View Full Version : Buff for L105 bears

10-26-2018, 12:24 PM
Hi. Can you guys please buff bears armor at 105? I think iron-blood should have 400+ armor and 400+ health instead of the current 200 armor and 200 health buff. That is all. Thank you.

10-27-2018, 05:59 AM
Armor was increased significantly, armor/dmg increment again will help bears in 1v1 for sure but in a team they're gonna be even more overly powered.

10-27-2018, 08:22 PM
Hoping you are kidding since a mage hits a bear for 200-300 as it is right now if the sers are equal enchants. Buff the armor by 200 and a mage will be hitting for 0-100. (Wand set)

10-28-2018, 06:56 PM
I think iron-blood should have 400+ armor and 400+ health instead of the current 200 armor and 200 health buff.

That would completely overtune bear in Honor arena and make it even more unkillable than it already is.
Aside from the issue in Honor arena: Recently I had a nice 2v2 for a couple of games with even teams (Karro Bear and Dex Mage on each team) and the bears were doing very well. Any more power and they would not die. Ever.