View Full Version : Even Bosses Get Lonely, Too Contest Winners!!

11-24-2011, 10:06 AM
Yikes! You guys really, really didn't make it easy on the judges! You gave them 36 high-quality entries to try and make a decision from and I know it was hard to choose only 3. But, besides being all stunningly good-looking, they are wise, perspicacious, and all incredibly stubborn enough to stick with it and come up with the top three. Those top three are:

In 3rd Place, winning 20,000 credits:


In 2nd Place, winning 30,000 credits:

Sassinya from Dead Shot Mafia

And in 1st Place, winning 50,000 credits plus a lvl 30 Custom Chromaweave Op set and a place in Caras' heart for *finally* getting him a date (even though Dos probably hid in the back seat of the car) is......(drumroll, please)......

Kahlua from Sparkling Pwnies!!!!

Congrats to everyone who entered! And biggest thanks to the three judges -- Bod, Ebalere and Javier995 -- for taking on a tough job! Winners--I'll add all of you on Rauen and I'll make an effort to be in the game the next few days (kicks work into the corner) so you can get your prizes as quickly as possible. Thanks again to everyone!

11-24-2011, 10:08 AM
Grats to the winners!

11-24-2011, 10:12 AM
Wow were they the winners :O

Seriously awesome contest Canon, you never fail to amaze us! ;)

And finally grats to all three winners Kaka, Sas, and Kally, and also a massive thank you for everyone that participated. You did not make it easy on us!

11-24-2011, 10:15 AM
Grats and remember, dont spend it all in one place!!!

11-24-2011, 10:37 AM
Can you post the winners stories? =)

11-24-2011, 10:42 AM
Can you post the winners stories? =)

Well, certainly! Sec....**threatens Bod with a turkey for being a smart-alec**...kk, done now. Here they are:

Name: Kakatoa91

Boss: Mad Doc Mc Creary

Age: 44 Earth years old appearance.

Occupation: I am just a humble doctor doing some researches in Dynastar laboratory.
I have worked on special enhancers that boost all human capacities. Hard to balance at first as you can see on the Juicers that roam my labs.
In the end, I found the right formulas. The only thing I could not get rid off is the drug related addiction.
The products license were sold some years ago.
I heard this STS Earth company is making big bucks now.
But my main project was to find way to eternal life.
I succeed finally thanks to the alien samples gathered by Dynastar.
Not only my serum stop the aging process but it help you regenerate and come back from death. As you can imagine, it is a popular and expensive serum sold to rich bosses in this universe.
As proof, kill me...
I'll come back again and again.

Hobbies: Well I am taking acting lessons. At the moment, I am thinking more and more that I have what it takes to breakthrough in tv or cinema's production.
I know I am able to do more than just playing dead.
I have some contacts at Sloucho thanks to my serum little traffic.
They say I got the look and sex-appeal of Jorge Clowney, the Dr. Ross of the serie ER.
But they also said, my spirit and depravity is closer to Huge Lowry from Dr. House.
Slouchos production are thinking now of creating a serie just for me call Dr. HousER.
Apparently, this is what cause an upset at Sloucho and force to postpone the project.
Damn machines...

Dream Date:

Thanks to my job since my universal actor carreer didnt start yet, I am meeting lots of young women in my laboratory, a bit like a 30 seconds speed dating.
The only problem, they all kill me each time after the presentations.
Luckily, I am immortal.
Still hurts my feelings as you can imagine.
But I am smart, I am gathering each time the dna samples of the cutest ones.
At the moment, I am cloning each one of them without their violent temper of course.
As soon as I have cloned a harem full of thousand beauties, I will bring them on Earth and invite them at my mother's house.
She will be finally happy to see I have succeeded in my personnal life and will cook us the best dinner ever.
Probably the best first dream date.
Ah I miss my mom's food...
I hate those dehydrated space rations... cant make a decent romantic dinner with those.

Name: Sassinya
Guild: Dead Shot Mafia

Boss: Red Beard McGrieg
Age: I was 35 on the last birthday that I can remember! What a party that was!! It's been almost a century and I still can't stand the smell of SpaceRum!

Occupation: Pirate, duh, Winning!!!
Hobbies: Training dogs!! Perhaps you've heard of my champion? Taking things that don't belong to me and stowing them away like I'm trying to protect myself from ever suffering a loss again! Cross stitching, fishing, playing MMORPG's (right now I'm so into this one called Pocket Legends that I sometimes forget to feed the dogs, sorry they're so grumpy), and reading (I love a good whodunit!)
Seeking: A companion who loves dogs, long walks in storage bays, starlit raids and can cook!
Ideal Date: A nice quiet dinner followed by an action packed movie afterwards we'll go raid a defenseless cargo vessel full of chew toys. I'll hold you close while you run your fingers through my red beard and whisper sweetly the fastest ways to gut an Engineer!
If you like Pina Colada's and gettting caught in the rain, if you're not into health food and hate the taste of champagne, select me and we'll rule the Red Sun System together!!

Name: Kahlua
Guild: Sparkling Pwnies

Boss: Caras

Age: 21 ((YA MAYBE 10 YEARS AGO YOU WERE) Be quiet, Dos! Ok fine I'm thir....27.

Occupation: I'm a Nuclear Scientist with a knack for controlling explosions! ((YA MIGHT WANT TO WORK ON THAT IN THE BATHROOM NOW!) WOULD YOU GET OUT OF HERE. Sorry, so yes I work with reactors and maintaining their stability. Wouldn't want a meltdown now, would we!! (MIGHT WANT LEAVE OUT WHAT YOU DID AT CHERNOBYL THEN!) Enough out of you!!! It's a hard job with long tedious hours, but someone's got to pay the bills.

Hobbies: Life isn't all fun and games working for an evil cult set on world domination (YOU'RE ONLY THE JANITOR!!)....ANYWAYS as I was saying, I enjoy literature, fine dining, and catering to a woman's needs. I like weight lifting; staying in shape is priority number 1 for this muscle man. I also volunteer down at the local soup kitchen. Nothing makes me feel warm inside like helping others. (NO IT'S PROBABLY FROM ALL THAT SOUP YOU EAT). That noise? Oh that was nothing. Just my brother, Dos. His name isn't even Dos...it's Kevin. He thought Dos was more edgy ((BETTER THAN YOU'RE NAME, BART! OH I MEAN, CARAS, MY MISTAKE!!! Just ignore him and he'll go away. SO, my other hobbies include space fishing (you'll have to see it to believe it), crashing my father's spaceships, spending my father's money (would love to spend that money on you, ladies), and (THIS IS BORING WHEN'S MY TURN?)....and BEING AWAY FROM MY BROTHER.

Dream Date: Picture this; romantic candlelit dinner, just myself and a woman, with beautiful violin and piano music played by the best orchestra money can buy. We'll share stories of our past, present, and future, and our eyes will meet with an explosion of silent passion. Dinner will be followed with a stroll down a boardwalk, overlooking the nebulas and alien planets of our solar system, listening to the artificial wave simulator, enjoying each other's company (SAP-CITY HOLY COW ARE YOU SERIOUS WITH THIS?? BEER AND WINGS! BEER. AND. WINGS! YOU SOUND LIKE YOU JUST READ 'HOW TO BE A TOTAL DATE DWEEB') YOU SOUND LIKE AN IMMATURE BOY WHO NEVER WENT TO COLLEGE! (...your mom goes to college) MY MOM IS YOUR MOM. WE'RE BROTHERS. TWIN. BROTHERS. Ok yeah...so that's my profile...if you're interested, please contact me at SpaceStudCaras@starmail.com (SPACESTUD!?!? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! MOM! MOM!!! BART'S EMAIL IS SPACESTUD LOLOLOL).......*sigh*

11-24-2011, 11:02 AM
Grats guys

11-24-2011, 11:28 AM
Congratulations to the winners! Those were some pretty clever entries :)

11-24-2011, 11:28 AM
Grats to everyone and to my guildie Kahlua....WOOHOO!

11-24-2011, 11:41 AM
Congrats everyone :) Mine was probably impossible to read, lol

11-24-2011, 11:55 AM

My first time winning something in this forum for more than a year! :D

Gratz to kahlua. That one really made me laugh. Nicely written.

Thx to Canon for this great forum event!

11-24-2011, 11:55 AM
Thank you!! It was much fun!! And Gratz to my fellow winners!!

11-24-2011, 11:57 AM
Grats! It was a hard job to do, thanks for the laughs. ;)

11-24-2011, 12:07 PM
Hehe not having a clue who the players that won were was fun, great idea to number them and take out names and guild.. finally got there in the end. Gratz again peeps :D

11-24-2011, 12:28 PM
gz to the winners, and thx to the hosts, this was a good one :)

11-24-2011, 12:32 PM
Wow...so awesome entries...my didnt stand a chance at all.....wow!
congrats all! :D

11-24-2011, 12:36 PM
!!!! wow that's amazing, thank you <3!

I wonder if Caras would date me...^_^

11-24-2011, 12:38 PM
!!!! wow that's amazing, thank you <3!

I wonder if Caras would date me...^_^

He probably would. :D

11-24-2011, 01:09 PM
He probably would. :D

Just remember to check the backseat (and the trunk!) for Dos.... :D

11-24-2011, 01:13 PM
WOW JUST WOW! I WANT TO KNOW WHY MINE DIDN'T WIN!!!!!! mq235m23q;4l23;4l,23141-rkqwefsda[pvma0w4tm4=5j23915j

Ohh yeah I didn't submit an entry. Carry On.

11-24-2011, 01:21 PM
**looks at Mackerel of Greater Thwackage +5. looks meaningfully at Rodvik. considers.**

11-24-2011, 01:23 PM
mmmm I love Mackerel. Its fish that doesn't taste like any other fish... mmmmmm

11-24-2011, 01:24 PM
He probably would. :D

Just remember to check the backseat (and the trunk!) for Dos.... :D

Dang Dos is everywhere! Lol

WOW JUST WOW! I WANT TO KNOW WHY MINE DIDN'T WIN!!!!!! mq235m23q;4l23;4l,23141-rkqwefsda[pvma0w4tm4=5j23915j

Ohh yeah I didn't submit an entry. Carry On.


11-25-2011, 07:51 PM
Gratz to the winners.

12-27-2011, 10:06 PM
Congratulations to the winners! Lol at Kahlua's entry ;D

01-13-2012, 01:26 AM
SPARKLING PWNIES!?Twenty grand was enough for a CrossBow recipe!