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View Full Version : Heroic Grimm (Dissapointing)

10-30-2018, 12:42 PM
When i first saw this pet i was like:

- Cool looks
- Weak happyness bonus ( cheap heroic pets
have way better hb )
- Very small upgrade in arcane ability ( 5%
instakill to 7% instakill.

So i assumed that the upgrade from mythic
Grimm to heroic Grimm had to be in his
passive. Now i just found out that the
passive is the same as the normal mythic
Grimm. ( Usually sts place a lvl 71 example
of the pet so you can see the differences )
but sadly this was not the case. Im sure i
had not bought it for this insane price. So
in the end you pay around 90$ for a mythic
grimm with a green circle. I hope devs can
look into this, and give this pet a buff he
deserves. Also noticed that hero Grimm is
already on max passive when lvl 40.. it just
doesnt feel right. Sorry for my weak English.

10-30-2018, 12:46 PM
Completely agree with you bro, please boost the passive and reduce AA cooldown :))

10-30-2018, 02:39 PM
Deffently not worth 14m haha or 90$. It's damage tho is higher then regular Grimm's. To be fair regular Grimm is already amazing and if h Grimm was buffed it could be op

10-30-2018, 04:10 PM
his looks are definitely the strongest part of the pet! The stats leave something to be desired and old man Sam (Samael) the wraith of Arcane status from many moons ago is still a little better than the heroic version of his brother mythic Grimm. A buff would be much appreciated as he's quite plat heavy!

10-30-2018, 06:42 PM
Slight buff on the stronger passive would be cool.

10-30-2018, 07:23 PM
Disappointing Legend

10-30-2018, 08:18 PM
this pet is not worth 1.7k plat ... i wasted my platinum on it ... Heroic Mishi and Heroic breeze does better job....

STS please look into buffing this pet AA with debuff or buff the user, increase the HB ...

10-30-2018, 11:31 PM
If that 20% movement speed was stacking it would be very desirable . The pet does look amazing tho

10-31-2018, 01:10 AM
Basically this pet is a Vanity pet.

Sure, better damage and crit output, but no surprise there, he's a Heroic version, of course those attributes would be buffed just like every Heroic.

The passive really what disappoints us, STS keeps emphasizing with his passive to be "one of the best in game". But when it comes to his Heroic version, they disregard that statement, and didn't bother to buff existing debuffs, or to add another unique debuffer.

AA could've been better or to be changed completely, HB aswell could've been better or to be changed completely, just like what they've been doing with some Heroics. Nothing unique with this pet either, HMishi had its aura regen buffed, same as Hbreezaga. This pet had nothing.

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10-31-2018, 02:46 AM
Nothing unique with this pet either, HMishi had its aura regen buffed, same as Hbreezaga.
Does Mishi/HMishi and Breezaga/HBreezaga regeneration increase when these pets raise level? If regen increase with level, then most likely the math formula for regeneration amount is linked to the pet's damage. So then, nothing is buffed with these pet's heroic version; "the more regen" would just be a consequence that the heroic versions have more damage. In fact, h.grimm is the only heroic pet i personally know, that has "Anything" changed from the normal version ( - excluding the damage, and the consequences of damage increase. Some pet's AA depend on the pet's damage, other don't. For instance, neckro's aa shield absorb more damage when the (base) pet's damage increases, if i remember correctly - a dev wrote the formula in the forum.)

P.S.: btw, all the reasoning up are true only if (H)Mishi and (H)Breezaga regeneration increase with level, but i suppose it does (which is the usual with pets). But IF my reasoning is true - then it's exactly the opposite to "nothing unique with this pet" - then hgrimm would be the "Only" pet that has something changed.

10-31-2018, 03:15 AM
Does Mishi/HMishi and Breezaga/HBreezaga regeneration increase when these pets raise level? If regen increase with level, then most likely the math formula for regeneration amount is linked to the pet's damage. So then, nothing is buffed with these pet's heroic version; "the more regen" would just be a consequence that the heroic versions have more damage. In fact, h.grimm is the only heroic pet i personally know, that has "Anything" changed from the normal version ( - excluding the damage, and the consequences of damage increase. Some pet's AA depend on the pet's damage, other don't. For instance, neckro's aa shield absorb more damage when the (base) pet's damage increases, if i remember correctly - a dev wrote the formula in the forum.)

P.S.: btw, all the reasoning up are true only if (H)Mishi and (H)Breezaga regeneration increase with level, but i suppose it does (which is the usual with pets). But IF my reasoning is true - then it's exactly the opposite to "nothing unique with this pet" - then hgrimm would be the "Only" pet that has something changed.You didn't understand my context, I was pertaining that Hbreezaga/Hmishi has a higher mp regen then normal ones.

Normal Mishi does 200-250 in pve, Hmishi goes 330-390 which is alot better.

If their damage varies directly to their regen strength, then it is still better. Well, Heroic Grimm has what compared to the normal one?(excluding dmg/crit) Just aura, HB and AA that is replacable and not needed.

I just can't see the speciality of this version, same Passive is really a downer. Its green visual is the reason why its bought. Otherwise people could've saved millions and go with the normal one with the same passive.

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10-31-2018, 04:08 AM
You didn't understand my context, I was pertaining that Hbreezaga/Hmishi has a higher mp regen then normal ones.
Normal Mishi does 200-250 in pve, Hmishi goes 330-390 which is alot better.
I understand, and i was asking a question: "Does Hmishi do 330-390 regen, when Hmishi is level 1 pet?"
IF Hmishi do a lot less regen when is level 1 pet (which i suspect) - then the regen is just linked (most likely) to the damage/level of the pet, but "the link" ("the formula") is the same formula in both the normal and the heroic version. The damage of the pet increases - so the regen increases (but the formula stays the same).

In Every heroic version i knew till now - the base pet damage increases, the HB increases, the Passive stays the same, and the AA stays the same. The "Mechanics" of passive and aa, stayed the same, till now. how they were computed/worked.
heroic grimm is the first one i see, where the AA Also increases (, along with the hb). This was something new, for me at least. I personally expected both the passive And the aa to stay the same, like all the other heroic versions.

10-31-2018, 04:30 AM
the Passive stays the same, and the AA stays the same.
heroic cottonkill AA adds some dmg (based on pet's lvl) while shield active, legendary ck doesnt add dmg by AA
heroic fenris has better passive at 50lvl+ than legendary fenris
someone also told before that h.jack AA gives more speed than usual jack AA

10-31-2018, 05:47 AM
heroic cottonkill AA adds some dmg (based on pet's lvl) while shield active, legendary ck doesnt add dmg by AA
You are right about cottonkill's AA - i just tested it. heroic's cottonkill AA Does add damage to you; and the normal's cottonkill AA does not.
But this thing is not written in the cotonkill's AA descriptions (normal and heroic) - so i didn't knew the difference. The descriptions are the same in both versoins.
(btw, i probably can find a post of mine from years ago, where i ask for better descriptions (of pets).)

about fenris - i can't test now. but for jack i also agree - it Is in fact written in the descriptions (they are different, the normal and the heroic description); i didn't saw it, till now.

so yea, i agree - h.grimm is not unique - there are other pets, that have better AA in the heroic version.

10-31-2018, 07:02 AM
Heroic Ewen, Vlad, Gloom (Dissapointing)

When i first saw these pets i was like:

- Cool looks
- Weak happyness bonus ( cheap heroic pets
have way better hb )
- no upgrade in arcane ability

So i assumed that the upgrade from legendary pets to heroic pets had to be in their passive. Now i just found out that the passive is the same as the normal legendary pets. ( Usually sts place a lvl 71 example of the pets so you can see the differences ) but sadly this was not the case. Im sure i had not bought it for this insane price. So in the end you pay around 1m gold for a legendary pets with a yellow circle. I hope devs can look into this, and give this pets a buff they deserves. Also noticed that hero pets are already on max passive when lvl 40.. it just doesnt feel right. Sorry for my copypaste.

So in the end you pay around 90$ for a mythic grimm with a green circle.
its tradeable egg, so u could wait to buy it by gold or ask people about passive at high lvls; if couldnt wait to show off and get that grimm 1st - u recieved what u wanted.

10-31-2018, 12:07 PM
Ty for all replies guys! I hope the devs will look into this and give this expensive pet a slight buff. Atm i slotted hero little bear as happyness bonus and venim as AA xD

10-31-2018, 03:50 PM
Only the green-ish effect looks cool

10-31-2018, 05:26 PM
I always thought that heroic rarity idea come from devs "laziness" to create new pet.Basically you have 2 same pet that buff a little and aura under them.Honestly never like them.Hopefully at least they buff this pet because people spend money on it.Just a thought no hate.

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10-31-2018, 06:15 PM
I always thought that heroic rarity idea come from devs "laziness" to create new pet.Basically you have 2 same pet that buff a little and aura under them.Honestly never like them.Hopefully at least they buff this pet because people spend money on it.Just a thought no hate.

Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

be careful of the words you be ban in forum :)