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12-13-2018, 10:16 AM
Is hardcore mode a bit too dependant on plat? Since you are restricted to only what you loot, shouldn't there be compensation for the lack of trading with increased chances of higher-end loot? Besides, hardcore mode is about high risk, high reward right?

12-13-2018, 10:36 AM
Plat dependant? Not really. You can level up your toon to around 50 and start grinding some beetles in Southern Gates. You can get some nice high level rare/epic items there. I spent 17 Plats on a weapon chest and armor chest from the Store, the weapon is better than what I had, but the armors are about the same. By the way, I could run Southern Gates without those store items too, it's not a big difference.

I would say you just gotta be patient and not rush into dangerous maps with low level gear. Don't forget that mobs scale to your character's level and not your items, so it's good to keep that in mind too.

I was also able to kill some minions in Graveyard with a rare level 40 Sword, and level 35 Epic armor. I didn't really loot anything, but if I try hard enough I could maybe get a nice Lightbearer sword there, and all that can happen without plats. :P

P.S.: I agree though, a permanent class loot elixir would've helped a bit, because it's very annoying when you loot some great items, but they're not for your class.

12-13-2018, 10:45 AM
Suggested devs to make it so that there are questlines that give items as reward instead of gold and XP only, hopefully they will listen.
If you're not willing to use plat for those weapon/armor chest tho then you'll only be bound to certain maps for a couple weeks till you reach a higher lvl.

12-13-2018, 10:56 AM
HC is not plat dependant, just like AL isn't. patience is key. we're all so used to not dieing and being so op you can solo any map. this is a true challenge a true sense of skill.

if you want a boost then spend plat, just make sure your cool with that knowing (if you die you lose everything)

as we've seen if you rush in HC you die. just keep cool and farm you can lvl to 50 in no time.

12-13-2018, 01:54 PM
If u need any help or advice on hardcore maps etc like ones you can run easily without dying or ones with good loot etc

I'm the one ask as I've tryed and run all maps even underhul and gy successfully

I've done some elite maps too including tindrin so if you need help/advice let me know.

12-13-2018, 10:56 PM
There are those who bought magma and those bug sets for plat. Other than that I've been playing for free and the risk is real! Pretty fun, just playing it safe

12-14-2018, 02:11 AM
If you want things NOW NOW NOW (Are we there yet?) NOW, then you use plat.

If you don't mind playing the game and taking some time, then no, you do not have to use plat.