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View Full Version : Deep Marsh - Dissapointing

11-20-2018, 01:49 PM
Hey Sts

SO how are some people who work a lot and dont have time to be on at 5am or 3am supposed to get the APS? Iv missed Marsh a few times now due to the bad timing, it certainly doesnt suit some timezones.
Something needs to be done about it. its barely on once a week and many people miss it most of the time..

Whats the point ? At least have it open for 24 hours or something.

11-20-2018, 01:51 PM
+1 have it open for 24hrs

Joe Webb
11-20-2018, 01:55 PM
its like a normal elite zone, only with the added annoyance of not being open when you need it, it's not like there is anything of value to be had there besides the APS

+1 cut the crap and have it always open

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11-20-2018, 01:55 PM
open it for 24/7... it is usual elite location, without OP loots, why need to close it

11-20-2018, 02:07 PM
Yeah opens at 3-4 am mostly

11-20-2018, 02:33 PM
It is a place that people would farm a lot, given the bonus of the gold loot, aps and chance for set piece drops. Otherwise its back to mausoleum most of the time. I mean this is supposed to be the "Biggest Expansion Ever!" But i find myself running older content most of the time. Deep Marsh is a fun map to run, just so hard to get a chance to run it :)

11-20-2018, 02:48 PM
Nearly always opens at weird time for me. 24 hours at least would be fair to all time zones

11-20-2018, 05:29 PM
+1 please keep this map open 24hrs or all the time please

11-20-2018, 05:40 PM
+1 for 24 hours. I saw it was open when I woke up before work and knew I would miss it again :/

11-21-2018, 09:15 AM
+1 - 24 hours would be nice. Missed it the 4th time in a row.

11-21-2018, 09:52 AM
+1 it should be implemented

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11-21-2018, 11:21 AM
Also make loots worth running it for other 99% non-aps concerned players. Thx.

11-21-2018, 12:40 PM
please keep this thread going we need this implemented.

11-21-2018, 12:56 PM
I think, that it should be permament. Time to finish DM is similiar to M6 time, + rewards were mentioned above (APS, PvE kills, gold, gear). It also would make mireguard set useful, finally.

11-22-2018, 05:04 AM
It always starts in the night for my time zone, please do something.

11-27-2018, 02:25 PM
Who else missed it again? 😒

11-27-2018, 02:30 PM
yes I did. again for the umpteenth time!

11-27-2018, 02:45 PM
Missed it for third time in a row xD
But honestly I think I will have time around Xmas to complete my aps there ;)

11-27-2018, 03:27 PM
+1 24h :) i rarely get chance to run this map

11-27-2018, 04:06 PM
Let us finish the map after the CD ends for deep marsh? It really sucks to reach the boss only to get kicked out of the map.

11-27-2018, 07:43 PM
Such a valid point made here - it is hardly ever open during a time when I can play. It was 1mm from completion last night as I was going to bed, and by the time I was home from work today already reset >.< That's pretty much standard...

It would be great if once unlocked it remained open for 24h. Or reduce its opening requirement bar so it can be opened a little more often.

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11-27-2018, 08:50 PM
I would have to agree with op... The deep needs to be open more than what 8 hours if... I don't even know the time but it's not good for more than 70% of the players I know u want to make it hard but this is dumb...

11-27-2018, 09:18 PM
Let us finish the map after the CD ends for deep marsh? It really sucks to reach the boss only to get kicked out of the map.

+1 They should let you finish the map you are in instead of kicking you out, i got kicked out right before boss today lolol. or at least they can give you a system reminder that there is only x amount of time left for deep marsh to be open

11-27-2018, 11:09 PM
1 week for the portal to open for only 12 hours is discouraging

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11-27-2018, 11:37 PM
Adding for 24 hours would be the best solution! or shorten the time to open.

11-28-2018, 12:53 AM
Let us finish the map after the CD ends for deep marsh? It really sucks to reach the boss only to get kicked out of the map.

I wanted to say this but you were faster. Or give us warning like at cryo and northal before it ends.

11-28-2018, 09:09 AM
Let us finish the map after the CD ends for deep marsh? It really sucks to reach the boss only to get kicked out of the map.

Yes to this as long as to keep it fair, no one can join someone on the map after it closes or we'd have peeps keeping their alts or someone to hold on to a map so that they can keep running for aps and what not way after its closed.
I might be wrong but I think getting booted out was done specifically becase of this when we figured out how to enter DM via the questline when it was closed.
And yea +1 to keeping it open for 24 hours and like agnes said, give us a system message already.. pfft

01-03-2019, 09:40 AM
Here's a meme to bump the issue: