View Full Version : Guild Requests

11-23-2011, 01:45 PM
Hey all, this is simple. Don't know if it's been suggested, probably has.

Instead of finding someone to invite them to the guild, there should be some kind of guild request, much like friends requests.

This would make it simple.

And if it overloads with spam requests, there would be a search function to find the person you wanted to accept to the guild.

11-23-2011, 01:47 PM
This is a awesome idea! I would must love this added to the game soon

Edit: oh your right battlelock.There is already one

11-23-2011, 01:52 PM
I think on the guild screen there is an option to click INVITE and you type in their name.

11-23-2011, 02:17 PM
but that person has to be online at the time

11-23-2011, 03:22 PM
I think migo means that if you see an officer of a guild you can request to be taken in too, just like a friend request. (correct me if I'm getting this wrong).

The Problem I see with this Idea tho is, that guilds like eclipse, COT, Unity,... would propably be constantly bombarded by join-requests. I'm a proud member of Revelation, a well known PvP guild, I'm Not officer, but EVERY time I'm in town I have some ppl asking me if they can join my guild...

A good guild won't pick any random player to be part of the guild. They should at least know a bit about them and their social competence. So I don't think the current system is problematic in any way.

11-23-2011, 03:46 PM
I think migo means that if you see an officer of a guild you can request to be taken in too, just like a friend request. (correct me if I'm getting this wrong).

The Problem I see with this Idea tho is, that guilds like eclipse, COT, Unity,... would propably be constantly bombarded by join-requests. I'm a proud member of Revelation, a well known PvP guild, I'm Not officer, but EVERY time I'm in town I have some ppl asking me if they can join my guild...

A good guild won't pick any random player to be part of the guild. They should at least know a bit about them and their social competence. So I don't think the current system is problematic in any way.

Actually, those are all good points.

I just wanted a way to get into or to accept someone into a guild when they are not on currently.

11-23-2011, 03:54 PM
I just wanted a way to get into or to accept someone into a guild when they are not on currently.

A pinch of patience ;)

...maybe they could add a system the other way around, that an officer can request players (even if they aren't on) and they could see their guildrequests somewhere? :)

11-23-2011, 04:25 PM
Must have!!!!!