achievements and pve kills will play a role in hardcore LB? Nice way to make the Top Players LB useless.
This looks more like what everyone joked about "AL 2.0" "just restart al completely".

nice can't edit typos
oh well ;)
maybe let us edit post like these in the future i see no reason to why lately we can't edit post when commenting on threads like these.

Joe Webb
10-23-2018, 01:16 PM
Sounds good, when can we expect this feature to be released?

10-23-2018, 01:21 PM
Sounds good, when can we expect this feature to be released?

We are testing the features right now. New Clients will likely be required. I don't have a good estimate but I would predict sometime before the end of November.

10-23-2018, 01:26 PM
We are testing the features right now. New Clients will likely be required. I don't have a good estimate but I would predict sometime before the end of November.

Lemme test I’m dyingggggg.

10-23-2018, 01:34 PM
OP Updated with some basic rewards info.

10-23-2018, 01:54 PM
A game mode like this sounds exciting and refreshing, but I still see a substantial flaw in this idea. Death is an important part of Arcane Legends. I'll give an example. How many capped players have you encountered in game that have less than 1000 deaths in their record? How many of those have less than 500? Less than 100? 50? Even in my case, where I consider myself a cautious player, the death count in PVE is over 600.

And that is because certain aspects of the game make dying unavoidable. A random lag spike at an unfortunate moment. A sneaky enemy or boss with instakill capabilities (curse mages from mausoleum, I'm looking at you). I won't even start with PVP. So, how is hardcore mode going to address these situations, given how incredibly punishing a death is? (I repeat, 1 death, ONE). Honestly, I can't imagine the scenario of reaching end-game with 0 deaths, if the maps/quests/enemies/bosses are exactly the same as in the regular mode.

I agree 100% lets be honest the AL Servers are not the best, I have a 230mb down and 40mb upload connection and the best ping I get in AL is around 100ms!!! Not to talk about the random lags there are in AL, and iam sure its not the fault of my Internet, I player CsGo with a Ping of 8ms, so first you should consider to stabilize the Servers, general Performance, AND HITBOXES of Boss/Mobs. Else this is plat user only gamemode, I did make In Game purchases before and i have nothing against it, but my Post should be considered as constituted Feedback.



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10-23-2018, 01:54 PM
In short its like playing on a new server but on a dope difficulty level and you only get 1 life.
Love it :D.

10-23-2018, 01:58 PM
I play Csgo*

should be considered as constructive*

sry autocorrect on Iphone hehe

10-23-2018, 02:21 PM
So in the end you didn't listen to the community... I can't even stash the banner or wear I tittle on my main. And I have to pay plat to revive with items I can't even take with me. This is just hours waisted into a plat pit that has no return what so ever untill you Max out a character with no further reason playing besides loidering in town with a title and banner haha. This needs to be revised. Add a 1 way stashing sytem where you can only put in and not out. And increase drops and gold to make this actually worth player so sts can actually make some money off this. I would buy into this but there is litterly no benefit and the community told you that and it was just over looked. Very dissatisfied with this idea as it had potential to be something great.

10-23-2018, 03:08 PM
Quick question...Is there pvp in hardcore mode? Okay I lied...Another question...If there is then would the whole character reset thing apply to deaths in pvp as well?

10-23-2018, 03:31 PM
Quick question...Is there pvp in hardcore mode? Okay I lied...Another question...If there is then would the whole character reset thing apply to deaths in pvp as well?

Yes. Hardcore vs hardcore in standard PvP zones. Hardcore can PvP against normal characters in Duels and in Guild Battlegrounds. The whole character reset thing does apply in PvP as well.

OP updated with this info. Thanks!

10-23-2018, 03:39 PM
So...I level a new character to max hardcore level with nothing to show for it on my main character? ...doesn't seem right.

Why don't you just allow the hardcore rewards to instantly transfer to the main character you did the hardcore access quest with?

10-23-2018, 04:08 PM
Will there be pvp where you can die but it wouldn't be a death like in pve where you restart that will be awesome

10-23-2018, 06:02 PM
Like the ideas, especially instant death. Finally something a bit more difficult [emoji14]

10-23-2018, 08:53 PM
Good parties are a necessity now where skills and timing becomes a essential thing.

10-23-2018, 11:58 PM
Yes. Hardcore vs hardcore in standard PvP zones. Hardcore can PvP against normal characters in Duels and in Guild Battlegrounds. The whole character reset thing does apply in PvP as well.

OP updated with this info. Thanks!

Sweet...thanks Cinco...So I'm guessin the scores don't go to 20 kills for a win in the standard pvp zones then? Since chars reset upon death?

Can you guys make it hardcore vs hardcore only? So then hardcore mode is separate from normal

Just a lil ten cents...For pvp in hardcore mode, would you be able to make it so that the losing team gets the reset? That way we could still play to 20 kills in tdm and for BG's the losing team reset too

CTF: whole point of CTF is capturing the flags but then my ten cents would be a waste since everyone decides the winner by the number of kills... So it's more like 'seek and destroy'

So for hardcore mode could there be a new arena(or just use the CTF layout but without flags) called 'seek and destroy' players clash to about 100kills? Or until the enemy team forfeit. Then the losing team gets the reset :P or just the person who dies the most le

What you guys reckon?

PS. I like the idea of us not being able to change our current chars to hardcore...But then the lvl grinds gonna be a struggle lel

Pls don't bring the awakes into hardcore

To the haters

Say something....

Nah jks...I ain't got no beef :P

10-24-2018, 12:54 AM
This idea seems cool, but I think I’ll stick to the normal mode.

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10-24-2018, 12:59 AM
I think there is no problem atm i like the new idea .
I cant wait to play.
.thanks to all the devs that work hard for it.
Bring it on after event so we can see if there is somthing that we need to change.
Or something that is wrong wth hardcore .
Hardcore aps dont effect normal char so i think
‘We’re fine’ [emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]

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10-24-2018, 04:14 AM
Seems interesting :)
I guess Lag the Vicious is our main enemy now XD

10-24-2018, 05:25 AM
The basic idea of starting all over with zero cash and progress with looted items only is just great. I am even ok with perma death and plat revive. But revive to level one is a major roadblock.
At least I need cheap older phone which I can throw to wall when I die at say lvl 40+.

How dares to run HC maps with PUGs?

And hey you need a separate HC chat mode, where people can "discuss" the events that lead to someone's death :/

10-24-2018, 05:37 AM
Sounds very cool, but as some others mentioned, some stuff gotta be changed before the Hardcore mode goes live.

We know we're risking a lot of time with grinding our new characters to high levels, there is a chance that we can die from things which we cannot really control, and that would be more pain in real life than in game.

We don't want to die from stuff that we cannot control, or in other words, we don't want to die because of bad luck that is not directly related to the game play or our skill.

Things such as lag, red zones showing in wrong places, and the random curses in Mausoleum should be fixed or have a solution before y'all release this thing.

Imagine being a Lv71 with some cool rare weapons and vanities, and then you accidentally lag starting an Arena run and the gate spikes kill you.

10-24-2018, 06:04 AM
Maybe you should make it so that once someone gets to a certain high enough level in hardcore mode(e.g. Lvl 71), he'll be able to switch that hardcore chara to a 'normal' chara..? That'd be awesome

10-24-2018, 06:21 AM

10-24-2018, 06:35 AM
Maybe you should make it so that once someone gets to a certain high enough level in hardcore mode(e.g. Lvl 71), he'll be able to switch that hardcore chara to a 'normal' chara..? That'd be awesome

Thats how it works in Diablo II.
All Hardcore characters get converted into Normal characters when the season ends and LB gets cleared.
All the rewards/items earned by Harcore characters remains with them, and players start with new Hardcore characters to reach new cap and to beat new season LB. It keeps the competition same in every season, or it will become easy for level 71 Hardcore charector to beat next cap or season LB.

10-24-2018, 06:45 AM
Why would anyone dual or pvp in hardcore mode to risk their only life? Will there be any rewards attached to it?
May be new PVP mode: King of the Hill or Last Man Standing? And PvP LB? ;)

10-24-2018, 07:33 AM
Oh Cinc, you forgot to mention if you die in hardcore mode, you die in real life....

..unless of course you kill Justg on level 75. (no hacks please)

10-24-2018, 07:54 AM
Thats how it works in Diablo II.
All Hardcore characters get converted into Normal characters when the season ends and LB gets cleared.
All the rewards/items earned by Harcore characters remains with them, and players start with new Hardcore characters to reach new cap and to beat new season LB. It keeps the competition same in every season, or it will become easy for level 71 Hardcore charector to beat next cap or season LB.

Instead of making a new hardcore char every seaon, I think it would be best if the current hardcore char is wiped off to lvl 1 at the start of every new season.

10-24-2018, 08:02 AM
- Hardcore characters are allowed to hang out in the same social spaces as 'normal' characters but they are only allowed to go on PVE adventures with other Hardcore characters. This means that the game will only put Hardcore characters into instances with other Hardcore characters. Likewise, 'normal' characters are put in normal instances with other 'normal' characters ;-)

Will there be a way for us to distinguish between a hardcore and a normal char in town?

10-24-2018, 08:04 AM
Oh Cinc, you forgot to mention if you die in hardcore mode, you die in real life....

..unless of course you kill Justg on level 75. (no hacks please)


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10-24-2018, 08:13 AM
I love hardcore mode idea, I haven't played this game for years and when i heard about it i got an urge to play it again, however I am concerned.. What will happen to lockeds? If people start opening lockeds it will be 100% pay to win and I doubt anyone wants to compete with money. I hope that there are no lockeds or if there are then maybe make us able to open them with coins because coins are pretty hard to come by when playing in hardcore mode. Most of your coins are going into potions and getting gold loot from crafted awakening stones is pretty hard.

10-24-2018, 08:20 AM
Maybe you should make it so that once someone gets to a certain high enough level in hardcore mode(e.g. Lvl 71), he'll be able to switch that hardcore chara to a 'normal' chara..? That'd be awesome

why would you play hardcore in the first place then. Hardcore is for people who want to grind hard and earn everything by themself. Look at osrs streamers, they grind months to get 1 item into theyr collection, while in normal mode you could just buy it from auction.

10-24-2018, 08:28 AM
Imagine being a Lv71 with some cool rare weapons and vanities, and then you accidentally lag starting an Arena run and the gate spikes kill you.

Lol, I feel ya.. 50% of my deaths in AL made me feel universe is conspiring against me :p

10-24-2018, 08:36 AM
Instead of making a new hardcore char every seaon, I think it would be best if the current hardcore char is wiped off to lvl 1 at the start of every new season.

How is it different than making new? :p

10-24-2018, 08:50 AM
Not tempting enough. leveling a character or silly wep is the worst thing in this game. Don't want to do it again unless you guys offer an Arcane weapon which is at the same level as normal end game character powerful as the lvl 100 with insane proc , 5000 plat and 25M Gold to normal main character. don't want to play the mode for silly banners and titles nobody ..., only the people who win this banners think they are cool with this banners, for most of us it doesn't mean anything or worth even trying. We know this game is about vanities and pets from devs perspective but the gold and powerful items are the tempting factors in this game. Please add promised banished content in the game or any super hard core content ( and not mobs with 1000000hp and 1000000 damage. Need proper game mechanics with a worthy enough loots ) This is coming from a player who completed 5 years in this game. We duh!

10-24-2018, 09:13 AM
Players will be angry, rage and quit soon lol

10-24-2018, 09:42 AM
How is it different than making new? :p

What would you do with multiple hardcore chars if you eventually hit max level other than stay in towns prehaps and how many big booties would you be able to show off at once :p Seems sts is pretty clear about not wanting to get it converted to normal tho we'd never know if they change their minds >_<

Then theres the fact of naming the chars and keeping track of who's who. Its hard enough for me keeping track of friends who change names tho thats not really important xD

Also while we're at it, devs, if we die, can we get a free reset for all at the start of a new season without having to use plats? Atleast if not now, we can still look forward to trying it out if we RIP.

10-24-2018, 09:45 AM
just an idea, why not make 2 types of hardcores. You start off as an ultimate hardcore and compete in leaderboard against other players, but if you die you are not going lose your account, levels and items, instead you will be moved to normal hardcore where you have all the hardcore features, but you no longer compete against other players.

10-24-2018, 10:07 AM
Sounds very cool, but as some others mentioned, some stuff gotta be changed before the Hardcore mode goes live.

We know we're risking a lot of time with grinding our new characters to high levels, there is a chance that we can die from things which we cannot really control, and that would be more pain in real life than in game.

We don't want to die from stuff that we cannot control, or in other words, we don't want to die because of bad luck that is not directly related to the game play or our skill.

Things such as lag, red zones showing in wrong places, and the random curses in Mausoleum should be fixed or have a solution before y'all release this thing.

Imagine being a Lv71 with some cool rare weapons and vanities, and then you accidentally lag starting an Arena run and the gate spikes kill you.

Wanna add phone calls in my case. Playing mobile.
Yeah my real worry is that I will die from things not really related to game (lag or calls).
Anyway I’m very curious about this new mode and looking forward to see how it works :)

10-24-2018, 10:18 AM
What would you do with multiple hardcore chars if you eventually hit max level other than stay in towns prehaps and how many big booties would you be able to show off at once.

Delete them xD
Resetting will leave you with nothing. Converting and starting new will atleast let you keep 1 char with everything you earned.

10-24-2018, 10:42 AM
Can you guys make it hardcore vs hardcore only? So then hardcore mode is separate from normal

That is how it's currently set-up (with the exception of Duels and Battlegrounds).

10-24-2018, 10:44 AM
Will there be a way for us to distinguish between a hardcore and a normal char in town?

Yes! Hardcore character names appear as a different color. Also the Level 50 (and Level 75) Titles are specially-colored.

10-24-2018, 10:49 AM
Can you get to max level on hardcore by just doing daily quests?

10-24-2018, 11:06 AM
It need to make new character or level 71 to level 1?

10-24-2018, 11:14 AM
Thats how it works in Diablo II.
All Hardcore characters get converted into Normal characters when the season ends and LB gets cleared.
All the rewards/items earned by Harcore characters remains with them, and players start with new Hardcore characters to reach new cap and to beat new season LB. It keeps the competition same in every season, or it will become easy for level 71 Hardcore charector to beat next cap or season LB.

THIS IS AN AWESOME IDEA!!! Pls consider this Sts :))

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10-24-2018, 11:23 AM
Delete them xD
Resetting will leave you with nothing. Converting and starting new will atleast let you keep 1 char with everything you earned.

They could maybe let us just keep the rewards, not gears and pets once it resets if at all. Otherwise ya I get what you mean xD

10-24-2018, 11:40 AM
They could maybe let us just keep the rewards, not gears and pets once it resets if at all. Otherwise ya I get what you mean xD

I think that anything you get as a concession after dying in Hardcore mode makes the whole thing a lot less 'hardcore.'

10-24-2018, 11:46 AM
It need to make new character or level 71 to level 1?

Hardcore characters are new characters.

10-24-2018, 12:17 PM
What I read above is stay out of PVP because everyone in PVP dies. Perhaps, there's a better way to incorporate PVP into hardcore mode

10-24-2018, 12:23 PM
will the hardcore character start with 25 inventory and crafting inventory slots ? if so, we will have to buy slots with story tokens and or plat so when we die and use the plat resurect do we lose all inventory slots ?????

10-24-2018, 12:23 PM
Hardcore characters are new characters.
I like the idea and all but what I don't like is being forced to abandon my main character.

10-24-2018, 12:30 PM
I like the idea and all but what I don't like is being forced to abandon my main character.

I do indeed hear what you're saying. I feel that thrusting all the risks of hardcore mode onto your most beloved character would be a bad idea. Furthermore, I believe that supporting 'normal' characters in and out of Hardcore mode would destroy the purpose of the mode with respect to difficulty and (especially) finality.

10-24-2018, 12:33 PM
So u have spammed the system announcment??.Can play only for the new character......!

10-24-2018, 12:42 PM
Oh sounds exciting. Ive tried to do this before on new toons, but of course, it is very difficult to ensure separation and ensure not using stash, etc. accidentally. Time to test my low deaths haha. Even more interesting: no equipment stashing/hoarding like I normally like to do lol.

Challenge on!

Um, can I be L2 hardcore? :p

10-24-2018, 12:45 PM
instead of perma death, why not a time penalty ? each time you die the amount of time you need to wait to revive will increase, and you can use plat to insta revive or to reset your time penalty ( every time you die the time you need to wait increases 2x or something like that, you can use plat ro reset the time penalty to its basic state)

for people running for the hardcore LB wont lose everything on death and can decide if they want to lose or not they Lb position having to wait for revive penalty or using plat to insta revive.

and everytime a someone in Lb dies there should be a system announcement to hardcoremore players only. that will make people close to Lb tryharder to catch up with the ones that died

10-24-2018, 12:54 PM
Good parties are a necessity now where skills and timing becomes a essential thing.

Agreed, but you I personally got 90% of my deaths from Server lags or misplaced hitboxes from Bosses/mobs #realtalk

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10-24-2018, 02:02 PM
I think that anything you get as a concession after dying in Hardcore mode makes the whole thing a lot less 'hardcore.'

I agree with that but thats not what we were talkin about. Ours was based on what would happen to the character after a season ends and its still alive. Not on if its RIP.

Do seasons even have an affect on it? Like if its capped or atleast some what, do we continue leveling it up just as we would in a normal mode every expansion or does it get reset to lvl1 at the start of the season, being hardcore and all and since theres a lb involved for this mode. Or do we have to make a new hardcore character every season.
My previous comment was a suggestion for the rewards if the character resets at a start of a season >_<

10-24-2018, 02:03 PM
I agree with that but thats not what we were talkin about. Ours was based on what would happen to the character after a season ends and its still alive. Not on if its RIP.

Do seasons even have an affect on it? Like if its capped or atleast some what, do we continue leveling it up just as we would in a normal mode every expansion or does it get reset to lvl1 at the start of the season, being hardcore and all and since theres a lb involved for this mode. Or do we have to make a new hardcore character every season.
My previous comment was a suggestion for the rewards if the character resets at a start of a season >_<

Hardcore characters do not get reset to Level 1 so long as they remain alive.

10-24-2018, 02:08 PM
Hardcore characters do not get reset to Level 1 so long as they remain alive.

ahh well that settles it then.

10-24-2018, 02:19 PM
Years of my life gone, just to re-do it all over again...for some titles and aps..

10-24-2018, 02:49 PM
I do indeed hear what you're saying. I feel that thrusting all the risks of hardcore mode onto your most beloved character would be a bad idea. Furthermore, I believe that supporting 'normal' characters in and out of Hardcore mode would destroy the purpose of the mode with respect to difficulty and (especially) finality.
Could a system that allows you to permanently move all the hardcore rewards (coloured name, titles and banners) to your main character when you reach the max hardcore level be possible?

10-24-2018, 03:41 PM
So plat users are the only ones who will be able to get the best arcane eggs/gear in hardcore because of no trade? :p

10-24-2018, 03:55 PM
So plat users are the only ones who will be able to get the best arcane eggs/gear in hardcore because of no trade? :p

Will they though? Do you think people with money will risk big chunks of it when the character can be permanently killed (and thus cost lots more real money to bring back)? I think hardcore specifically discourages big spending.

10-24-2018, 03:58 PM
Will they though? Do you think people with money will risk big chunks of it when the character can be permanently killed (and thus cost lots more real money to bring back)? I think hardcore specifically discourages big spending.

Lots of real money??
Omg 100 plats per revive???

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10-24-2018, 03:59 PM
Will they though? Do you think people with money will risk big chunks of it when the character can be permanently killed (and thus cost lots more real money to bring back)? I think hardcore specifically discourages big spending.

I think they will for leaderboard.

10-24-2018, 04:00 PM
Lots of real money??
Omg 100 plats per revive???

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Thousands and thousands of Platinum to revive. You see what I'm saying.

10-24-2018, 04:01 PM
I think they will for leaderboard.

We'll have to see about all that. As you see from the thread it's just a couple of titles and some (admittedly amazing) banners.

10-24-2018, 04:02 PM
Thousands and thousands of Platinum to revive. You see what I'm saying.

Ahhhhhhh im excited ..
My 1st rule is dont die [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23].

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10-24-2018, 04:04 PM
We'll have to see about all that. As you see from the thread it's just a couple of titles and some (admittedly amazing) banners.

Amazing banner??? Cinco i will not foget about this amzing banner ..i hope it makes me shine like a star [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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10-24-2018, 05:12 PM
Just tell everyone it's awful mode, don't play and you'll be on lb forever!

10-24-2018, 05:52 PM
Please do not force us to download this bad content ... Just make a new game or server ... Impossible all with the ping, the instakill and the cursed ... Tell me the name of the game's richest and their deaths .. Not to mention pvp .. Tell me the name of a 71 with 0 deaths in pvp .. Who will want to relive again and again in lvl 1 to do pvp 71? Whats about friends and guild? Always death? Logic 0 ... Lol thank you ...

10-24-2018, 07:05 PM
Will the hardmode character be able to purchase item from the platnium store?

10-25-2018, 04:09 AM
Basically main char will never get hardcore aps right?
This will get me away to put real effort in the hardcore mode, even if I like the idea of challenge of this mode

10-25-2018, 06:32 AM
I see a lot of people complaining about rewards. hardcore mode is not about rewards, its about:
1. Enjoying the challenge - In a regular account, it just feels like you are cheezing your way through objectives while on an hardcore account, while it takes longer and it's ok to dislike this, the reward makes you feel like you wanna say yeah, i ****ing did that.
2. great change of pace - going back to your roots, digging up those old money makers, playing it slow to get best possible gear for your level so you could survive etc
3. Playing game like its supposed to be played - crafting every item that is needed for rendtail, grinding everything yourself
4. And the most important part, bragging rights!

But after all that I do agree with 1 thing, perma death is a little too much..

10-25-2018, 03:04 PM
Thanks for the feedback, questions and comments on the upcoming 'Hardcore Mode.' After reviewing the original preview thread we've decided to post a new thread with additional details and answers to a few key questions:

- Hardcore Mode is a challenging way to enjoy Arcane Legends with a new (special) character!
- To experience Hardcore Mode you must first complete a quest from 'Nalyx' in Festerfang Outpost. He's not there yet but will be soon. Once you complete his quest you will be able to create new 'Hardcore Mode' characters on your account.
- Hardcore Mode characters start the game at Level 1 and advance through the classic Arcane Legends campaigns, quests and content.
- Hardcore characters cannot trade or stash items and if they die they cannot resurrect! For enduring these hardships, Hardcore Mode characters collect unique achievements, titles and banners to show their prowess.
- Hardcore characters are allowed to hang out in the same social spaces as 'normal' characters but they are only allowed to go on PVE adventures with other Hardcore characters. This means that the game will only put Hardcore characters into instances with other Hardcore characters. Likewise, 'normal' characters are put in normal instances with other 'normal' characters ;-)
- Hardcore characters are allowed to PvP against other Hardcore characters. Normal and Hardcore characters are not allowed to play together in standard PvP maps. There are two exceptions to this: Duels and Guild Battlegrounds. Hardcore characters can elect to 'duel' or enter a 'Guild Battleground.'

- Reach Level 2 for the title: <<Mortal>>
- Reach Level 25 for <<The One and Only>> title and the Level 25 Hardcore Banner.
- Reach Level 50 for the gold <<Living Legend>> title and the Level 50 Hardcore Banner.
- An additional title and an amazing new banner will be reserved for Level 75.

Important details:

- The cornerstone of 'Hardcore Mode' is the finality of character death. Hardcore characters cannot resurrect when they die. If a Hardcore character falls in battle s/he is considered 'permanently dead,' and is removed from the Hardcore Mode leaderboard.
- Players have the option to use Platinum to restore a dead Hardcore mode character to Level 1 with all of the inventory items that the character had when they died. This is the only way to recover a dead Hardcore character.
- Restored Hardcore characters start at Level 1 no matter how far they got in the game before they died!
- Dead Hardcore characters remain in your character list until they are deleted or restored.
- Death in PvE and death in PvP have the same consequences for Hardcore characters.

- Hardcore characters are economically isolated from their Arlorian brethren. They cannot use the huge advantages that come from trading equipment with other adventurers. They cannot spend their gold for powerful items at Auction. They cannot move items from other characters on the same account via the Stash.
- The Hardcore character's equipment is the product of strict individual effort! Relying upon looted items makes the Hardcore character experience very challenging - especially at higher levels.

- Existing characters are considered 'Normal Mode' characters. These characters cannot be converted into 'Hardcore Mode.' Likewise, you cannot convert a 'Hardcore Mode' character into a normal one.
- The purpose of hardcore mode is to create a risky, exciting new context for advancing from Levels 1 to 71 (and beyond) and 'conversion' back and forth would defeat this.

- All of the items in your Hardcore character's inventory are lost when that character dies. This includes everything: vanity items, equipment items, crafting components, chests.
- Since Hardcore characters do not have access to trade, stash or Auction, the strategic management of inventory is more important than in the 'normal' character context.
- If you choose to restore a dead Hardcore Mode character, all of that character's items will also be restored. Upon restoration your character will be back at Level 1 so higher-level items will not be accessible until you meet the necessary requirements.

- After reviewing feedback we have decided to separate the 'Hardcore' mode character achievements into their own category. These will be visible only to Hardcore characters and will not affect normal players' advancement.

- Hardcore characters are removed from the Hardcore Leaderboard when they die.
- All relevant advancement counters (kills, AP's) are reset on death.

- When a dead Hardcore character is restored, their Pets are brought back along with all of their equipment.
- Pet levels are all reset to 1. Purpose of this is to ensure that early game balance is not trivialized by high-level companions.

Looking forward to more questions and comments on this! Thanks again :-)If the bosses remain the same some of them can one hit players right? It's very unfair that only plat users will keep their equipment that will take a lot of players time farming It would be better if the ones that revive keep their aps and achievements instead so non plat users can keep progressing plat users are more interested in achievements than gear.
Dying cause of high ping is also a possibility.
Keeping your gear is just as good as getting a banner or a title.
I am pretty sure there's a pretty low number of players that actually buy plat most of them use free plat anyway

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

10-25-2018, 03:09 PM
Thanks for the feedback, questions and comments on the upcoming 'Hardcore Mode.' After reviewing the original preview thread we've decided to post a new thread with additional details and answers to a few key questions:

- Hardcore Mode is a challenging way to enjoy Arcane Legends with a new (special) character!
- To experience Hardcore Mode you must first complete a quest from 'Nalyx' in Festerfang Outpost. He's not there yet but will be soon. Once you complete his quest you will be able to create new 'Hardcore Mode' characters on your account.
- Hardcore Mode characters start the game at Level 1 and advance through the classic Arcane Legends campaigns, quests and content.
- Hardcore characters cannot trade or stash items and if they die they cannot resurrect! For enduring these hardships, Hardcore Mode characters collect unique achievements, titles and banners to show their prowess.
- Hardcore characters are allowed to hang out in the same social spaces as 'normal' characters but they are only allowed to go on PVE adventures with other Hardcore characters. This means that the game will only put Hardcore characters into instances with other Hardcore characters. Likewise, 'normal' characters are put in normal instances with other 'normal' characters ;-)
- Hardcore characters are allowed to PvP against other Hardcore characters. Normal and Hardcore characters are not allowed to play together in standard PvP maps. There are two exceptions to this: Duels and Guild Battlegrounds. Hardcore characters can elect to 'duel' or enter a 'Guild Battleground.'

- Reach Level 2 for the title: <<Mortal>>
- Reach Level 25 for <<The One and Only>> title and the Level 25 Hardcore Banner.
- Reach Level 50 for the gold <<Living Legend>> title and the Level 50 Hardcore Banner.
- An additional title and an amazing new banner will be reserved for Level 75.

Important details:

- The cornerstone of 'Hardcore Mode' is the finality of character death. Hardcore characters cannot resurrect when they die. If a Hardcore character falls in battle s/he is considered 'permanently dead,' and is removed from the Hardcore Mode leaderboard.
- Players have the option to use Platinum to restore a dead Hardcore mode character to Level 1 with all of the inventory items that the character had when they died. This is the only way to recover a dead Hardcore character.
- Restored Hardcore characters start at Level 1 no matter how far they got in the game before they died!
- Dead Hardcore characters remain in your character list until they are deleted or restored.
- Death in PvE and death in PvP have the same consequences for Hardcore characters.

- Hardcore characters are economically isolated from their Arlorian brethren. They cannot use the huge advantages that come from trading equipment with other adventurers. They cannot spend their gold for powerful items at Auction. They cannot move items from other characters on the same account via the Stash.
- The Hardcore character's equipment is the product of strict individual effort! Relying upon looted items makes the Hardcore character experience very challenging - especially at higher levels.

- Existing characters are considered 'Normal Mode' characters. These characters cannot be converted into 'Hardcore Mode.' Likewise, you cannot convert a 'Hardcore Mode' character into a normal one.
- The purpose of hardcore mode is to create a risky, exciting new context for advancing from Levels 1 to 71 (and beyond) and 'conversion' back and forth would defeat this.

- All of the items in your Hardcore character's inventory are lost when that character dies. This includes everything: vanity items, equipment items, crafting components, chests.
- Since Hardcore characters do not have access to trade, stash or Auction, the strategic management of inventory is more important than in the 'normal' character context.
- If you choose to restore a dead Hardcore Mode character, all of that character's items will also be restored. Upon restoration your character will be back at Level 1 so higher-level items will not be accessible until you meet the necessary requirements.

- After reviewing feedback we have decided to separate the 'Hardcore' mode character achievements into their own category. These will be visible only to Hardcore characters and will not affect normal players' advancement.

- Hardcore characters are removed from the Hardcore Leaderboard when they die.
- All relevant advancement counters (kills, AP's) are reset on death.

- When a dead Hardcore character is restored, their Pets are brought back along with all of their equipment.
- Pet levels are all reset to 1. Purpose of this is to ensure that early game balance is not trivialized by high-level companions.

Looking forward to more questions and comments on this! Thanks again :-)The titles and banner should be for normal characters as well. Otherwise hardcore is just a meaningless waste of time.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

10-25-2018, 04:30 PM
Like ive always said, Platinum should speed up the pace of the game, it should not necessary to play in general, that kills the free 2 play factor

dead, revived but still alive, Oldnewzeus

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-26-2018, 04:26 AM
How about character ign in hardcore mode? Is it need unused ign? Or we can make one from our inused ign? Thx

Sent from my ASUS_Z00RD using Tapatalk

10-26-2018, 06:38 AM
How about character ign in hardcore mode? Is it need unused ign? Or we can make one from our inused ign? Thx

Sent from my ASUS_Z00RD using Tapatalk

I hope they let us use our same names, in fact, if it doesn't happen, then scamming would be much easier. Even if our Hardcore character dies we should be able to start over and use the name of one of our toons again.

Anyway, I don't see what all the fuss is about, it's optional and no one is forced to play this. So any complaints don't really make any sense unless there's some "constructive" feedback on the details.

10-26-2018, 07:42 AM
Yeah fid has a point here I'm wondering if we can use same igns or will it be all new igns? If it's new igns I can see alot of scams happening and real world trading :/

10-26-2018, 11:29 AM
Will we need to be level 71 to do the quest that gives us access to hardcore mode?

10-26-2018, 04:12 PM
Verry interesting!

10-26-2018, 04:22 PM
It would be cool if we could see a few picks on how it would seen!

10-26-2018, 07:58 PM
Puts more emphasis on player skill rather then how much plat you have, which I like cant wait

10-27-2018, 09:21 AM
wow i am excited hahaha

10-27-2018, 01:37 PM
This should be interesting. I am going to try it for sure. But this will not be for everybody that plays. So all maps will be elite in hardcore mode? We should get better drops than regular elite maps. At least that's what I would hope... This is were sts could really make an initiative for players.to play hardcore mode. The drops that are obtained from hardcode mode could be sent one way to the regular corresponding account or char. It would make players get high up and farm in hardcore mode. Anyway just a thought...

Dex Putra
10-29-2018, 01:12 AM
Thanks for the feedback, questions and comments on the upcoming 'Hardcore Mode.' After reviewing the original preview thread we've decided to post a new thread with additional details and answers to a few key questions:

- Hardcore Mode is a challenging way to enjoy Arcane Legends with a new (special) character!
- To experience Hardcore Mode you must first complete a quest from 'Nalyx' in Festerfang Outpost. He's not there yet but will be soon. Once you complete his quest you will be able to create new 'Hardcore Mode' characters on your account.
- Hardcore Mode characters start the game at Level 1 and advance through the classic Arcane Legends campaigns, quests and content.
- Hardcore characters cannot trade or stash items and if they die they cannot resurrect! For enduring these hardships, Hardcore Mode characters collect unique achievements, titles and banners to show their prowess.
- Hardcore characters are allowed to hang out in the same social spaces as 'normal' characters but they are only allowed to go on PVE adventures with other Hardcore characters. This means that the game will only put Hardcore characters into instances with other Hardcore characters. Likewise, 'normal' characters are put in normal instances with other 'normal' characters ;-)
- Hardcore characters are allowed to PvP against other Hardcore characters. Normal and Hardcore characters are not allowed to play together in standard PvP maps. There are two exceptions to this: Duels and Guild Battlegrounds. Hardcore characters can elect to 'duel' or enter a 'Guild Battleground.'

- Reach Level 2 for the title: <<Mortal>>
- Reach Level 25 for <<The One and Only>> title and the Level 25 Hardcore Banner.
- Reach Level 50 for the gold <<Living Legend>> title and the Level 50 Hardcore Banner.
- An additional title and an amazing new banner will be reserved for Level 75.

Important details:

- The cornerstone of 'Hardcore Mode' is the finality of character death. Hardcore characters cannot resurrect when they die. If a Hardcore character falls in battle s/he is considered 'permanently dead,' and is removed from the Hardcore Mode leaderboard.
- Players have the option to use Platinum to restore a dead Hardcore mode character to Level 1 with all of the inventory items that the character had when they died. This is the only way to recover a dead Hardcore character.
- Restored Hardcore characters start at Level 1 no matter how far they got in the game before they died!
- Dead Hardcore characters remain in your character list until they are deleted or restored.
- Death in PvE and death in PvP have the same consequences for Hardcore characters.

- Hardcore characters are economically isolated from their Arlorian brethren. They cannot use the huge advantages that come from trading equipment with other adventurers. They cannot spend their gold for powerful items at Auction. They cannot move items from other characters on the same account via the Stash.
- The Hardcore character's equipment is the product of strict individual effort! Relying upon looted items makes the Hardcore character experience very challenging - especially at higher levels.

- Existing characters are considered 'Normal Mode' characters. These characters cannot be converted into 'Hardcore Mode.' Likewise, you cannot convert a 'Hardcore Mode' character into a normal one.
- The purpose of hardcore mode is to create a risky, exciting new context for advancing from Levels 1 to 71 (and beyond) and 'conversion' back and forth would defeat this.

- All of the items in your Hardcore character's inventory are lost when that character dies. This includes everything: vanity items, equipment items, crafting components, chests.
- Since Hardcore characters do not have access to trade, stash or Auction, the strategic management of inventory is more important than in the 'normal' character context.
- If you choose to restore a dead Hardcore Mode character, all of that character's items will also be restored. Upon restoration your character will be back at Level 1 so higher-level items will not be accessible until you meet the necessary requirements.

- After reviewing feedback we have decided to separate the 'Hardcore' mode character achievements into their own category. These will be visible only to Hardcore characters and will not affect normal players' advancement.

- Hardcore characters are removed from the Hardcore Leaderboard when they die.
- All relevant advancement counters (kills, AP's) are reset on death.

- When a dead Hardcore character is restored, their Pets are brought back along with all of their equipment.
- Pet levels are all reset to 1. Purpose of this is to ensure that early game balance is not trivialized by high-level companions.

Looking forward to more questions and comments on this! Thanks again :-)hi can have hardcore acc in same normal account?
sometime when im bored so i can play normal mode?

Sent from my SM-J701F using Tapatalk

10-30-2018, 08:43 AM
- When a dead Hardcore character is restored, their Pets are brought back along with all of their equipment.

Looking forward to more questions and comments on this! Thanks again :-)

Hehe what "their" are you refering too xD

10-30-2018, 06:51 PM
Hehe what "their" are you refering too xD
Its just correct English. "Their pets" meaning "The dead-restored characters pets".

10-31-2018, 12:01 PM
I got a question to luck, how much is max?
And another question for halloween terror crate recipe, am i able to use them after the event?? So like as long as i have the recipe, i can craft them?

Gesendet von meinem RNE-L21 mit Tapatalk

10-31-2018, 12:09 PM
Its just correct English. "Their pets" meaning "The dead-restored characters pets".

Yes yes hehe, i know what "their" means, but their equipment is what i was hoping to get an answer for. (Will pets obtain certain gears to enhance them.) Would be fun (:

10-31-2018, 12:34 PM
Yes yes hehe, i know what "their" means, but their equipment is what i was hoping to get an answer for. (Will pets obtain certain gears to enhance them.) Would be fun (:

From what I understood its all the characters equipments.

10-31-2018, 03:55 PM
Thanks for the feedback, questions and comments on the upcoming 'Hardcore Mode.' After reviewing the original preview thread we've decided to post a new thread with additional details and answers to a few key questions:

- Hardcore Mode is a challenging way to enjoy Arcane Legends with a new (special) character!
- To experience Hardcore Mode you must first complete a quest from 'Nalyx' in Festerfang Outpost. He's not there yet but will be soon. Once you complete his quest you will be able to create new 'Hardcore Mode' characters on your account.
- Hardcore Mode characters start the game at Level 1 and advance through the classic Arcane Legends campaigns, quests and content.
- Hardcore characters cannot trade or stash items and if they die they cannot resurrect! For enduring these hardships, Hardcore Mode characters collect unique achievements, titles and banners to show their prowess.
- Hardcore characters are allowed to hang out in the same social spaces as 'normal' characters but they are only allowed to go on PVE adventures with other Hardcore characters. This means that the game will only put Hardcore characters into instances with other Hardcore characters. Likewise, 'normal' characters are put in normal instances with other 'normal' characters ;-)
- Hardcore characters are allowed to PvP against other Hardcore characters. Normal and Hardcore characters are not allowed to play together in standard PvP maps. There are two exceptions to this: Duels and Guild Battlegrounds. Hardcore characters can elect to 'duel' or enter a 'Guild Battleground.'

- Reach Level 2 for the title: <<Mortal>>
- Reach Level 25 for <<The One and Only>> title and the Level 25 Hardcore Banner.
- Reach Level 50 for the gold <<Living Legend>> title and the Level 50 Hardcore Banner.
- An additional title and an amazing new banner will be reserved for Level 75.

Important details:

- The cornerstone of 'Hardcore Mode' is the finality of character death. Hardcore characters cannot resurrect when they die. If a Hardcore character falls in battle s/he is considered 'permanently dead,' and is removed from the Hardcore Mode leaderboard.
- Players have the option to use Platinum to restore a dead Hardcore mode character to Level 1 with all of the inventory items that the character had when they died. This is the only way to recover a dead Hardcore character.
- Restored Hardcore characters start at Level 1 no matter how far they got in the game before they died!
- Dead Hardcore characters remain in your character list until they are deleted or restored.
- Death in PvE and death in PvP have the same consequences for Hardcore characters.

- Hardcore characters are economically isolated from their Arlorian brethren. They cannot use the huge advantages that come from trading equipment with other adventurers. They cannot spend their gold for powerful items at Auction. They cannot move items from other characters on the same account via the Stash.
- The Hardcore character's equipment is the product of strict individual effort! Relying upon looted items makes the Hardcore character experience very challenging - especially at higher levels.

- Existing characters are considered 'Normal Mode' characters. These characters cannot be converted into 'Hardcore Mode.' Likewise, you cannot convert a 'Hardcore Mode' character into a normal one.
- The purpose of hardcore mode is to create a risky, exciting new context for advancing from Levels 1 to 71 (and beyond) and 'conversion' back and forth would defeat this.

- All of the items in your Hardcore character's inventory are lost when that character dies. This includes everything: vanity items, equipment items, crafting components, chests.
- Since Hardcore characters do not have access to trade, stash or Auction, the strategic management of inventory is more important than in the 'normal' character context.
- If you choose to restore a dead Hardcore Mode character, all of that character's items will also be restored. Upon restoration your character will be back at Level 1 so higher-level items will not be accessible until you meet the necessary requirements.

- After reviewing feedback we have decided to separate the 'Hardcore' mode character achievements into their own category. These will be visible only to Hardcore characters and will not affect normal players' advancement.

- Hardcore characters are removed from the Hardcore Leaderboard when they die.
- All relevant advancement counters (kills, AP's) are reset on death.

- When a dead Hardcore character is restored, their Pets are brought back along with all of their equipment.
- Pet levels are all reset to 1. Purpose of this is to ensure that early game balance is not trivialized by high-level companions.

Looking forward to more questions and comments on this! Thanks again :-)

After 2 years and after the extinction of pvp from this game cause some no brainers in this company decided that the easiest solution to fix twinks from pvp farming was to delete pvp leaderboard,(making everyone to leave the game)and after i had suggested the existence of such hardcore pvp mode ,where pve and pvp wouldnt match so it would be actually pure skill and have a competitive game,spacetime studios decided to take this project into account.EYY, WELL DONE TOOK U A WHILE !!!u had something good but now i think its kinda irrreversable the dmg u dealt to urselves.Opinion from someone that achieved everything in this game.

10-31-2018, 04:27 PM
How are we supposed to enjoy this mode or even try it if they only way to respawn is by paying plat?????
I was excited now I'm disappointed..

10-31-2018, 07:06 PM
hi can have hardcore acc in same normal account?
sometime when im bored so i can play normal mode?
Normal and hardcore characters can be on the same account (and effectively must be, since you need a 71 normal before you can make a hardcore character, though I guess you could delete the normal one if you want).

10-31-2018, 07:07 PM
How are we supposed to enjoy this mode or even try it if they only way to respawn is by paying plat?????
I was excited now I'm disappointed..

You try it out, and if you die, you can delete that character and make another if you want. Even if you paid for the reset, you'd be level 1 again.

10-31-2018, 07:08 PM
Yeah fid has a point here I'm wondering if we can use same igns or will it be all new igns? If it's new igns I can see alot of scams happening and real world trading :/

You can't use the name of a character that still exists, but you can delete a character and then reuse that name. I'm not sure what scams would be happening though, since the hardcore characters can't trade.

10-31-2018, 10:41 PM
when will hardcore mode start ??

10-31-2018, 11:51 PM
Normal and hardcore characters can be on the same account (and effectively must be, since you need a 71 normal before you can make a hardcore character, though I guess you could delete the normal one if you want).

What??? Hahaha so we can just play hardcore forever if we want? Hmmm cooler vanitys and tittle’s thats fine [emoji48][emoji48][emoji48][emoji48] and items aura..
ohhh i have a feeling..
Since items are only farmable in hardcore and we cant trade i got a feeling that old low lvl arcane weapons will drop??? Like kershal,bb and MOO?
And when is the release date?
After this hallow event idk what to do anymore
Im waiting for the hardcore.i want a new thing and thats the hardcore [emoji4][emoji4]

11-01-2018, 04:15 PM
Not bad. Ready for the challenge!

11-01-2018, 04:25 PM
I hope hardcore mode is next week please otherwise will be x2 event all month how boring :/

11-01-2018, 04:28 PM
Hardcore pls...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-02-2018, 02:20 AM
How about bringing back those Limited Awakening event. Tweak it by adding those haste % awakes.

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

11-02-2018, 02:25 AM
How about bringing back those Limited Awakening event. Tweak it by adding those haste % awakes.

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

Rogue+op haste awake i dont think so its like distroying the game . Think of it hahahaha how op they will become

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-02-2018, 11:11 PM
Yeah I guess a leaderboard would be great TBH reminds me of RuneScape Ironman etc

Let's make it happens sts :)

11-04-2018, 11:51 AM
ok. i read this for last few days 'n' dont see any good solution nor option from sts how to handle it.
the idea itself was great must say - u lvl up character that can die anytime 'n' if u do, u lose it all/have to start from 0, but... u killed it along the way.

1st. can anyone from devs explane to all of us whats the point to lvl up 'dead-end character'? by whats the point i mean can u please tell us what will u do with the toon when u reach max lvl? every toon has its purpose to exist... what will be this toon purpose?

2nd. why cant u allow switching from hardcore to normal at any time (without allowing the way around)? if players could keep at least titles (without any equipmant nor anything) they could start using this toon as main one. at the same time toon would keep only hardcore mode kdr stats without adding any kills when already in 'normal' mode.

right now when u lvl up the toon to max cap u can delete it urself before u die, coz its trash. what r u going to do with it? as half of community said before, will u show off in town only?

3rd. why u allow pvp in hardcore mode if u can only try it once? seems total nonsense //unless u want plat from dummies// - wont comment more coz... lack of words

4th. how r u going to handle 'edge cases' in situation when ping can jump from ~150-200ms to 100k ms? u lag for 1min and ur done... what happens next?
im asking coz u wont avoid overflowing river of these kind of cases, u better employ more stuff in customer service.

Best regards guys,
Sward / Haiu

11-04-2018, 07:41 PM
Will there be any solution to 1 hit deaths? In underhul there are rangers whose bombs can 1 shot rogues, which makes playing rogue pretty useless.. Personally I love rogue, but since I am from europe I have 100-200 ping no matter how good my internet is. Playing underhul maps is certain death to me because on my screen I dodge the bombs but in reality I still get hit by them. In my opinion its impossible to go without dying in this game, mobs just hit way too hard and too much 1 shot potential. Only viable class would be full tank warrior or maybe even a mage, but rogues are a big no no.

11-04-2018, 09:17 PM
Big problem with op bosses and one hit mobs, whats the point? Even with good gear one shot is common, so with low gear we are expected to survive? Ping and dc stuff will be a big problem with losing progress as well.

11-05-2018, 01:14 AM
Looks like interesting

11-05-2018, 05:33 AM
Anyone know the release date?

11-05-2018, 05:59 PM
coming very soon as i know



11-08-2018, 02:04 AM
if ur lag..then bye2 to ur character then..haha

11-08-2018, 04:34 PM
Make the plat revive increase as you lvl up rather then a flat rate please. Or make tiers of cost.

11-17-2018, 03:33 PM
Any news about?

11-27-2018, 02:52 PM
I don't understand, why can't you unlock or transfer hardcore vanity items to normal characters if they're going to lose it if they die? Isn't the point behind these characters to show off that you made it to a certain point as a hardcore character? All other vanities, yes should be kept to the hardcore character but hardcore mode related vanities should be able to be worn on all accouts to show off your achievement.

11-28-2018, 04:00 AM
Can’t wait for this

11-28-2018, 09:59 AM
It's really hardcore...I'm need try.

11-28-2018, 10:01 AM
Well at least we will be able to hang out with our "normal" friends hehe

Enviado de meu MotoG3 usando o Tapatalk

11-28-2018, 01:50 PM
Is this still happening?

11-28-2018, 02:04 PM
Is this still happening?

i did see a mod post cant remember which on it was now but they said would be end of November so im guessing its this week well should be...

11-28-2018, 02:06 PM
We are testing the features right now. New Clients will likely be required. I don't have a good estimate but I would predict sometime before the end of November.

nvm here it is i havent had enough coffee yet lol

11-28-2018, 05:00 PM
Its simply to add a new challenge in the game, stop thinking everything has a reward and a purpose. Some things are simply for fun and enjoyment

11-29-2018, 04:51 AM
Its simply to add a new challenge in the game, stop thinking everything has a reward and a purpose. Some things are simply for fun and enjoyment

+1 Exactly....

11-29-2018, 03:08 PM
Good luck all.

11-29-2018, 03:38 PM
Ooooo I like the sound of this *rubs hands together. Let the raging begin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-29-2018, 03:50 PM
Ooooo I like the sound of this *rubs hands together. Let the raging begin

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I really do think the banners should be stashable just to show our hard work off on our mains.

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11-29-2018, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the feedback, questions and comments on the upcoming 'Hardcore Mode.' After reviewing the original preview thread we've decided to post a new thread with additional details and answers to a few key questions:

Love the hardcore mode.... At first I thought it was just a "harder hitting" mode but, after creating a "hardcore toon" I see that it's about "kill and death" relevance...... This is going to be fun..... Love the "purple" names too....... I kinda like this.... LOL...........

11-29-2018, 05:46 PM
- Hardcore characters are economically isolated from their Arlorian brethren. They cannot use the huge advantages that come from trading equipment with other adventurers. They cannot spend their gold for powerful items at Auction. They cannot move items from other characters on the same account via the Stash.
- The Hardcore character's equipment is the product of strict individual effort! Relying upon looted items makes the Hardcore character experience very challenging - especially at higher levels.

OMG that IS "hardcore"...... LOL.......

I was going to give my hardcore toon all types of eggs, gold, ETC..... LOL..... Guess "it" has to be a "soldier"..... LOL...... I'm game....... LOL.....

11-30-2018, 04:10 AM
just 1 question,this mode dsign to balanced the game by prevent monopoly by rich player right?as if u got many gold,u cant buy n stash..but..what about plat?i noticed that,u can literally be op if spent plat in the store...rite?

11-30-2018, 10:45 AM
Hi folks, thanks for the feedback, please keep it flowing here: https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?435980-HARDCORE-Mode-feedback-thread